Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

The Forum Formerly Known As...

It feels as if a lot of the effort to make a connection with players through the most official means of communication (ie. this forum) has gone out of the window. A clean sweep may be needed, and by large a community ambassador is needed more than anything.

I was curious so i jotted down the last active dates for the site admins and moderators. Some appear to be quite active, yet there's a forum post days old discussing rape, necro-posting consistently rising to the top of the general discussion forum, and the dreaded topics like this of "where is the game headed, why have you abandoned us?"
  • Admin: Main Account
    January 5th, 2021
    CommunityBot: Why is this still here?
    Feb 5th, 2016
    Schwing: Site Admin
    March 15th, 2021
    ThePor: Site Admin
    November 5th, 2020
    Difinitus: Community Manager
    April 28th, 2021
    SkenKee: Moderator
    October 4th, 2019
    Voldemort: Moderator
    January 16th, 2021
    Bitey: Moderator
    April 6th, 2021
    Pigman: Moderator
    April 11th, 2020
    Robert: Moderator
    April 29th, 2021
    Armo: Moderator
    February 12th, 2021
    Liviticus: Moderator
    January 2nd, 2019
    Dark Kitty: Moderator
    April 29th, 2021
Take a note out of social networking from the past few years. OVER COMMUNICATION IS VALUABLE. New players coming to the forums and seeing posts of despair and update posts from 6+ months ago being tagged at the top is not a good look for any brand. STAY CURRENT. ENGAGE. Clean up the forums, and bring it back to life. You have hundreds of players loading the website, eager for news. Try to give them something. Try better.

Re: The Forum Formerly Known As...

They know and they don't care as he said.

That's the worst part about it. If they didn't knew and did it out of ignorance it would be different. But they are wilfully knowingly leaving us in the dark.

We shouldn't be expected to play a game with no support when it is as unpolished as it is.

Re: The Forum Formerly Known As...

We are still excited about the future of Celtic Heroes, the game will continue to have a dedicated team and we plan for it to continue on for many years to come.

Whilst within the studio the Celtic Heroes team will also gain the benefits of Virtual Realms growth, greater resources that come with economies of scale and access to new technology and features that are being developed.
That turned out to be 100% true, didn't it?

Re: The Forum Formerly Known As...

It doesnt matter if the Devs dont care at all, because im just here to play and enjoy the game. I dont care if they update the game or not, i like the game for what it is. As long as Celtic Heroes is playable, i still play the game.

Netflix and Celtic Heroes forever.

Buying raper ring 1m.
Lazy Boy
Just Play and Enjoy
September 2020

I like roll system but i hate Epona because of bots.

Dont update Celtic Heroes until the community will change, from worst (scammers, stubborn, Dom clans, bots, etc.) to friendly community.

Re: The Forum Formerly Known As...

We are still excited about the future of Celtic Heroes, the game will continue to have a dedicated team and we plan for it to continue on for many years to come.

Whilst within the studio the Celtic Heroes team will also gain the benefits of Virtual Realms growth, greater resources that come with economies of scale and access to new technology and features that are being developed.
That turned out to be 100% true, didn't it?
Shh, don't disturb their focus on releasing the update 1.0.5 for WH next week

Re: The Forum Formerly Known As...

We are still excited about the future of Celtic Heroes, the game will continue to have a dedicated team and we plan for it to continue on for many years to come.

Whilst within the studio the Celtic Heroes team will also gain the benefits of Virtual Realms growth, greater resources that come with economies of scale and access to new technology and features that are being developed.
That turned out to be 100% true, didn't it?
You may not know this, but it was openly assumed by Difinitus that the current focus is Warhammer, and now we see that it is at the expense of CH, apparently they don't have enough staff to develop both games, and now CH is put in the fridge

Re: The Forum Formerly Known As...

We are still excited about the future of Celtic Heroes, the game will continue to have a dedicated team and we plan for it to continue on for many years to come.

Whilst within the studio the Celtic Heroes team will also gain the benefits of Virtual Realms growth, greater resources that come with economies of scale and access to new technology and features that are being developed.
That turned out to be 100% true, didn't it?
Shh, don't disturb their focus on releasing the update 1.0.5 for WH next week
it's not good by anyways
to focus on game in right of another one
specialy when this one be old famous Game like CH
and it got like +2M players or lets say downloads

in other case WH is just still a piece of sh**

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