Celtic Heroes

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Re: Mages please post feedback

Like they have mentioned above, i want a freeze spell, idk if this has been mentioned but, i want a fire spell to inflict a continuously effect on the opponent, basically a burn, and it does damage over time.

Re: Mages please post feedback

I love my Mage build I am currently level 58 in danu. I have found that the ice shards spell as well as energy shield are completely useless and I was glad when I bought the book to re distribute my points. What stinks is that I would prefer to have an ice Mage build but the offensive skills take way too long to cast. I do however love the combat regen skill.
TONYDETH or tonyctitan, either one is me. See you in danu or mabon.

Re: Mages please post feedback

I'm playing druid atm. But I will try to ask around for you.

your reply was so useless HAHAHAHA
-Souls Ignited-

Krogg - 144 Warrior
Sheila - 141 Druid
Lucifer - 112 Ranger


Re: Mages please post feedback

The only improvement that I can think of is having wands do mid-range dammage or have wands add on extra dammage if you do a certain spell. For example, if you have a wand that does fire dammage and you cast a fire spell, the spell should have more dammage.
Nom nom nom nom nom

Re: Mages please post feedback

A few ideas for future mage spells:

Resurrection - revives killed players: gives Mages a boost in how important they are in group fights. High level spell of course.
Levitate/flight - increases movement speed, like brooms and sleighs.
Enchant weapon/armor/item - players collect items and go to see a mage to cast the spell which completes the upgrade.
Elhart, lvl90 mage in Craven, oldest existing clan on Lugh.

Re: Mages please post feedback

Ok what about an ice spell like chillis frostlance. I would Mind if it cost 700 energy. But did the damage of chillis froastlance. Also adding firestrike. Same deal as frostlance. Cool down time coukd be 2 minutes but a spell that does that much damage would be worth it. Just a thought

Darvmage lvl83
Darv lvl91 warrior

Re: Mages please post feedback

Some new spell ideas:

Frost-Slows down enemies and reduces their attack speed. ANY fire damage will cancel the effect...........ICE MAGIC
Shock-Castable in battle with no interuptions. Costs alot of energy to cast, but stronger than firebolt........ELECTRICAL MAGIC
Zap-Weak attack that has a chance to stun the target (Like shield bash)..........................................ELECTRICAL MAGIC
Burn-Causes damage over time (Like rend)............................................................................FIRE MAGIC
SirBlaze333 - 220+ Warrior
(Returning Player)

Re: Mages please post feedback

Need a spell to direct aggro. Either to yourself or other. At this point I can attack first and then lose aggro because a warrior comes in and swings a sword that causes more damage at a faster rate. Also improve wands and the way they attack. Need to be range and added damage to magic attacks based on type of wand you have.

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