Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

New Players Quitting

ATTENTION: Before I completed this post, I realized that it may seem like I may be shaming OTM, however, I am definitely not shaming them, merely I am writing this to show the number of players quitting before level 6 so that we, the players, and otm may come up with ideas to put an end to so many players quitting before level 6. I want to improve this game as much as otm does, so please read and come up with some ideas to make the game more engaging for new players!

So I was looking at the online rankings for the server Rhiannon.
I went to the player level tab, then to the very end of the rankings and noticed that there were tons of players quitting at level 2!
I counted 50+ pages of players at level 2, this means 500+ players are quitting at only the very first time they level up! I then continued to count for the amount of pages of players quitting at level 3, this was 38 pages so about 380+ players quitting at level 3.
Next was level 4, there were 25 pages of level 4 players, so 250+ players.
And finally level five, which had 30 pages of level 5, which means 300+ players, more than level 4.

So this results in 1430+ players quitting before they even reach level 6, and this is only on Rhiannon Server! Not to mention probably thousands more on Rhiannon who quit after level 6...

Okay, so I realize that not every one of these players may have quit, some may be banks for clans or personal usage, and some may still be playing, but that is probably not even a third of that number, because I see about 15 people max in Lir's Reach.

So the question is, how do we prevent players from quitting? What is it that they are not enjoying through the first few levels, I mean it's not like they realize it's a pay to win game at level 2. Is the first quest too boring, maybe add cooler mobs, cooler npc at the start ( the past guy looked way cooler ), or maybe some more things for the player to do, like pick some things up to heal the npc.

I just find it sad to see so many people quitting at the very start of the game, and I wonder how many have quit before level 6 in total, sure Celtic Heroes has been downloaded 1mil + times, but it hasn't truly been played 1 mil + times.
It is within you to succeed
My character Souleste was named after myself -

- my middle name is Celeste, so Souleste seems fitting...
Ice all on me

Re: New Players Quitting

Maybe the game just wasnt their cup of tea. Maybe they just downloaded it and wanted to see what it was like and decided nope. I know the very first time I started playing this game I think I got to lvl 30ish, and decided to delete and walked away. I didnt think the graphics and gameplay were what I was looking for. And my biggest turn off was having to pay for Health and energy potions while my toon could get in a few swings and be empty again. So I deleted and quit. My wife convinced me to play again and here I am thousands of Bucks later =P. Actually I dont really play much anymore. Spent most of my game time camping and needed a break from that. Anyways, Its a decent game. Im sure its nothing other than people looking for something new.

Re: New Players Quitting

Having a lot of low lvl players doesn't mean a lot of people "quit". It only means a people start characters which they don't lvl up.

Many people make a war then try a druid then maybe a rogue... Maybe once they find a class which aligns to their playstyle they don't go and delete others.

Maybe the low levels you see are vendor mules.

Maybe the people don't like that server community and go off to play on another server.

Having a high number of low level characters on a server doesn't at all mean a lot of people quit. It's dead easy to get to 50, 60, 70 and starts to get a little more difficult from there. That would more likely be where the quitting players leave. When the realization comes that in order to really progress you probably need to spend some cash, be a scammer or advance very slowly sets in...

Re: New Players Quitting

Having a lot of low lvl players doesn't mean a lot of people "quit". It only means a people start characters which they don't lvl up.

Many people make a war then try a druid then maybe a rogue... Maybe once they find a class which aligns to their playstyle they don't go and delete others.

Maybe the low levels you see are vendor mules.

Maybe the people don't like that server community and go off to play on another server.

Having a high number of low level characters on a server doesn't at all mean a lot of people quit. It's dead easy to get to 50, 60, 70 and starts to get a little more difficult from there. That would more likely be where the quitting players leave. When the realization comes that in order to really progress you probably need to spend some cash, be a scammer or advance very slowly sets in...
I know, I stated that in my post
It is within you to succeed
My character Souleste was named after myself -

- my middle name is Celeste, so Souleste seems fitting...
Ice all on me

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