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Jupp big clear out

Just to let you guys know I'm clearing inactive players and unused alts
I've set cut off at level 30 as this can be achieved in 1 day so if your not using alt return it's kit to bank
If you r then ask for invite back
If your an alien just ask and youl be back in
I've decided to do this because I'm tired of supplying inactive level 12s with all top armour when these resources could be better used by more active players so you guys better get leveling I'm going to prob do another cut off in a week or two at a higher level in the new update we want as many active players in top armour as possible not a huge number of inactive alts sitting on top armour
Doing Magic stuff since June 2011

Re: Jupp big clear out

Just to let you guys know I'm clearing inactive players and unused alts
I've set cut off at level 30 as this can be achieved in 1 day so if your not using alt return it's kit to bank
If you r then ask for invite back
If your an alien just ask and youl be back in
I've decided to do this because I'm tired of supplying inactive level 12s with all top armour when these resources could be better used by more active players so you guys better get leveling I'm going to prob do another cut off in a week or two at a higher level in the new update we want as many active players in top armour as possible not a huge number of inactive alts sitting on top armour
Thanks Drzzt Big thumbs up.....couldn't agree more.
Crom: Raven3 Arawn: Raven, Nightingale Sulis: Raven4, Rhianon: Raven5

Re: Jupp big clear out

I agree with Xell. 40 for all classes except Druids. Keep them at 30. Now with the update we can see who will be more acitve and leveling into the 50, 60 & 70 range. Anyone still in their 40s after 2 weeks I would not consider active, unless new and should get cleared out.
Arawn: HotHealer, Belgaron, Ulath, ShadowWalker, Sparhawk
Level: 50 Druid, 54 Mage, 61 Ranger, 50 Rogue, 42 Warrior
Clan: Juppongatana

Re: Jupp big clear out

I was going to give it a week as update should bring back players and I can see from that who is active and my ranger will be a guide to level cap if I can do 30 levels in a day then in a week 40 should be fairly achievable I will give consideration for Druids I have one my self I know how difficult they r to level
Plus as I like to say in my part of the world it will sort the wheat from the chaff
We r top clan for a reason we r very active and we r choosey about who we recruit
Doing Magic stuff since June 2011

Re: Jupp big clear out

Cool good idea. I think my Togarth in Arawn is high enough not to get the boot. I wish that I could figure a way to do this in Sulis. We'll have to see.
Togarth Lvl 150 Mage World Sulis General of Clan Retribution 3rd Place in Marshall's Crystal Armor Event (ChuckNorris)

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