Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

What's your Best and Worst experiences on Celtic Heroes?

My best was finally get my Heroic ammy after a month of hard raiding of the Catacombs. (At level 50)
My worst was getting a Red Rem of Star and selling it for 50g when I was a noob *Facepalm* :roll:

What's yours? :?:
DarkMarch (lvl 116)
Warrior (Tank/DPS)
Clan: Advocate

Served 85 proud levels in TheOlympians clan.
Served 2 levels in Forbidden
Served 0 levels in Immortals

"Live long and Prosper" - BAZINGA

Re: What's your Best and Worst experiences on Celtic Heroes?

I had many great times, but my best would probably be the time I joined RaptureEve, originaly when the catacombs were the old Other World. I was their first member from their recruitment clan.

My worst moment was when I had to spend an hour on Rock Belly with my other clan, back when he first arived. Whats so bad you ask? Our tank used a ton of plat only to have Rock Belly reset near the end.
SirBlaze333 - 220+ Warrior
(Returning Player)

Re: What's your Best and Worst experiences on Celtic Heroes?

Worst experience: When I let my son play on my account and in a few minutes he proceeded to trade away my best gear and bought crap for 20k.

Best experience: The game has been a great distraction which has been a blessing. There are a lot of things on my mind lately and it is nice to push them all aside and just enjoy the game.
Papi - Arawn - Beta 4
GuildChief- / MageGuild (Chief)
Glanmoric-Mage 120
Duergath-Rogue 100 TheFamily Chief
Whuric-Druid 91
Volar-Warrior 91
Doriz-Ranger 70
"Growing old is for people who have forgotten how to play."

Re: What's your Best and Worst experiences on Celtic Heroes?

Best: When we got out of the catombs days, also when I first tanked falgren in update 2 that was awesome. Would have to be the best moment, lol. Oh and another best moment is When I joined Clan Avalon of Morrigan.

Worst: When I have to use a resurection idol for queen midwinter.............
Proud Clansman of Avalon
“Knowledge talks, wisdom listens.”
“Don’t let your victories go to your head, or your failures go to your heart.”

If you need any advice, tips or have any questions don't hesitate to PM me

Re: What's your Best and Worst experiences on Celtic Heroes?

Worst Experience: Witnessing many people that I respected on my server turn to "glitch" the red bosses for a few months in the Late Winter/Early Spring. Completely ruining the game experience and making the game be more about glitching than teamwork. I couldn't stand it, and I quit server until it was patched and just put my time in beta.

Best Experience: Discovering the game in mid-December. I was refer'd from a member of the Massively Portable Podcast community. Frank on Arawn. He suggested we try it out, and after devoting tons of time in Order & Chaos like 7 months, of community and even PvP Tournament running on my server, I was just saturated with a game that as polished as it was didn't care about the individuals who played the game, nor ever communicated with their player base.

CH is a much smaller game, a much narrower focus, but it meets the requirements I most wanted: Fun PvE Experience, Fun Ccommunity to be found admidst some morons, and a responsive developing company interested in player-feedback. Maybe it's lame, but now I've played CH longer than OnC, and really never regretted the decision. Just coming here was my favorite experience.
Teaweasel 121 Druid (Morrigan, Clan: Avalon, On Hiatus)
Teaweasel 133 Druid (Arawn, Retired)
Best Build is a 30/30 in Thinking for yerself ;)

Re: What's your Best and Worst experiences on Celtic Heroes?

After gettin over the confusion hump as a noob, finding out that this was everything I have been missing from everquest for 13 years.

Also becoming the chieftan of a clan and overnight going into the server top 10 list.

Worst experience was a topic of mine getting locked.
Nerfed Mage ~140
Why play a class where skills cost more than other classes for same damage?
Why play a class with no auto attack?
Why play a class with 1/3 the armor?
Why play a caster?

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