Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

The Reason We Play

I've heard alot of veteran players say that the only reason they log anymore is because of the people, and even then it's seldom due to the use of third-party apps that allow much easier communication than having to boot up the game. These people don't actually PLAY so much as sit in the castle and chat to some old friends.

There are also those that reach the EG levels and then log for bosses. They don't want to level, they simply want their DKP so that they can get good gear so that they can down a boss easier so that it's easier to get their DKP so they can get good gear so that they can down a boss easier so that... You get the point. At this point gear doesn't really have much of a purpose aside from bossing since most people don't want to level anymore, and most drops and drop rates are just plain bad. I'd like to focus on this.

When ^THAT happens you either:

A) Keep playing to get other clannies their gear and help out the clan and only log to do bosses.

B) Level (ANOTHER) alt cos you can't do anything other than bossing on your current toon.

C) Get bored and quit.

I'm not sure which of the three is the most common. I've seen my fair share of people who just outright quit because they don't want to level their toon or create an alt. There's lots of examples of this on the forums. There's also alot who just keep making alts upon alts because the fun stops at EG. Then the ones who outright quit.

So.. Why do we continue playing when we know that our final reward is boredom and stress?

Well, to be completely honest it's because this is a very well made game that is crazily addictive and makes you want to keep coming back for more. There's no denying that. That is the biggest reason why we all play, because if we didn't have fun we simply would delete the app.

But another part of it is that we've invested years of our lives in the game. Invested our time into people as well. We hold out the hope and believe that OTM will supply us with satisfying content before we grow tired and move on.

Just in the first month of 2018 we've seen nearly all of Avalon leave the game behind, as well as other veteran players quit. Their reasons for quitting are the ones listed here.

We've already made it clear that we want Corrupted Gardens to add something interesting, something that will grab us and keep us entertained until the next EG update. I'd just like to remind OTM why most of us are still here after all these years. This is a big chance to turn things around :)
Would you kindly?


Re: The Reason We Play

If any mobs, not just bosses, could drop some thing good, I mean realllllllly good, so players like to keep farming and farming, even the drop rate is so rare like the dropping of shadow strike tome. It will still be fun to some players. Could this happen ?

Re: The Reason We Play

First of all there aren't enough relevant bosses currently to keep us occupied constantly. What does anyone do when no raids are up or due? With the addition of more endgame bosses, we should have much more to do with our endgame toons. Furthermore, people like myself aren't satisfied with medium to good quality gear. I want the best possible gear and setup that can be achieved, so I keep playing because that's one thing that drives me to keep bossing. That means 2-3 godly blood rings and double godly argent core/blade bracelets.
World - Sulis
Clan - Toxic

H3ROsRogue - lvl 220 rogue
H3ROsRanger - lvl 200 ranger
H3ROsMage - lvl 220 mage
H3ROsDruid - lvl 220 druid
H3ROsWarrior - lvl 200 warrior
H3ROsLocker - lvl 190 rogue

Can't imagine losing kills to a ranger in 2019.

Re: The Reason We Play

First of all there aren't enough relevant bosses currently to keep us occupied constantly. What does anyone do when no raids are up or due? With the addition of more endgame bosses, we should have much more to do with our endgame toons. Furthermore, people like myself aren't satisfied with medium to good quality gear. I want the best possible gear and setup that can be achieved, so I keep playing because that's one thing that drives me to keep bossing. That means 2-3 godly blood rings and double godly argent core/blade bracelets.
+1 except (sorry for bringing sulis crap into general discussions) two clans used dkp and then our clan was based off "effort" <~ except the effort was never monitored so no matter how many bosses we did or timers we logged and called they stuff rarely came back to us, my reason for quitting the game and moving to the forums was because it was so repetitive and at points I was forced to buy gear that we had in our clan bank because I was "not bossing enough" pretty sure for a straight month when I had a work break i nolifed every single day at least 14 hours of bosses and yet 90% of my unfathomable was bought.
If we had a system of dkp where it was actually recorded and thrown on for everyone to see then I would probably continue to login and boss but for your own leaders to forget that you don't have edl offhand is quite mind-blowing.

227+ Rogue
221+ Mage
200+ Warrior
220+ Mage
200 Rogue
210+ Druid

Perma banned from ch friends band for spamming no u ft. Rogue81 & W7CH


Rogue BT Kill 09/20/2019

39th Full Doch, 14th Rogue - Danu

Re: The Reason We Play

First of all there aren't enough relevant bosses currently to keep us occupied constantly. What does anyone do when no raids are up or due? With the addition of more endgame bosses, we should have much more to do with our endgame toons. Furthermore, people like myself aren't satisfied with medium to good quality gear. I want the best possible gear and setup that can be achieved, so I keep playing because that's one thing that drives me to keep bossing. That means 2-3 godly blood rings and double godly argent core/blade bracelets.
+1 except (sorry for bringing sulis crap into general discussions) two clans used dkp and then our clan was based off "effort" <~ except the effort was never monitored so no matter how many bosses we did or timers we logged and called they stuff rarely came back to us, my reason for quitting the game and moving to the forums was because it was so repetitive and at points I was forced to buy gear that we had in our clan bank because I was "not bossing enough" pretty sure for a straight month when I had a work break i nolifed every single day at least 14 hours of bosses and yet 90% of my **** was bought.
If we had a system of dkp where it was actually recorded and thrown on for everyone to see then I would probably continue to login and boss but for your own leaders to forget that you don't have edl offhand is quite mind-blowing.
1month 14 hours a day :O no one noticed? Umm
Warrior 222, Ranger 220,

Re: The Reason We Play

First of all there aren't enough relevant bosses currently to keep us occupied constantly. What does anyone do when no raids are up or due? With the addition of more endgame bosses, we should have much more to do with our endgame toons. Furthermore, people like myself aren't satisfied with medium to good quality gear. I want the best possible gear and setup that can be achieved, so I keep playing because that's one thing that drives me to keep bossing. That means 2-3 godly blood rings and double godly argent core/blade bracelets.
+1 except (sorry for bringing sulis crap into general discussions) two clans used dkp and then our clan was based off "effort" <~ except the effort was never monitored so no matter how many bosses we did or timers we logged and called they stuff rarely came back to us, my reason for quitting the game and moving to the forums was because it was so repetitive and at points I was forced to buy gear that we had in our clan bank because I was "not bossing enough" pretty sure for a straight month when I had a work break i nolifed every single day at least 14 hours of bosses and yet 90% of my **** was bought.
If we had a system of dkp where it was actually recorded and thrown on for everyone to see then I would probably continue to login and boss but for your own leaders to forget that you don't have edl offhand is quite mind-blowing.
1month 14 hours a day :O no one noticed? Umm
Well believe it or not our chief behind the scenes logs everyday doing around the same amount except we live on the other side of the world to each other so I can understand that but our chief who represents god knows when he logs, once a decade? The members know, I've probably interacted with most of em more than any other member except leaders as I put no interest towards 80% of them. Played 6 months, got to the top so they sat back, now theyre mages are, if I had to put it into ring tiers: minor to lesser. Because they lost their only godly ;)

But of course if you guys decide to shove in another new server I'll drag myself along in there with adro tied to my back :lol:

Edit: this is getting off topic so pm me if theres anything else to ask

227+ Rogue
221+ Mage
200+ Warrior
220+ Mage
200 Rogue
210+ Druid

Perma banned from ch friends band for spamming no u ft. Rogue81 & W7CH


Rogue BT Kill 09/20/2019

39th Full Doch, 14th Rogue - Danu

Re: The Reason We Play

You are talking about Veteran players. I am all on board. You can add for me the HUGE gap between new players and Veteran players. I really hope that with this new expansion that gap is closed. Make each non relevant raid gear set premium purchasable. Serious. The issue of having no lvl lock system in place and having to call on over leveled players that have done these tiers a gazillion times over the years is...tiresome and boring for them and being a burden to them weighs heavily on me s a new player.

Think about it. Per piece ..gloves, boots and head 5 bucks. Legs, breast plate and weapon 10 bucks. Per item. This allows dedicated people to come in and lvl up and play in the game where the majority of player base is playing and also negates player base loss as a result of retirement etc. This also stops the bleeding off of new players. I am a gamer...I cycle through well crafted mmorpgs. I retire and return after a couple yrs to the ones that hold my heart. This gap...is huge between new and seasoned players. Don’t let this be a Paramid scheme where you feed only the top. You need to feed the bottom to sustain the top.

My 2 cents
Dual spec
Increase buff timers and change to group buffs
/anon /afk commands
Revamp the skill system
Group leader / group commands
Add more premium items

Re: The Reason We Play

+1 except (sorry for bringing sulis crap into general discussions) two clans used dkp and then our clan was based off "effort" <~ except the effort was never monitored so no matter how many bosses we did or timers we logged and called they stuff rarely came back to us, my reason for quitting the game and moving to the forums was because it was so repetitive and at points I was forced to buy gear that we had in our clan bank because I was "not bossing enough" pretty sure for a straight month when I had a work break i nolifed every single day at least 14 hours of bosses and yet 90% of my **** was bought.
If we had a system of dkp where it was actually recorded and thrown on for everyone to see then I would probably continue to login and boss but for your own leaders to forget that you don't have edl offhand is quite mind-blowing.
1month 14 hours a day :O no one noticed? Umm
Well believe it or not our chief behind the scenes logs everyday doing around the same amount except we live on the other side of the world to each other so I can understand that but our chief who represents god knows when he logs, once a decade? The members know, I've probably interacted with most of em more than any other member except leaders as I put no interest towards 80% of them. Played 6 months, got to the top so they sat back, now theyre mages are, if I had to put it into ring tiers: minor to lesser. Because they lost their only godly ;)

But of course if you guys decide to shove in another new server I'll drag myself along in there with adro tied to my back :lol:

Edit: this is getting off topic so pm me if theres anything else to ask
I would blame the general in your timezone, 1 person can see and do only so much
Warrior 222, Ranger 220,

Re: The Reason We Play

After years, I still enjoy this game. I do think there is room for improvement, but otm is taking steps in the right direction now.

Reasons I play-
-For my clan family. There are some truly incredible people in DS who I respect and love. Spending time with them is a highlight to my day.
-Friends outside clan. Lovely people I wouldn’t have gotten the chance to meet outside celtic. It’s amazing how Celtic can bring together people from around the world.
-Updates. I still feel like a kid on Christmas morning when I get to see the new content.
-Cooking. It’s fun, it’s relaxing, and it produces items which actually help me and my clannies.
-Helping new players. I enjoy seeing new players explore Celtic and fall in love with the game. A little kindness goes a long way towards shaping someone’s gaming experience.
-Bossing. (please note I do not include camping under this category, I can’t stand camping) Even after years spent fighting them, I enjoy the teamwork and sense of victory that comes from fighting bosses with my clannies and friends.
-My shiny collection. I couldn’t abandon them...
Liv Arronheln 215
Chieftain of DragonSouls
”One day, you will be old enough to start reading fairytales again.”

Re: The Reason We Play

After years, I still enjoy this game. I do think there is room for improvement, but otm is taking steps in the right direction now.

Reasons I play-
-For my clan family. There are some truly incredible people in DS who I respect and love. Spending time with them is a highlight to my day.
-Friends outside clan. Lovely people I wouldn’t have gotten the chance to meet outside celtic. It’s amazing how Celtic can bring together people from around the world.
-Updates. I still feel like a kid on Christmas morning when I get to see the new content.
-Cooking. It’s fun, it’s relaxing, and it produces items which actually help me and my clannies.
-Helping new players. I enjoy seeing new players explore Celtic and fall in love with the game. A little kindness goes a long way towards shaping someone’s gaming experience.
-Bossing. (please note I do not include camping under this category, I can’t stand camping) Even after years spent fighting them, I enjoy the teamwork and sense of victory that comes from fighting bosses with my clannies and friends.
-My shiny collection. I couldn’t abandon them...
220 Druid SupremeDruid

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