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Lure of Fire?

OK, probably a dumb question, but....

How long does Lure of Fire last?
Does it only boost the next firebolt or does it last for a certain period of time?
Am trying to figure out whether/how often to cast it on the same opponent during a long/mob battle.

Ta 180 Druid, Keri 191 Mage, June 102 Warrior, Rex 182 Rogue
Proud AvaloNian

Re: Lure of Fire?

When connacht mages cast lure of ice, the effect lasts for one minute. I am assuming lure of fire lasts one minute as well. It is continuous and will allow fire damage to hit higher until the effect runs out of time, not after the first fire-based attack.
SirBlaze333 - 220+ Warrior
(Returning Player)

Re: Lure of Fire?

Lure of Fire is your friend. Make sure you have Cloak of Fire up first though. It will amplify the damage that your Bolt and Cloak will do for the duration of the skill. Seems over a minute yes. But, it so rocks. Every bit helps us poor under-powered Mages.
Togarth Lvl 150 Mage World Sulis General of Clan Retribution 3rd Place in Marshall's Crystal Armor Event (ChuckNorris)

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