Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Account Split

Back in April I posted the following on the old Support board. I moving it to here to hopefully get confirmation that this is still something being actively worked on as I really want to be able to play my full meteoric mage and my full meteoric druid at the same time.

Postby Kasha » Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:59 pm

I am respectfully requesting that the characters on one of my Celtic Heroes accounts be separated into individual accounts for multiple reasons...Unfortunately when I was new to the game I created three characters on the same account, all of which are now too high a level to start over...it is very important to me to have these characters on separate accounts...To help reduce my stress level, increase my enjoyment, ensure long term loyalty and encourage future investment, please help me make these changes. Thank you very much for your time and consideration.
Judging by other past posts I and many others would greatly benefit from this. Can you please confirm that this is being actively worked on and if so, what a rough eta might be?
Kasha 222 Mage - Full EDL
Sylk 215 Rogue
Saffrron 220 Druid
Wasabii 191 Ranger
Paprikash 140 Warrior
DL Crown drop rate is a horrible joke STILL!

Re: Account Split

I cant find it but there was another post requesting the same thing. Devs responded they plan on doing that in the future but not capable right now.
Papi - Arawn - Beta 4
GuildChief- / MageGuild (Chief)
Glanmoric-Mage 120
Duergath-Rogue 100 TheFamily Chief
Whuric-Druid 91
Volar-Warrior 91
Doriz-Ranger 70
"Growing old is for people who have forgotten how to play."

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