Celtic Heroes

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Re: It's been a while, so to my favorite person

Being in group still means you have to follow the others. While being a dead weight because, even if you still use only damage spells and lures, you run out of energy. So, not really faster.
Also, even if there wasn't that, you must find a group before. But since you can't follow the others that can go without regen, nor heal since you're not a druid, most people won't even bother to ask you. There's a reason mages are the least played class.

Mages aren't needed for groups, therefore nobody groups them. Well, unless you have some friends, i agree. But i still don't see why they would have to level in group when all other dps classes can solo. That's not about damage as much as it is about energy regen.

Re: It's been a while, so to my favorite person

Hey, once a post has lots of replies it's almost impossible to give an 'official' reply to, because there are so many different ideas/opinions etc, that if someone that posted along the way doesn't get an answer to their specific question they tend to get offended.

So I can easily comment on a post that clearly has one purposes, e.g. 'place make xyz spawn more often', but I can't comment on things like 'combat sucks' with 100 replies from various players, because there is no answer I could ever give that could answer every poster in the thread.

Hope that makes things a bit more clear as to why some things get replies and others don't.
So if I started a thread which only had one idea for energy regen and I told anyone who posted to only say yes or no, then would that be a viable topic to comment on?

And I realize that is basically the format for petitions but I have long since gotten used to only getting replies in general discussion.

Re: It's been a while, so to my favorite person

Hey, once a post has lots of replies it's almost impossible to give an 'official' reply to, because there are so many different ideas/opinions etc, that if someone that posted along the way doesn't get an answer to their specific question they tend to get offended.

So I can easily comment on a post that clearly has one purposes, e.g. 'place make xyz spawn more often', but I can't comment on things like 'combat sucks' with 100 replies from various players, because there is no answer I could ever give that could answer every poster in the thread.

Hope that makes things a bit more clear as to why some things get replies and others don't.
So if I started a thread which only had one idea for energy regen and I told anyone who posted to only say yes or no, then would that be a viable topic to comment on?

And I realize that is basically the format for petitions but I have long since gotten used to only getting replies in general discussion.
Good idea. Make a petition, otherwise we'll can't help but end up going away from topic.

Re: It's been a while, so to my favorite person

Hey, once a post has lots of replies it's almost impossible to give an 'official' reply to, because there are so many different ideas/opinions etc, that if someone that posted along the way doesn't get an answer to their specific question they tend to get offended.

So I can easily comment on a post that clearly has one purposes, e.g. 'place make xyz spawn more often', but I can't comment on things like 'combat sucks' with 100 replies from various players, because there is no answer I could ever give that could answer every poster in the thread.

Hope that makes things a bit more clear as to why some things get replies and others don't.
So if I started a thread which only had one idea for energy regen and I told anyone who posted to only say yes or no, then would that be a viable topic to comment on?

And I realize that is basically the format for petitions but I have long since gotten used to only getting replies in general discussion.
Good idea. Make a petition, otherwise we'll can't help but end up going away from topic.
I already made a petition and we actually had a solid idea and voted on a plausible solution but we have yet to receive an answer from admin. If I see another post asking for better energy regen then you will see my +1 there as well as substituting at least one fire spell for ice and increasing damage for at least one spell.

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