Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Welcome to Unit/Colours, Colours/Unit

A warm welcome to anyone reading this. I'd like to tell you more about Unit/Colours, Colours/Unit. As we have never made an official topic regarding recruitment I think now is a great time to make one.

First of all, let me introduce myself quickly. I am Nightmaaarree, one of the leaders within Unit. Arawn, has been my home dating back to 2011 and ever since, fell in love with it. I have been in countless of clans throughout my adventure and created many positive relationships with dozens of players.
Arawn is really a unique server, difficult to start in and expensive but trust me if you choose your friends wisely, within no time Arawn will feel like your home.

In the past Colours and Unit have been two separate clans but upon realising that we have similar aims and believes we started our collaboration in December 2016. 30th December 2016, we were all set to go on an adventure together not knowing what the future would hold for us but I can tell you, it has been great!

Throughout our time working together we've killed lots of Hrungnirs and even started taking down Mordris. Dragonlord (DL) sets were finished faster and faster and after sometime, we were ready to take down the Exalted dragonlord bosses (EDL), finishing sets one after another. Recently we have even finished a Rogue EDL offhand and are very close to completing plenty more sets and weapons! We are a thriving clan and loyal to one another.

We have an excellent End Game drop distribution 'EP/GP' and ensures that anyone who puts some time and effort into our clan will be rewarded accordingly. All our drops are secure and legacy drops usually get distributed right away. Why shouldn’t it be? We can use them right away! We have a bank full of spare End Game items as well as event items so there will always be something for you. If you would like some more information about our distribution please contact me.

So what can we do for you?
Unit/Colours will provide you with an unforgettable experience! Starting from level 1 to level 235. With the knowledge and passion, we have for this game, I can ensure you that it won't take long before you fall in love with it. We are able to down any armour boss (from Warden to EDL (Unox 6*)) and divine bosses such as Hrungnir and Mordris.
You can expect us to listen to you as a clan but also as friends. We are all equal and collectively make decisions as a clan.

I would like to join Unit/Colours but am afraid of taking the step?
Don't worry! Before you join us, give us all the questions you have and if you'd like we can have you test our clan to ensure that this is the right decision for you! In this case, private message me or mail me. It will be kept between us and us only. You wouldn't be the first one to show interest!

Let's face the evil bosses together!
Are you up for the challenge?

Message us today,
- Unit & Colours

- I ask any moderator or admin to remove any non-relating posts towards this topic -
Unit & Colours

Re: Welcome to Unit/Colours, Colours/Unit

Of all the people on Arawn, Night is one of the sweetest, kindest people I know. She is always happy to help out and will always stand by her friends. Even though we are often at opposing sides of a lock battle, i count her as a friend, and there are some amazing people in Colours/Unit. I had my doubts when Nighty sought to rebuild her clan, as there was bad blood between certain people there and the rest of Arawn, but Night and others in Colours/Unit have really managed to turn things around.
Liv Arronheln 215
Chieftain of DragonSouls
”One day, you will be old enough to start reading fairytales again.”

Re: Welcome to Unit/Colours, Colours/Unit

Of all the people on Arawn, Night is one of the sweetest, kindest people I know. She is always happy to help out and will always stand by her friends. Even though we are often at opposing sides of a lock battle, i count her as a friend, and there are some amazing people in Colours/Unit. I had my doubts when Nighty sought to rebuild her clan, as there was bad blood between certain people there and the rest of Arawn, but Night and others in Colours/Unit have really managed to turn things around.
What a sweet thing to say. I can attest to the validly of all comments on this thread. Nighty has logged countless hrs for me and others. As a new player in the CH realm, I have been very lucky to have come across Unit and Colours. Wonderful experience and very selfless people. The willingness of everyone I have met in both clans to help has been overwhelming.

Might I be so bold as to add, Liv that you, yourself are a very nice person.

Kind regards,
Dual spec
Increase buff timers and change to group buffs
/anon /afk commands
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Re: Welcome to Unit/Colours, Colours/Unit


Actively looking for people of all lvls, shapes and sizes. If you are unsure look for us in game and group us...(please send a tell before the group invite) …I think you will be pleasantly surprised at how much you will enjoy yourself. If you are worried about being harassed make an alt and shoot me a private message. This is a game and if you are unhappy or unfulfilled in your current guild no one can change that but you.

All the best on your journey~
Dual spec
Increase buff timers and change to group buffs
/anon /afk commands
Revamp the skill system
Group leader / group commands
Add more premium items

Re: Welcome to Unit/Colours, Colours/Unit

This is a recruitment thread and in order to keep it up and relevant...I need to add what? Can you link me to a list of requirements so that I can make sure I meet the criteria to bump this post?

Dual spec
Increase buff timers and change to group buffs
/anon /afk commands
Revamp the skill system
Group leader / group commands
Add more premium items

Re: Welcome to Unit/Colours, Colours/Unit

Still looking for some more players that would like to join our family. We have a good mix of seriousness in downing Bosses as well as having fun together. We are only growing and are hoping to face some new Bosses in the future that you can be part of. Our Gear system is Fair and Fast if you put some effort in it. We also have enough content for our High Levels, come and speak to us! Mail me or talk to any Colours Member! Why not give us a try?
Let's fight Bosses together! Looking forward to hear from you
Unit & Colours

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