Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Developer Update 05/02/2015 - Wizard!

What’s this? A mid-week update? Who ever heard of such a thing?

As some of you have noticed, we have released an iOS update taking us up to 2.0.7. This addressed, among other things, some rather annoying disconnection issues that were discovered soon after we launched the iOS Destiny engine. We actually submitted this build to Apple prior to the Holidays but due to their schedules we didn’t hear anything back until the New Year. Unfortunately they found an issue with the build which we had to fix and then resubmit.

Meanwhile we continued to work on other issues but they didn’t make it into the resubmission build as the fixes for these involved quite an in-depth rewrite of some core code.

In the upcoming build to release Gelebron’s Tower you should see some more fixes that have been raised in the forums recently such as the disconnection when getting an iOS system notification e.g. battery low and finally squishing the XP bar bug.

Speaking of Gelebron’s Tower we’re just putting the finishing touches to the Beta build and we hope to have that for you soon. Although the Tower was looking and playing fantastically well we have added more content and more drops for you that should keep you busy for even longer. There are many, many hours of challenging gameplay waiting for you once you enter its forbidding doors not to mention some fearsome foes!



They say that power corrupts the souls of men and greed and desire has made these learned men flit, like moths, towards the power of Gelebron. Feeding from the evil that seeps from his very pores until they are no longer mages but corrupt and evil wizards. Drawing on their powers to commit acts of unspeakable evil as they clamor for their master’s attention in the hopes that they will be accepted into the Arcane Sanctum and can learn the true secrets of his power.


Ancient codex tell of powers to bind mighty creatures to a summoners will. Arcane energies thought destroyed when the forces of evil were driven back in the Age of Heroes. Yet, in the tower of Gallan Marrak, those lost energies flow freely and arcane tomes were opened, as bony fingers turned crumbling pages to reveal their mystical secrets. Words, not uttered in centuries, rang through the cavernous halls and runes were cast, summoning the mighty wyverns of the North Run Mountains and binding within a crystal harness to make the Hexwyrm.


One subject that gets raised every so often is the increase in the price of Platinum. We haven’t altered anything at our end and I’m afraid it’s a decision by Apple to raise its prices in response to market fluctuation in currencies across the world and if you happen to live in a country where the price has risen then we have no control over that.

We’re going to be keeping you up to date as much as possible in the coming weeks and months so you know exactly what we’re up to here in One Thumb Towers. We are hard at work not only implementing Gelebron’s Tower but also fixing those annoying bugs that can crop up in the game. Some of these prove harder to trace down and fix than we initially planned and sometimes it results in a fairly hefty amount of work to implement these fixes. We’re also working on the upcoming spring event, our first gathering skill and some other smaller projects that we’ll announce in due course. Our complete focus is making Celtic Heroes a bigger and better game by introducing new content and fixing any issues that crop up. We do keep our eyes on the forums and support tickets and we discuss and act upon pretty much every issue that crops up. We’ve recently made some more hires and we’re working on game stability as well as more fantastic new content.

The next release should bring more improvements in performance and stability for all devices as well as resolving some other niggling issues that we’ve noticed ourselves and picked up on the forums as well as relieving some of the frustrations that you’ve been experiencing.

Until next time Heroes!
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