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Breaking "TOS" General Questions

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 3:35 pm
by Hison
So let's just say Account was disabled because there was a "Evidence" stated by support. How can they back that up? Because back in 2012 Ellain helped me a bit by sending "PM log" asking for me to explain so I did and I got my account. Then in 2013 another character was disabled and I was told " There was Evidence" once again. After asking from explanation or "Evidence" from where they got that conclusion I was left unresponded and confused.

So let's just say Support is the prosecutor
And I am defending.

How can I be convicted with out evidence provided to me? How can I know that they just hate me and have Something against me.

Because would buying plat on different server for items on another server would be considered a Server Transfer. Which I haven't seen Support complain or ban people for that.
-Either way, no one got scammed
-My account was banned
-My friends character is still active
-Never got those "Evidence" from support.

Re: Breaking "TOS" General Questions

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 6:34 pm
by Aileron
OTM is the Judge, the Jury and the Executioner. They don't need "evidence" to be true to ban an account. They just need to perceive it to be true.

Re: Breaking "TOS" General Questions

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 8:44 pm
by Plus3
Most of the "evidence" I've seen with bans are people shouting across several maps about how they bought the account and laughing. Then they wonder why they can't log the next day.

Pro tip: Don't brag about buying an account through in game chat or OTM may do something.

Re: Breaking "TOS" General Questions

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 9:10 pm
by Kril
Pretty sure it has to be at least two or three things:
  • 1. Somebody admits in-game to sharing/buying a toon

    2. OTM is able to see suspicious patterns in the IP access logs. Of course most toons are legitimately accessed from multiple internet providers (different WiFis, data plan, etc), but if OTM starts seeing connections from a provider in another part of the world from where the toon usually connects, then that can become a factor in their investigation.

    3. The toon in question changes it's registered email address and password.
None of those factors is enough on it's own, but if you start stacking them, they can get a pretty good idea of what's going on.

Re: Breaking "TOS" General Questions

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 1:06 am
by BubsMcFace
I still say that evidence needs to be part of the escalation process. What if otm made an error or made too many assumptions.

Re: Breaking "TOS" General Questions

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 1:21 am
by Hison
I still say that evidence needs to be part of the escalation process. What if otm made an error or made too many assumptions.
That's what I am saying.. I gave dude 200$ worth of plat(200 chests) on one server for his items on another server. I didn't buy account or such. But Support says that I bought those items for Real Life Currency which is against "Terms of Service" being confused and asking to deliberate farther was denied and Account was not returned.
I asked for the following
-Remove those items of Account
-Delete that character
I am asking because I have my old character before I transferred with lanrik/hunter sets.. and 5 shrink and growth charms because I bought them after seeing that they were removed in Beta

Re: Breaking "TOS" General Questions

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 1:55 am
by FlameBlade
This seems to be a topic that comes up a lot.

Just stop leaving people in the dark OTM they may have broken a rule but they are still your customers as you can ban their acc and give them a punishment which is fair but have your ever heard there are two sides to a story and I can guarantee things are taken out of context, and wrongfully punsihinf people is not a good way to run a business, you guys don't really advertise so basically you have YouTube from your customers and word of mouth, players won't bad mouth if they know why they are at fault but leaving them in the dark will get you some bad press which you really can't afford.