Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

PvP Tournaments

Hello people!

Seeing how popular PvP is on our server currently I was considering holding a tournament with a nice sum of gold for the ultimate victor but before any o this can be seriously considered yet I have a couple questions i'd like to survey first.

The first obstacle would be what levels i should cap the first tourney too. I personally like the idea of level 1-60.
This allows players to quickly develop a PvP ready character in a short period of time should they wish to start a fresh one. It also allows the use of certain items such as the mallach's jewellery and cheaper more accessible luxury items too. What I'm looking for here is for people to point out whether they feel at this level one class will be more dominant than the rest, whether certain important items ae being missed out by level capping on just something I'm missing.

The next thing i need to know is how many rounds each player feels should be played to gain some decent entertainment factor and a fair result. I'm thinking a best of 5 personally but let me know what you think and why. I want to avoid having 1 round duels where someone could be eliminated from the tournament just because they had a random miss.

Third query is banned items. Should there be any bans? Or do you feel it should be fair game.

My final thought is about running costs of the tournaments. For the first go I'm prepared to give a 50k prize to the first place winner. Depending on how fun this is I'm hoping that either a mixture of contributions or maybe a small entry fee and winner takes all could be the final model of the PvP tournament.

Hopefull by spreading the news in game we'l be able to spark some interest and get enough people to make this a thing. Let me know if you're interested either in game at "PvP Guy" or here with some answers and maybe in the coming weeks you could be 50k up.

-- Yes I am level 1 mage in game, no i'm not new to the server.--

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