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EnergyShield vs Vitality Mages

A few questions to ask...

Does ice magic effect energyshield?

Lets say a mob hits a 50 on a mage (without energyshield), the damage done is obviously 50. But when energyshield is maxed with a decent ice ability, does the damage to energy get reduced so that less than 50 energy is lost? (this is very inportant to know)

With these questions answered, we can all see which is a better build.

-that you get more hp per vitality than you do with energy per focus.
-even if the damage to energy is reduced, it still may not be worth using
SirBlaze333 - 220+ Warrior
(Returning Player)

Re: EnergyShield vs Vitality Mages

Umm Im not sure ive never thought to put skill points into cause its already so usefull. But after update and things are easy and people use druidsmore i can work on my mage again. Sounds like a great idea to try.
Class:(Balor) Warrior(Rosmerta)Druid

Re: EnergyShield vs Vitality Mages

I have recently changed my build to use Energy Shield. I used to be a Vitality Mage, but I basically flip flopped my focus and my vitality. Here are a few things I have noticed…..

1. It definitely appears there is some sort of damage mitigation involved with Energy Shield. I have noticed a difference in how much my energy bar is affected per hit when compared to how much my health bar was affected previously. Also, if there was no damage mitigation, then why can you level the skill? Without damage mitigation Energy Shield at 1/10 would be the same as 10/10.
2. I have a higher survival rate and it is easier to solo higher mobs. With Energy Shield I am all but invincible to regular mobs (please note I have both the heroic necklace and off hand). Part of the survivability is based on the fact that I now draw on both the energy pool and the health pool for total hit points.
3. The biggest down side is, there is no “heal” for energy. I am a slave to my rejuvs and sigils, unless I want to burn a potion.

This being said, I am curious to play around with different builds. Currently my “total” (energy + health) hit points is around 2400. I know you get more health per vitality point than you do energy per focus point, but will I be able to get my health up to 2400 and still have a decent energy pool? Also, if I can, will it be worth it? How would the higher health pool compare when the apparent damage mitigation is factored in?

You have me really curious now, but I am hesitant to change things around because, honestly, the Energy Shield build just works so well.
World: Belenus
Mage: Aengus 224 (retired)
Warrior: ???? 56

Re: EnergyShield vs Vitality Mages

How would the higher health pool compare when the apparent damage mitigation is factored in?
That's what I am still wondering...

10/10 could mean that mobs do regular damage opposed to extra damage. (In this case, vitality is still better)
1/10 means damage is done to your energy, but more than the damage that would be done to health. (Confirmed)
SirBlaze333 - 220+ Warrior
(Returning Player)

Re: EnergyShield vs Vitality Mages

I am wondering that as well. I am not sure how we will find out either, short of Admin telling us (which I don't think is a priority with all the update stuff going on). I will post a suggestion asking them to clarify the description of Energy Shield... the in game description is pretty vague. Maybe that will help.

Also, Admin posted this as one of the new Mage skills...
Sacrifice health for energy (can gift energy to others with this also)
I wonder how this will affect Energy Shield users. Convert health to energy, heal or have druid heal, rinse, repeat.
World: Belenus
Mage: Aengus 224 (retired)
Warrior: ???? 56

Re: EnergyShield vs Vitality Mages

Well if you do use energy shield then its in your best interest to use energy well and energy boost as well. And i think that a 10/10 shield makes it to where the damage taken is the same as what you would take into your health.
Class:(Balor) Warrior(Rosmerta)Druid

Re: EnergyShield vs Vitality Mages

Honestly, I don’t use Well or Boost. I tried them at first, but in my opinion there is no real advantage to using them when you consider the trouble of using them.

Well doesn’t add all that much to my energy pool. I know the buff lasts for 3 minutes, but it is a hassle to take the time to load, cast, and unload the spell every 3 minutes.

Boost is okay I guess, but it has always annoyed me that it takes longer to cool down than it lasts. I offset Boost with my rejuvs and sigils. My combined rejuvs gives me 30 or 35 (I am not in game and can’t remember right now if heroic ammy gives 20 or 25). I also have 25 energy sigils. Turn off auto attack and that gives me a 55-60 rejuv, staggered between the two timers.

My current spell line up is Lure of Ice, Ice Shards, Lure of Fire, Fire Bolt, Energy Shield, and Cloak of Fire. I suppose I could rotate other spells in, but I would rather be out looking for my next target instead of stopping every 2 to 3 minutes to load and reload spells. Not to mention, at 86, there just are not enough skill points to spread around to everything and still be effective.

As far as the shield goes, unfortunately we will never really know what the 10/10 shield does unless the Admin tells us, or updates the in-game description to include the information.

I hope one of the two happens :)

PS. One of the biggest, and most unexpected, side effects of using Energy Shield I have noticed is the fact that it seems to increase your Ice Magic skill faster than any other Ice Magic based spell in the game. I have sat and spammed Energy Well (because it refreshes fast) and have not gotten 1/10th of the ability increases I got from just using Energy Shield while I hunt.
World: Belenus
Mage: Aengus 224 (retired)
Warrior: ???? 56

Re: EnergyShield vs Vitality Mages

Turn off auto attack and that gives me a 55-60 rejuv, staggered between the two timers.
Does that work? Im pretty sure that you do not regen health and energy if you are getting attacked unless wearing gear that does so. Sigils only work out of battle. Otherwise, people that spend hundreds on potions would spend their money on sigils.

Even if the damage is reduced so that it is lower than regular hits to health at 10/10, the fact that you get more health per vitality point means that there must be a significant amount of damage reduction to be worth using effectivly and reliably.

I do use energy shield, but I only use it to endure a strong attack when I take aggro after a tank dies at a boss like Deadroot (Rouges use distract).
SirBlaze333 - 220+ Warrior
(Returning Player)

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