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Re: Legacy Mount Vendor?

+1. You can't please everyone. What makes one player happy makes another unhappy. Instead of thinking about legacy items in the mindset of a little spoiled brat, just try to think about it from a business perspective.
Just stop, think about what you just wrote.

We are spoiled? That's a good one. One of 2 things happened that caused us to obtain said items.

1. We obtained the item during the EVENT, and held onto the item for up to 5 years because we felt it was special enough to keep.

2. We bought the item from a player, because we felt it was rare, special, or cool enough to justify the price.

In both cases, the return of said items are unfair to these people, as they had worked for them. Events are for a limited time only, as it clearly states, at least 9 times out of 10 in game.

The ones asking for said items back are spoiled(and lazy). You know we worked hard for these items that we knew were rare or worth obtaining, and you wanna flip the value and rareness making us lose a ton of gold for honest work because you want a fast way to get something YOU missed out on.

Business perspective? I'm a business major so I'll throw my spin on this.

Obviously, a key part in a business is customer relations. As you aren't getting paid and will go out of business without them. Customers are your key to success, and you should treat them all as nice as possible. However there are some times where conflict arises, and you have 2 groups of customers wanting different things. Instinct tells you to go with the group that will pay better, and you see how this ties in into this situation. But it's wrong.


It's foolish just to opt to one side. You want to get the balance that makes the most customers happy.

If legacy was never mentioned by otm then it wouldn't have made a difference, no one woulda cared it didn't happen, blah blah blah. But now they got themselves into a hole so they had to roll with it. I noted what happened after bosses. Notice how there was a ton of hype before it was released, but afterward people didn't really care much? Well when you have rare items that are ONLY worth having because they are rare, and then make them common, they become trash. There's no point to kill anything except the high level bosses really. So we dropped all the values of all boss items for what? Just a few more shots at obsolete gear? It wasn't worth it.

As for the current situation about mounts. There is no compromise here. This would probably anger old players the most, as there has been different mounts every event since the beginning. There is NO excuse this time that it wasn't ''limited'', I repeat none. Even if you look at it statwise, there was only like 3 mounts ever that were worth using, and only for casters, and even then you had to weigh it out with focus equipment and if it was worth it.

So what solutions would I have to this? Quite simple actually...

First and foremost, make events great again. More unique items, jewelry is nice but we should get some armor and weapons now and then from events, maybe an updated earthstone type armor(good idea for Yule for an ice type.

Next. Mounts. We need more unique ideas here too. Maybe a mount with a stun skill instead of freeze? Or maybe a mount with 2 give skills instead of a proc and 1, or maybe a 20% proc mount or maybe a 10+10% double proc mount. Maybe a mount that gives focus? I'm just naming a few ideas, but anything different would do. And we can continue with shop mounts, but they should be more then just a copy of the chest mount but recolored with varing speeds. Maybe give us an animal at top tier shop mounts? Or something that isn't a staff for low tier?

So many ideas but nothing is ever changed.

TL;DR - The only reason you want legacy is because events aren't good anymore. Push to make events better instead of angering older players by asking for their stuff.
World - Lugh
Furyion - 192 Ice Mage
Stonelord - 100 PvP Warrior
Lavalord - 60 PvP Warrior
Keepin' it old school.
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Re: Legacy Mount Vendor?

Lmao. Lighten up people its just a VIDEO GAME. People are acting like someone just stole their puppy. I keep hearing about "how hard people worked" to get something, again this is a VIDEO GAME. Its not like you climbed mount everest or fought off terrorists. You sat on your backside and pressed a few buttons. We all get it now, people think they have a special toy and if anyone else ever gets one its going to completely devastate their frafile self image. Do people need a hug, sing koombaya, or wanna talk about their feelings because OTM is trying to make the game better? Im done with this thread, it's making me nauseous.
Last edited by Iron Born on Wed Nov 02, 2016 9:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Black Company of Taranis

Mercenaries don't care about sides or politics, they care about getting paid.

Re: Legacy Mount Vendor?

Collectors work hard for their items??? Lol, most of them are plat buyers and didn't actually work for their gold to buy their items. Wanna know what true work is? Make a new toon and try to get to a high lvl without using plat or assistance from your main (no lux or items from your main). Even better, farm for 2 weeks straight just to get a lux ring for 600k, then start all over from scratch and start saving again for other items like lixs (it's what I had to do).
Level 210+ Warrior, Lugh

-You know a world transfer is legit when it is posted on the forums-

Re: Legacy Mount Vendor?

Lmao. Lighten up people its just a VIDEO GAME. People are acting like someone just stole their puppy.
Well ill never agree with fury about people working hard because we're sitting on our couch pressing buttons. He's a business major so he has some hard classes and certainly wouldn't compare the amount of work to pass a class to logging into a video game. But there are a number of people that had to work in real life to buy plat to sell items to afford the out of date lux and mounts.

It does become insulting that did have to work in real life to buy these things because they were limited time items to just bring them back and players get them for cheaper. The current lux shop is ok because most players end up spending quite a lot to obtain a decent item so it evens out.
Zyz 220 Druid
Noah Fences 220 Rogue

Re: Legacy Mount Vendor?

Collectors work hard for their items??? Lol, most of them are plat buyers and didn't actually work for their gold to buy their items. Wanna know what true work is? Make a new toon and try to get to a high lvl without using plat or assistance from your main (no lux or items from your main). Even better, farm for 2 weeks straight just to get a lux ring for 600k, then start all over from scratch and start saving again for other items like lixs (it's what I had to do).
I'm gonna assume this is sarcasm. There's no way you can call sitting on your ass pressing buttons on a video game work while saying plat buyers who get up and go to a job or a career to buy plat not work. I guess you think you work harder playing a video game than that person that put in an extra 20 hours at a fast food restaurant or made it through college to have a career to where they can afford plat.

To buy my plat I worked as a personal trainer from 5am-8am then drove to school to teach until 4 and then coached until 6 and then went to ref 3-4 days a week for 3-5 hours each time. What did you say you did again to get your lux? Sat and played a video game? Oh ok
Zyz 220 Druid
Noah Fences 220 Rogue

Re: Legacy Mount Vendor?

Collectors work hard for their items??? Lol, most of them are plat buyers and didn't actually work for their gold to buy their items. Wanna know what true work is? Make a new toon and try to get to a high lvl without using plat or assistance from your main (no lux or items from your main). Even better, farm for 2 weeks straight just to get a lux ring for 600k, then start all over from scratch and start saving again for other items like lixs (it's what I had to do).
I'm gonna assume this is sarcasm. There's no way you can call sitting on your ass pressing buttons on a video game work while saying plat buyers who get up and go to a job or a career to buy plat not work. I guess you think you work harder playing a video game than that person that put in an extra 20 hours at a fast food restaurant or made it through college to have a career to where they can afford plat.

To buy my plat I worked as a personal trainer from 5am-8am then drove to school to teach until 4 and then coached until 6 and then went to ref 3-4 days a week for 3-5 hours each time. What did you say you did again to get your lux? Sat and played a video game? Oh ok
Excuse me sir, but we are talking about a video game here, not rl. I was clearly talking about work INSIDE the game, not rl. If you want to discuss about rl work then why don't we set up a meeting so we can chat, Caribou sound good?
Level 210+ Warrior, Lugh

-You know a world transfer is legit when it is posted on the forums-

Re: Legacy Mount Vendor?

Collectors work hard for their items??? Lol, most of them are plat buyers and didn't actually work for their gold to buy their items. Wanna know what true work is? Make a new toon and try to get to a high lvl without using plat or assistance from your main (no lux or items from your main).
Never bought plat, my main before fury I only had 10k from and no lux(never bought plat there either), and I rose to be the richest on lugh, and an endgame player(not anymore though). I've been through it before.
Even better, farm for 2 weeks straight just to get a lux ring for 600k, then start all over from scratch and start saving again for other items like lixs (it's what I had to do).
As a merchant, I haven't farmed in years. But picture your scenario with saving for a mount. That's what the people go through, then all their hard work could be destroyed in an instant. At least with lux it's usually useful gear, that can be resold for a decent price. Most old mounts are just bad and would fall in price and be worth near nothing. I always fought for fairness, and I always will.
World - Lugh
Furyion - 192 Ice Mage
Stonelord - 100 PvP Warrior
Lavalord - 60 PvP Warrior
Keepin' it old school.
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