Ahhh yeah, you're right, hellsteeds are the first premium pet/mount to be temporary - I wasn't really thinking of that at the moment.I searched around a bit, but didn't find much, but yeah, I doubt they'll have a definitive (or even difinitive) answer as of yet.Nope. Am quite sure it will be a different seasonal mount every time. Think I read that somewhere here
Probably true on the reasoning. Unfortunate catch 22 where if they don't provide info people complain and if they do provide info it turns into a contract that is irrevocable lol.It's hard for VR to be sure what will happen in a year's time. They kinda have to be vague, otherwise people will be bringing it up again next year if what actually happens is at all different (for any reason).
In regards to the hellsteed mounts themselves - my personal guess is that they won't come back again next year - the dragons didn't come back a year after they were released (though that doesn't mean they will never come back).
...and did dragons ever leave? As far as I'm aware, all premium pets (for pet slot, not the novelty ones: dragon, phoenix, seedling) that have ever been available in live gameplay have been possible drops in every set of chests since their introduction. Or am I missing something or getting confused? (very likely lol).
Disregard my last comment then