Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

A Topic About CH

What ever happend to ch anyway now theres too many people buying plat just to be the better ones I've noticed a lot of people that join like a last week are already lvl 70! :roll: This week its like WTF I just wanted to let Gwydion know this.
Zerro: 106
Gravator: 62

Re: A Topic About CH

I love being villainized for spending money on the game...why are Plat buyers the bad guys again, aside from we can?

OTM created Elixers and Potions that are powerful enough to allow for anyone willing to spend either gold in game(thanks to the plat buyers btw) or money in real life to go from 0-80 in a weekend. Don't blame the plat buyer, blame OTM for making the items that allow people to level so quickly. Start a topic in the suggestions section and ask them to make exlirs and combos less powerful instead of blaming plat buyers for using what is easily attainable in game.
Homeworld: Gwydion
Clan: Relentless

Re: A Topic About CH

Zage thats inaccurate, Im sure the reason lorg made this is because he doesnt buy platinum...? If he did then he wouldnt be hating on plat buyers in the first place(unless he was a spoiled rich kid who thought that he only deserved it :lol: )

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