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Should i buy: Unicycle Segway

So im on holidays at the moment and i stumbled across a 'unicycle segway', dont know the actual name but thats what i named it at least. Itll cost about $430 aussie dollars and im extremely tempted to buy it. So tempting that i can almost feel all the haters while i ride it.
image.jpg (133.53 KiB) Viewed 1835 times
It looks amazingly badass and has a top speed of 16km/h, range of 30km and apparently extremely easy to learn and ride. Question is, do i buy it?

Look like a ******* badass while riding it
Feel all the haters hatin
Coolest guy in town
Fun to ride (assuming)

No practical use
Cant climb slopes (unconfirmed)

So i need inputs from everyone! What do you guys think?
181 Druid
166 Rouge

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Re: Should i buy: Unicycle Segway

get a skateboard. It has all of the pros, and none of the cons. Plus it's probably cheaper :D
I agree ^ skating is what dah kwool peeps do (me :lol: )

plus a board is probably lighter and looks better carrying it 8-)
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Re: Should i buy: Unicycle Segway

Unless your a circus clown, not sure how you concluded that this is some bad*ss s*** lol. Whats wrong with ya mate
Immortalius Lvl 215+ Warrior
Vyper Lvl 196 Ranger


Re: Should i buy: Unicycle Segway

Unless your a circus clown, not sure how you concluded that this is some bad*ss s*** lol. Whats wrong with ya mate
Ok maybe it was a bit exaggerated.

But still, it looks pretty awesome and definitely unique. Plus it looks extremely fun to ride.

Also since i am on holiday and live in Australia, i had a look at prices online for Aus and it was $1400. It i was to buy 2 i could easily sell another for at least $800 and have it cost me $0 in total.
181 Druid
166 Rouge

Veteran CH Player, playing since December 2011.
Proud owner of a white coven

Proud Member of Aeon
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