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Update effects on rangers.

Hi guys I'm just wondering if there are any rangers beta testing the new update and if it was possible to tell us a few changes that has been made to improve rangers?

For example,
1) are there new skills?
2) weapons? If yes, what kind of weapons?
3) new armors? Or new effects or animation..

I guess you get my meaning just would be glad if it could be listed down here for all of us to see. Thanks a bunch!
World Belenus
Ranger 55

'Hunger is man's best sauce'

Re: Update effects on rangers.

While I am not a beta-tester :evil:
I can tell you that attack animations have been re-done. Admin's mentioned that spears will be introduced, along with throwing weapons, but were unclear as to who would receive what.
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Re: Update effects on rangers.

Ok it's has been confirmed that we are getting... Wait for it...


So what's next? I am so glad for all of us rangers out there and the possibilities that could happen!

Any other updates that you guys are aware of? Do share!
World Belenus
Ranger 55

'Hunger is man's best sauce'

Re: Update effects on rangers.

I managed to get on last night with my ranger and I noticed a couple of differences in the update.

1. Sturdy Shot cooldown seems to take a little longer
2. Effect of Barbed Shot seems to not last quite as long

Has anyone else who has played noticed this as well?
Arawn: HotHealer, Belgaron, Ulath, ShadowWalker, Sparhawk
Level: 50 Druid, 54 Mage, 61 Ranger, 50 Rogue, 42 Warrior
Clan: Juppongatana

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