Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Global Auction House

Yeahh.. pretty dumb idea to add a global auction house, for starters it would mess up every servers economy, it would also allow those who sell clan drops to basically sell them to all servers, along with that it would benefit scammers a lot more as once they scam on one world they can transfer the gold to another server and continue to scam people. Along with less populated worlds being useless due to ppl transfering to the populated and better servers.

Would be a terrible idea
Let's run through how it would happen. Mr. X scams someone. He then finds a way to get the gold to another server. He then makes a new toon scam again on the new server. Which then begs the question, what did he gain by going to a new server since he couldve just made a new toon on the same server and no one would know. This is especially obvious in the case of a global server.
Mainly saying that itll be less effort for scammers to make easy money, because as we know a lot ot the players on this game arent exactly the brightest, but currently players would just make accounts on every world like you said, if their scams go well then theyd have to transfer out of the server which isnt exactly always easy and can easily make the scammer get scammed, where as if theres a global ah in place they simply put up a crappy item for 5m then buy it out with the other acc and continue then just sell the gold on apps like band or line. Thats 1 of the many issues with a global auction house such as worlds dying due to transfers to more populated servers, economy crashes, secret clan drop sellers being able to sell stuff on the auction house without anyone knowing which world the drops are from due to there being so many players combined, while currently things can be researched on dkp boards
Rogue - Mecki Level 226
Rogue - Creativity Level 210
Warrior - Private Level 215
Ranger - Level 180+
Worlds - Mabon, Epona and rhiannon

Re: Global Auction House

Yeahh.. pretty dumb idea to add a global auction house, for starters it would mess up every servers economy, it would also allow those who sell clan drops to basically sell them to all servers, along with that it would benefit scammers a lot more as once they scam on one world they can transfer the gold to another server and continue to scam people. Along with less populated worlds being useless due to ppl transfering to the populated and better servers.

Would be a terrible idea
Let's run through how it would happen. Mr. X scams someone. He then finds a way to get the gold to another server. He then makes a new toon scam again on the new server. Which then begs the question, what did he gain by going to a new server since he couldve just made a new toon on the same server and no one would know. This is especially obvious in the case of a global server.
Mainly saying that itll be less effort for scammers to make easy money, because as we know a lot ot the players on this game arent exactly the brightest, but currently players would just make accounts on every world like you said, if their scams go well then theyd have to transfer out of the server which isnt exactly always easy and can easily make the scammer get scammed, where as if theres a global ah in place they simply put up a crappy item for 5m then buy it out with the other acc and continue then just sell the gold on apps like band or line. Thats 1 of the many issues with a global auction house such as worlds dying due to transfers to more populated servers, economy crashes, secret clan drop sellers being able to sell stuff on the auction house without anyone knowing which world the drops are from due to there being so many players combined, while currently things can be researched on dkp boards
First off, I am totally okay with you being against the idea. I just want to elaborate on what you are saying.

Selling a crappy item for 5m

Honestly, this is just adding money to another server. With the 50% tariff that would not cost 5m, but 7.5m! That is why a tariff would be in place. So it would cost you 2.5m every time you transfered 5m over to another server. That just does't seem worth it to me. So a tariff would discourage people from doing this. In addition, selling gold for real life money is AGAINST TOS. If you are caught doing that, you could be banned.

worlds dying due to transfers to more populated servers

Not going to lie. People are going to find more things from other servers than their own. However, the tariffs are going to help keep people from buying things from other servers just because they are cheaper. This would be a problem if it was just a one way street, but it is a two-way street. Yes more money is going to go to popular servers, but there is also more people on that server, so it makes sense. In some ways it does discourage people to do Gelebron because another server can do it easier. However, more people are going to want that item as well so the demand and supply are both going up. Not just the supply. Honestly, this seems like more of a claim than a reason not to do a global ah. I am on a less populated server and I would believe this would help my server. I would actually believe the opposite of what you are saying is true. The lower populated servers are dying because they cannot interact with the more populated servers. I have repeatedly thought, "is it even worth it to stay on this server if it takes forever to see the item I want in the auction house? Maybe I should just start new on another server" I am not the only one thinking that too. I xferred someone to fingal for that very same reason. My server isn't doing well. I have actually prompted people about this because my server isn't doing well and many people agree that the server's economy is poor. So this is not only false, but the opposite of it is true. I also believe the option to sell only to your server can help with this as someone mentioned above.

economy crashes

Just a claim. Once again no evidence. How would the economy crash? This isn't a reason not to do a global ah. Just an opinion. The economy doing well is based on how many people touch a unit of currency (in this case a gold coin) in a given amount of time. A gold coin dies when someone sells something to a trader rather than a player. More people have access to your items if it is sold in a global ah rather than a local ah. Meaning the chances that the gold coin will be moved to a person rather than a trader increases. Of course, if the tariff is 50% it would be hard to sell a lux item to other servers. However if it was at 25% it could be done (Side note: That would still make the cost to transfer 5m pretty high at 1.25m) . So, I think this would help improve gold flow and ultimately help the Celtic Heroes economy as a whole rather than crash it. Once again, the opposite would be true.

secret clan drop sellers being able to sell stuff on the auction house without anyone knowing which world the drops are from due to there being so many players combined

This is an issue. Certainly worth talking about. However, you once again are just being skeptical and pessimistic to the idea. Nonetheless, still a good point. Although, I believe these are things that VR/OTM will have to think of solutions for. Not me. Still, there are solutions. For example, a button that allows you to only see items your clan is selling. That will solve this issue entirely. The seller names will of course be provided (as they already are).

Other issues

Of course, there will be probably other issues. I am sure you find them. I am sure VR/OTM will find them too. Although I don't think one problem should shut the whole idea down. Ultimately, this would help my server, and others as well. I hear people talk about how bad the economy is in my server and this seems to be a good way for VR/OTM to go. I hope they eventually implement it.
Signature updated as of December 10th, 2022

177 Druid Sulis
123 Ranger fingal
102 Rogue Sulis

Re: Global Auction House

I would like to say that the auction house would be better if all servers were involved in just one global auction house.

I know one of the cool things about CH is that each server is treated as its own world. However, with some of the items in the chests being set to extremely rare rates, it's hard to find the item you are looking for. In addition, the legacy bosses spawn rarely and if you don't get the item you wanted, or if another clan took it you would have to wait days. Also, with some servers, good luck selling any luxs items as most people don't need, want, or have enough money to buy the lux item even 15% off. I know the AH has helped the economy already, but it is still pretty poor.

Celtic Heroes is still a small world with a small economy. Even countries sell to other countries. In fact, the economy would be poor in the US and other places if trading with other countries didn't happen. I would like to view server to server trading as country to country. If you are against this idea because you are the best seller in your server. VR can make tariffs for items that trade across servers.

The economy is the thing that bothers me the most in CH and yet it is one of the things I feel like Celtic Heroes should be doing well in.

What do you think about having a global auction house?
the situation as i see it is ah has not helped but hindered the economy and this is something ive seen across all servers since its release
The man.. The myth...The Legend!
From the legendary server
The Best clan in Tavern

I am a plat buyer, if you need something mail me in game

Valar Morghulis

Re: Global Auction House

This could work but rather than the small tax that AH has there should be a much higher tax for items sourced from a different server, like 100% extra that the AH takes rather than the player.

I would like to see AH tax used in a cool way too, like maybe a weekly lottery with a 1-2k buy in so everyone can participate, might help noobs if they get lucky.
UltimateIronman - Level 50 Morrigan

Youtube Series here

Re: Global Auction House

the situation as i see it is ah has not helped but hindered the economy and this is something ive seen across all servers since its release
How so? I personally disagree, but I would like to hear more. I know some people have said that the ah hurt the economy. Including the youtuber Dr. Exe. I think it has reduced scamming and allowed people to make transactions while away from the castle. Both of which, I believe have helped tremendously. Although, I have heard of stories of prices on items going to extremes after the ah was released. So I do think it might have done some harm. Overall, I would say it has been helpful though.
This could work but rather than the small tax that AH has there should be a much higher tax for items sourced from a different server, like 100% extra that the AH takes rather than the player.

I would like to see AH tax used in a cool way too, like maybe a weekly lottery with a 1-2k buy in so everyone can participate, might help noobs if they get lucky.
Woah, great idea! I like that!!! When an item is sold to another server that money goes to fund a lottery. Interesting.... I think maybe that should come after the global ah is released though because that seems like too much of a change.
Signature updated as of December 10th, 2022

177 Druid Sulis
123 Ranger fingal
102 Rogue Sulis

Re: Global Auction House

Yeahh.. pretty dumb idea to add a global auction house, for starters it would mess up every servers economy, it would also allow those who sell clan drops to basically sell them to all servers, along with that it would benefit scammers a lot more as once they scam on one world they can transfer the gold to another server and continue to scam people. Along with less populated worlds being useless due to ppl transfering to the populated and better servers.

Would be a terrible idea
Let's run through how it would happen. Mr. X scams someone. He then finds a way to get the gold to another server. He then makes a new toon scam again on the new server. Which then begs the question, what did he gain by going to a new server since he couldve just made a new toon on the same server and no one would know. This is especially obvious in the case of a global server.
Mainly saying that itll be less effort for scammers to make easy money, because as we know a lot ot the players on this game arent exactly the brightest, but currently players would just make accounts on every world like you said, if their scams go well then theyd have to transfer out of the server which isnt exactly always easy and can easily make the scammer get scammed, where as if theres a global ah in place they simply put up a crappy item for 5m then buy it out with the other acc and continue then just sell the gold on apps like band or line. Thats 1 of the many issues with a global auction house such as worlds dying due to transfers to more populated servers, economy crashes, secret clan drop sellers being able to sell stuff on the auction house without anyone knowing which world the drops are from due to there being so many players combined, while currently things can be researched on dkp boards
The increased likelihood to be scammed is not a good enough reason to shoot the idea down. In fact, in most cases it's the fault of the guy getting scammed for being fooled. That reminds of the guy who suggested removing dicing simply because people were getting scammed and completely disregarding the other uses of dicing.

As for people transfering from less active servers, theres no proof to suggest that. If anything, the global ah would help sustain smaller populations that are primarily plagued by lack of items such as consumables and those plagued by lack of buyers. If anything, global ah would help transfer some of the advantages that growing servers have (more buyers and sellers) to servers that dont see as many new players. That's not to say the servers will do better, but there's as much chance of that as there is chance of the servers dieing out.

Re: Global Auction House

Huge -1 to this for reasons I’ve described in different posts.

In short: Based on how the game is ran and the intentional low drop rates of certain items, an implementation of this would devastate certain servers while others would greatly benefit.

Re: Global Auction House

Huge -1 to this for reasons I’ve described in different posts.

In short: Based on how the game is ran and the intentional low drop rates of certain items, an implementation of this would devastate certain servers while others would greatly benefit.
It would increase the weak servers and decrease the strong servers into an equilibrium.

Devastate is a devil word to create extreme worry for the population of servers that may see a marginal temporary decrease in their economy. All the while increasing the overall health of the game. If those other servers can hang on with such horrible economies, I imagine the strong ones will be just fine.
Clan Relentless
Praetorian V - 220 Warrior
PocketHeals - 220 Druid
Lucerin - 221 Ranger
The Bazaar - Trader

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