Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Forum Trolls = IP Ban?

I'm not even sure what a forum troll is, I could even be trolling some posts and I wouldn't even know it. So it's basically people that come to forums to bash on other people and not really talk about issues raised??
Oh and I joined the forums to get help, forums r the best places to get help cuz there's always someone with the same question or someone going through the same thing and there's always someone that has an answer :) getting involved with discussions came later when I started to use forums more.

Edit; Ffs quoted my own post instead of editing it

Re: Forum Trolls = IP Ban?

On-topic, it's not as easy as "trolls = ban". If someone constantly derails topics or trolls on the forums, then they'll normally get a PM with a note written by their name, then if it continues, they'll get warnings. 3 warnings and it's normally a username ban. If the user defies the ban, then yes, it might be a more drastic IP or email blanket ban. However, we have to be cautious about that so others don't get caught in the net (as Muldar said).

Normally people go through phases that they grow out of -- IP banning them is a bit extortionate ;)

If a user has a sole purpose to advertise non-CH things, circumvents a previous ban, or has an aggravating username, then it's more likely there will be a blanket ban. :)

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Re: Forum Trolls = IP Ban?

What is a username ban? I have 5 warnings in my inbox, so I should be pretty close by now :)
5 warnings lol with everything else it's usually 3 warnings and then ur out :O My other account didn't even get 1 warning and got perminatly banned, but u bring good insight into the game so I guess the rules are a lot more flexible for u.

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