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Re: New to fingal


Obviously you read some of it or you wouldn't have made this comment. What exactly can I do for you? Would you like me to explain how multiple members of multiple clans have 0 respect for anyone but themselves? This thread is 12 days old. In 12 days I have been pestered by others, spammed while trying to do bounties, people trying to kill steal mobs while all I'm doing is farming. This is not strictly a fingal issue nor is it directed at just one clan. This is a lack of respect issue and some of it is against in game policy. Perhaps contact muldar or otm support if you feel being honest is some heinous crime.
Title vs the latest comment, if you want that much attention then make a new post not "I'm new to fingal and I know literally everything about it"
My latest comment is dictated by people who make opinions then don't want a response. Your comment was not asked for but if you wish to share your opinions don't complain about a response.
No comments are asked for, my comment is purely based off the fact that you've been in fingal for x amount of days and seem to think you know everything.
Oh and in terms of - the stuff I don't want in a clan, do you wanna be a clan member or a reject?
The attitude i see from you shows pretty much no commitment and in hell would I invite you to the hard worked clan that many of us helped build.

227+ Rogue
221+ Mage
200+ Warrior
220+ Mage
200 Rogue
210+ Druid

Perma banned from ch friends band for spamming no u ft. Rogue81 & W7CH


Rogue BT Kill 09/20/2019

39th Full Doch, 14th Rogue - Danu

Re: New to fingal

On another note, could anyone tell me what 'area disruption' means, and why it's frowned upon / objectionable ?

Is that one or more people in the same place competing for the same thing, or an arena brawl, or something else entirely ?

Everything is fair game isn't it ?

However I'll admit that having a higher lvl player inform me that I'd need to pay him/her gold in order to do a daily gladiator quest without being killed I DID find objectionable. But thats why gladiators are in the pvp zone anyway for that extra angle.

I'm not new to Fingal and I know next to nothing about it :)
Inactive and non playing 218 druid.

Re: New to fingal

Do explain as I can't be bothered reading 3 pages of this stuff, how does "new to fingal" turn into,"I know everything about fingal"
Obviously you read some of it or you wouldn't have made this comment. What exactly can I do for you? Would you like me to explain how multiple members of multiple clans have 0 respect for anyone but themselves? This thread is 12 days old. In 12 days I have been pestered by others, spammed while trying to do bounties, people trying to kill steal mobs while all I'm doing is farming. This is not strictly a fingal issue nor is it directed at just one clan. This is a lack of respect issue and some of it is against in game policy. Perhaps contact muldar or otm support if you feel being honest is some heinous crime.
Hi I am a member of moo, this doesn't sound like fair treatment at all would you do me the favore and send me a pm of these people's names who are harrasing you as you speak.. I would also like your name class and level. Abit odd for you to make an accusation of harassment and greifing in anonymously way I am not here to bash you or start any drama my friend I want to the find a solution to the conflict.
Its not odd to be anonymous. That way nobody can bother me in game and personally prefer to keep it that way. However one of your boys needs to stay in his lane and stop asking questions about me. I mind my business in game please show the same respect.
Brevity is the soul of wit so i will talk your ears off.

Re: New to fingal

On another note, could anyone tell me what 'area disruption' means, and why it's frowned upon / objectionable ?

Is that one or more people in the same place competing for the same thing, or an arena brawl, or something else entirely ?

Everything is fair game isn't it ?

However I'll admit that having a higher lvl player inform me that I'd need to pay him/her gold in order to do a daily gladiator quest without being killed I DID find objectionable. But thats why gladiators are in the pvp zone anyway for that extra angle.

I'm not new to Fingal and I know next to nothing about it :)
Stuff like following people around and harrassing them, spamming even after u block they go on alt and continue to bother u, ksing mobs while lixing and u ask them nicely to stop then they follow u wherever u go so u cant lix properly, lighting people on fire as to obstruct their vision while bossing. All these things are disrupting others game play and while most of that prob wont get u banned indefinitely if enough people reprt one certain person they are likely to get a temp ban.
Brevity is the soul of wit so i will talk your ears off.

Re: New to fingal

Title vs the latest comment, if you want that much attention then make a new post not "I'm new to fingal and I know literally everything about it"
My latest comment is dictated by people who make opinions then don't want a response. Your comment was not asked for but if you wish to share your opinions don't complain about a response.
No comments are asked for, my comment is purely based off the fact that you've been in fingal for x amount of days and seem to think you know everything.
Oh and in terms of - the stuff I don't want in a clan, do you wanna be a clan member or a reject?
The attitude i see from you shows pretty much no commitment and in hell would I invite you to the hard worked clan that many of us helped build.
Why do you care what i want? Its my choice to want certain things out of a clan. Im an excellent clanmate and expect treated equally. Why the heck would i want to be a reject? Basically sounds to me like i follow your rules or i will be treated like refuse. People like u who make this game bad.
Brevity is the soul of wit so i will talk your ears off.

Re: New to fingal

It's just possible that fingal isn't the server for you then.

That said, rejects can survive or even thrive, there's a decent number of free spirits out there that do just fine. Reject is a harsh word.

Why not start your own clan as a suggestion? Cows could use a little competition, or probably a laugh at the same time :)

If someone is setting you on fire while bossing I'd say you're doing something right ;)
Inactive and non playing 218 druid.

Re: New to fingal

I'm clanless and I love it, just saying. You can easily be clanless and get good gear on this server as a mage. That's exactly why i made mine after I decided to leave my old clan. However this is by choice.
kings pride
mabon - my main server
fingal - what happens in vegas, stays in vegas

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