Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Mage necro kills?

And once again Friddo, you're arguing that mages can be decent for ring bosses and events. Which I have already explained are much less important, to the point that it's not worth wasting plat for. You're comparing 2014 necro to 2016 ring bosses which are killable with 3 people? You've bragged before that you can solo the 5* ones, which just goes to show how easy and unimportant it is to be considered "best ring boss dps"
Level 220 mage- InnerCircle of Rhiannon
Necro, proteus, unox kills :D

Re: Mage necro kills?

Ur comparing using Shadowstrike (which rogues here dont do) and not using it to changing the whole build... Thats also laughable.
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Mage necro kills?

Ur comparing using Shadowstrike (which rogues here dont do) and not using it to changing the whole build... Thats also laughable.
your rogues dont use shadowstrike?

my shadowstrike wasnt meant to relate to mages, you clearly failed to comprehend what i was saying
Because ur not supposed to switch every event, especially not every fight.
you said this and i proved that this is false due to rogues and druids alting at boss fights :roll:
Oderint Dum Metuant.

Re: Mage necro kills?

Rogues and druids alted because the boss would have been unkillable without doing so. Same with mages right now often alting to add a magic lure for prot (which is justified, and I'm ok with). But event bosses aren't unkillable without alting and therefore it is not necessary to do so. You're burning 10k a pop so that a boss that is a guaranteed kill gets done a bit quicker. Improving your dps on necro by alting (back then) was a whole different concept
Level 220 mage- InnerCircle of Rhiannon
Necro, proteus, unox kills :D

Re: Mage necro kills?

Rogues and druids alted because the boss would have been unkillable without doing so. Same with mages right now often alting to add a magic lure for prot (which is justified, and I'm ok with). But event bosses aren't unkillable without alting and therefore it is not necessary to do so. You're burning 10k a pop so that a boss that is a guaranteed kill gets done a bit quicker. Improving your dps on necro by alting (back then) was a whole different concept

And no, most our rogues dont use Shadowstrike, they're str rogues who prefer to use str skills and spend on a support skill if needed as thats the difference between small worlds and large worlds. Necro doesnt require this one more skill instead of Shadowstrike to kill, I dont see why would u alt every fight, if u lack Smoke Bomb or Expose then dont use Shadowstrike in the first place. Druids alt almost every fight, which is the worst for them, and Ive never said that druids shouldnt be boosted (especially in the skills, they have most skills and so many needed for so many different fights).

What we do to ease on druids is have alt druids that are at lvl 190 for example and arent lvled (my chief has an alt druid lvl 189 I think) use necro build, and other druids to cover other wards. When we lack druids then we alt, but its rare that we dont have magic ward for 215 or slash for proteus (if missing only then alt), and theres a druid that uses swarm too.

U have more active players than us, and yet u switch every fight. Perhaps instead of doing that, learn to distribute the skills between clannies, as u have so many in the first place. Our rangers never switch for a fight, our rogues very rarely as they discussed and distributed between them support skills, warriors switch not too often, depends on how many tanks on for necro, we have large amount of full tanks and another semi-tank and even I have an additional lvl 210 full tank to dual with for tanking at necro, only our mages switch the most due already having to use their element's main skills (2 dps) + attune of their element + lure of their element, then theres lure of pierce + magic, energy shield if they need it for their build, freeze for mordy, and with so little mages theres not even room to use Ice Shards/Fire Bolt for opposite element's build and only one mage who quit used Incinerate and one active mage uses Frostbite.

Btw, BlackMamba said a boss would be unkillable without switching, but switching from shadowstrike to whatever skill (assuming u already cover smoke and expose, it would switch to Assassinate or Rend) wont make it a surekill. Mages must use Lure of Assassins, but arent must to kill event, its just convenient. Thats a big difference, and yet mages need to switch to take care of ur convenience and only to be "top-dps" on a single boss for few months with next one might favoring another class (on skain although I got few kills due his weakness to crush [pummel and rupture], skain 5* was my kill or rogue kill almost always, with mage not being even close to outdps there, even I as warrior have more necro kills than mages).

Mages and druids switch the most, but this discussion is about mages, it is not critical at all to have the most played classes (warrior, rogue, ranger) to switch a single skill, it wont change the whole fight, thats the difference. If they switch, its either very rarely or out of convenience, even Smoke Bomb and Expose arent the skills that make necro killable, but they're still boosting dps by a good amount.
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Mage necro kills?

@crim- What I mean is, friddo suggests that alting a Mage to kill dragon now is on the same scale as rogues alting years ago for necro- not even close. How often did 30+ toons gather for necro to have it rage at 1-5%? All the time. Back in those days I'd say the majority ran a dex build with ss at a minimum and maybe also pw and lifesteal. 10 rogues alting to str to add 3 extra skills often made the difference between a successful kill, or a combined waste of 20 hours of ppls time and upwards of 100k worth plat. Event bosses don't rage. Ring bosses don't rage. They spawn in 5 hours rather than being a weekly raid. No one cares whether they're killed in 20 minutes or 25
Level 220 mage- InnerCircle of Rhiannon
Necro, proteus, unox kills :D

Re: Mage necro kills?

@crim- What I mean is, friddo suggests that alting a Mage to kill dragon now is on the same scale as rogues alting years ago for necro- not even close. How often did 30+ toons gather for necro to have it rage at 1-5%? All the time. Back in those days I'd say the majority ran a dex build with ss at a minimum and maybe also pw and lifesteal. 10 rogues alting to str to add 3 extra skills often made the difference between a successful kill, or a combined waste of 20 hours of ppls time and upwards of 100k worth plat. Event bosses don't rage. Ring bosses don't rage. They spawn in 5 hours rather than being a weekly raid. No one cares whether they're killed in 20 minutes or 25
Oh back then it was different, rogues went full poison dex build cus poison was at large amount for them (SS, life steal, poison wep, gear) and was extremely powerful for hrung for example... Then mordy came and SS got wrecked by extreme evasion, then completely nullified by necro's poison immunity... Then just as pigman said, str build was better already (but snorri was important so ppl used for locks).

Im speaking as of nowdays, right now mages dont need a must switch for a kill, and using or not using Shadowstrike on necro... Its too little to even affect it anymore.
Thats also true, event has nearly no way near the importance as other bosses... Even skain that was generally weakest to fire, healed from heat dmg, something that during lock fights (as dmg still counted in even tho it healed) even made the fight longer, while skain's weakness to crush wasnt companied with a heal from crush dmg.
Smolach on ostara 2015 was full fire, obelisk was fire but also easily taken by rangers due his insane AoE.... Urchaid was warriors (I could kill all adds and outdps a mage on urchaid even if the mage didnt touch adds)... Then events started sucking..

2015 Samhain was I dont even recall who's, it wasnt killed that much due sucking. 2016 yule was nearly never killed even tho it was mages kill (so in other words useless), event now is also rather bad. Banes we kill with or without mages, could care less.
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Mage necro kills?

Reduction of Dragonlord fury cd by a decent amount might help mages be more useful at proper raids.
I've beat our best fire mages on 5* ring bosses, but that's with lots of heat gear but it shouldn't be coz a proper caster boss shouldn't be won by a melee toon, like this event boss. Nothing can outdps an ice mage on it.
But ya most pure caster kill bosses are nothing worth mentioning at this point.
Adrohan - 226 Rogue, Fingal
Get kills or die trying!
First Mordris n Necro kill on Android, nuff said

Re: Mage necro kills?

Someone's refusing to alt here every 3 months to help their clan more, glad he's not a Mage.

People are creating mages for gele, event, crag, proteus, and rev. They were a class no one wanted to be before tower, but OTM buffed a few skills and made them mighty effective on 5 of the most important bosses in the game, the other 4 being: mord, hrung, necro, unox.

It doesn't stop there, mages carry a vast arsenal of the best support skills in the game that will help your clan in drastically reducing kill time, being extremely helpful at proteus and gelebron should be worth creating a Mage for.

Now compare this to Druids, you barely need any Druids except for gelebron where even 5 will suffice, their DoT skills don't stack, rendering multiple DPS Druids useless.

Compare this to Rangers, who can't even be a pure support class with no need of bolas most of the time, the only decent support skill being entangle, light heal not even being needed when one Druid can cover for it. Rangers can only be decent with some of the best gear in the game which takes time to get.

No ones saying that mages are perfect, but they have been buffed the most since tower and are actually quite an enjoyable class. Although they still need more buffs, along with Druids.
Wattzon of Sulis

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