Celtic Heroes

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Re: Death Penalty

I heard a small story a little while back, (can't remember the name) anyways it was a story the these old lawyers and such were discussing the death penalty. A argument rose about which was more human, Being locked up in prison for the rest of your life, or ending it instantly. 2 lawyers made a bet for a large amount of money that the one who thought the death penalty was better would be locked away for 5 (or was it 10) years. Anyways as the story goes on this man slowly went insane that was put in the jail, he could be let out anytime he wanted but then he would lose the bet. Anyways he ended up going crazy and taking his own life. Imo it all depends on what you did wether or not the death penalty is a valid option. However if you really think about it if they don't get the death penalty they will be sentenced to life in prison being caged up like an animal. Just something to think about.
Shadowbolt3- 224 Rogue
Shadmistress- 188 Mage
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Helaman- 157 Locker Rogue
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World: Crom
Proud member of Seed

Re: Death Penalty

Id say no if the jails wernt better than my house...
people go their and get college degrees and jobs and ect..

Re: Death Penalty

I heard a small story a little while back, (can't remember the name) anyways it was a story the these old lawyers and such were discussing the death penalty. A argument rose about which was more human, Being locked up in prison for the rest of your life, or ending it instantly. 2 lawyers made a bet for a large amount of money that the one who thought the death penalty was better would be locked away for 5 (or was it 10) years. Anyways as the story goes on this man slowly went insane that was put in the jail, he could be let out anytime he wanted but then he would lose the bet. Anyways he ended up going crazy and taking his own life. Imo it all depends on what you did wether or not the death penalty is a valid option. However if you really think about it if they don't get the death penalty they will be sentenced to life in prison being caged up like an animal. Just something to think about.
It still is an uneccessary call. People change. The death penalty has been in effect for ages. If a thief was caught in the 1700s his hand was cut off. Today hes just placed in prison. If a murderer is caught in the 1700s, he was beheaded or jailed. Today hes given a lethal injection where he knowingly waits for his life to end. As i said before i was always indifferent, but i always had an opinion as it being not needed. People change and deserve that 2nd chance. Unless they murdered someone whos got political power, that starts an uproar and causes the country to rip itself apart.
Herne Rogue 140+ - INACTIVE


Re: Death Penalty

It doesnt matter now since everyone just committes suicide right after they kill someone thesedays........
Tambo7 215 rogue
EDL armour

Those who never fail are those who never try -Ilka Chase
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The difference between the possible and impossible lies in a person determination-Tommy Lasorda

Re: Death Penalty

I don't think the death penalty should even be a thing even more, what is this? the dark ages? I mean, you are doing THE SAME THING that they did, does that make you better than them? Why drop to their level, I think a life sentence would be a better fit punishment.
actually a life sentence is only 40 years. Lol don't believe me look it up. Alot of people you are probably wondering why they receive consecutive life sentences. It is to make sure they don't see the light of day.
Retired from Forums 1\1\15

PM - Invaded in game for further questions.

Re: Death Penalty

Its a good thing imo. If someone has taken someone elses life, why cant they have as a result their life taken from them? How ever, it could be used wrongly, so i am 50/50 on this situation.
then again, killing is killing, no matter who u kill lul, so if u kill someone for killing someone else... xD kinda ironic i guess
Just as a friend of a friend is my friend, a friend of my enemy is my enemy.

Re: Death Penalty

I'm not really an Off-Topic kind of guy, but I've been pondering this question ever since I was in smaller classes reading Victor Hugo's "Le Dernier Jour d'un condamné" and other influential books from that time period.

The question is as follows:

Why kill someone to show him that he is wrong in killing someone else?

The death penalty should be abolished in my opinion, as no man should have the right to dictate whether another should live or die. The justice system should be in place to punish people (prison or freedom) and that is it.

What are your thoughts?
Honestly, i dont even like u._. and i cant remember why._. but i agree: who gave us the right to decide who lives and who dies?

or, to think of it a different way: who gave us the right to kill a killer? lul
Just as a friend of a friend is my friend, a friend of my enemy is my enemy.

Re: Death Penalty

I'm still on the fence. You got the child murderers, pedophiles and sadistic killers who tell you they're enjoyed what they did. Some do get tv privilege's, write books and even notoriety through documentaries/ movies. It's like it would want them in jail but part of me says no.
PurpleRain 226+ Mage
Vanity 227+ Druid
I can't make the World Purple when it's Gray
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Re: Death Penalty

We probably all want these people to disappear, like they had never existed. But they exist and it's a fact. Even if some people think they should die, this wouldn't help. It would even be a bad thing because the criminals would hurt twice : by their crime, and by the fact that someone has to kill them, to lose his innocence.
The part of you that says the criminals should die exists in everyone, purple :/
We are all victims of our own feelings ( I don't say it is always bad ! )
An example : your mother comes in your room and tells you to stop playing on CH and to work. You sometimes want her to disappear because you are annoyed. Is it good ?
We all want criminals to disappear, because they remind us that we aren't perfect, that humans can do horrible things. We want them to die because we think we would forget what they did. But it isn't true, we will never forget and one person will have died for nothing.
how can death be a good thing ? We don't give a chance to the person to figure out what he/he did. We only want the death penalty because we don't feel Ok thinking that criminals can be in the same world as our. This isn't about fairness, and following our feelings can sometimes be the best way to be unfair.
World : Lugh
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Re: Death Penalty

I don't think the death penalty should even be a thing even more, what is this? the dark ages? I mean, you are doing THE SAME THING that they did, does that make you better than them? Why drop to their level, I think a life sentence would be a better fit punishment.
actually a life sentence is only 40 years. Lol don't believe me look it up. Alot of people you are probably wondering why they receive consecutive life sentences. It is to make sure they don't see the light of day.
Thats life with parole smart one. Life without parole means you will be in there until you die. Im all for the death penalty which is surprising since I'm catholic. Idc what you did, if its bad enough that someone decides you should die then, screw it you obviously deserve it.

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