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Revival Chests - A Veteran Players Unpopular Opinion

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 5:50 pm
by PuppetMaster
The recent addition (and now removal) of Revival Chests has players incredibly frustrated. As an old player myself, I am not actually all that mad. Let me tell you why.

First off, OneThumbMobile (Celtic Heroes) is a business. This means that they need money in order to run, and are motivated by money. Now, before you go saying OTM just wanted to make a quick buck, which they did, realize this is what every business does.

Put it this way. Imagine OTM is running out of money and will close down if they don't have enough. Would you rather these chests be added, or the game to be shut down. OneThumbMobile needs a way to generate money. I can't speak for other serves, but on Gwydion, the platinum sales were basically dead before these chests. When the new chests came, nearly everyone in my clan was dropping hundreds to open these. People were genuinely excited.

On the argument that OTM said the items would be "limited", I tell you they still are. These chests won't be around forever, they're already gone in fact. Your limited items are still limited.

Long story short, OTM is a business that needs money, like any other business. They make decisions based on one underlying goal, that being money. With that in mind, they definitely made the right decision with these chests, because at least in Gwydion, they made a ton of money!

Re: Revival Chests - A Veteran Players Unpopular Opinion

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 6:47 pm
by tayilern
Yes, I agree. They shouldn't have been removed in my opinion. People would rather themselves benefit rather than the whole community smh..

Re: Revival Chests - A Veteran Players Unpopular Opinion

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 6:49 pm
by Zkills

Re: Revival Chests - A Veteran Players Unpopular Opinion

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 6:50 pm
by GrooviestofGus
I would have more respect for OTM if their response to "but MY SPOOOKY HUNTER..!!" Crowd would have been- " your fashion don't pay our bills, bro."

Re: Revival Chests - A Veteran Players Unpopular Opinion

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 6:53 pm
by FlameBlade
The recent addition (and now removal) of Revival Chests has players incredibly frustrated. As an old player myself, I am not actually all that mad. Let me tell you why.

First off, OneThumbMobile (Celtic Heroes) is a business. This means that they need money in order to run, and are motivated by money. Now, before you go saying OTM just wanted to make a quick buck, which they did, realize this is what every business does.

Put it this way. Imagine OTM is running out of money and will close down if they don't have enough. Would you rather these chests be added, or the game to be shut down. OneThumbMobile needs a way to generate money. I can't speak for other serves, but on Gwydion, the platinum sales were basically dead before these chests. When the new chests came, nearly everyone in my clan was dropping hundreds to open these. People were genuinely excited.

On the argument that OTM said the items would be "limited", I tell you they still are. These chests won't be around forever, they're already gone in fact. Your limited items are still limited.

Long story short, OTM is a business that needs money, like any other business. They make decisions based on one underlying goal, that being money. With that in mind, they definitely made the right decision with these chests, because at least in Gwydion, they made a ton of money!
Plat sales would go up if the made some new designs. Not just use old ones. People wanted mounts and new fashion in chests if they did this I bet they would go back to being good. Didn't need to tarnish the rareity of over 6 years of fashion

Re: Revival Chests - A Veteran Players Unpopular Opinion

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 6:54 pm
by Jumanji
Removing the chests was a bad idea and OTM shouldn't cave in to their greedy hoardish players this game is for everyone including the ones that haven't played it yet.

And this transcends to quest drops as well such as DL and raid drops. This is how all the dominant people are they just want it all for themselves. And if they don't get it their way they CRY. This entitlement needs to end. Who's game is it? The crybabies game or OTM's game?

Re: Revival Chests - A Veteran Players Unpopular Opinion

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 6:54 pm
by Avant Guarde
I have the compelling notion that what you might consider as an unpopular opinion, is shared by a majority of players on various servers. Unfortunately during the entire controversy most of those majority voices were for some reason silent on the subject.

Re: Revival Chests - A Veteran Players Unpopular Opinion

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 6:56 pm
by Zkills
Removing the chests was a bad idea and OTM shouldn't cave in to their greedy hoardish players this game is for everyone including the ones that haven't played it yet.

And this transcends to quest drops as well such as DL and raid drops. This is how all the dominant people are they just want it all for themselves. And if they don't get it their way they CRY. This entitlement needs to end. Who's game is it? The crybabies game or OTM's game?
But but but... they are Otms most "loyal customers" and will quit if they don't get their way lol

Re: Revival Chests - A Veteran Players Unpopular Opinion

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 6:57 pm
by Reef

Plat sales would go up if the made some new designs. Not just use old ones. People wanted mounts and new fashion in chests if they did this I bet they would go back to being good. Didn't need to tarnish the rareity of over 6 years of fashion

What people dont get is OTM can still make a lot of money by releasing new mounts and fash, revival chests with legacy items werent needed.

Re: Revival Chests - A Veteran Players Unpopular Opinion

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 6:57 pm
by Jumanji
Removing the chests was a bad idea and OTM shouldn't cave in to their greedy hoardish players this game is for everyone including the ones that haven't played it yet.

And this transcends to quest drops as well such as DL and raid drops. This is how all the dominant people are they just want it all for themselves. And if they don't get it their way they CRY. This entitlement needs to end. Who's game is it? The crybabies game or OTM's game?
But but but... they are Otms most "loyal customers" and will quit if they don't get their way lol
I got some French cries and Whinekiens for them