Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Favorite Update of CH (Poll)

Just Curious what part of CH everyone loved the most!

Beginning : Dustwither Catacombs being endgame!

Stonevale Era and Warden Era : Falgren being the big baddie! Priceless Dragon Discs and a level 80 Soft cap!

Meteoric Era

Otherworld/Update 3 : Frozen Armor. Soft Level Cap raised to 150. Aggragoth as the first true raid boss!

Carrowmore Tunnels/Update 4 : Dragonlord Armor. Soft Level Cap 190. Mordris and Hrungnir and Necromancer!

Tower/Update 5 : EDL. Soft Level Cap 220. Proteus and Gelebron!

For me it will always be Update 3/Orherworld! It was a much simpler time! There wasnt AoE damage from every single boss. Didnt need 20 lixt to level up once. Bosses felt more unique and fun and just more players overall.
What about you?
Gwydion - Xei - Warrior - 215
Taranis - Iridescence - Rogue - 225

Just want to make the game better.

Re: Favorite Update of CH (Poll)

Carrowmore/U4. That expansion was done well. Space wasn't utilized well in some areas however it brought a lot of nice things:

Harder, challenging bosses that weren't plat siphons(8 man-able)
A new, powerful tiered armour set that really overhauled the major questline
Lux/gear felt like it was all linear, or progressed well without major leaps in power
Simplistic boss drops(hurng being 3 tiered with and a fairly small loot table(ish))
Alternative levelling/farming locations
A fresh look to the game
Able to be handled by low end devices

My issues:

Continued colored drop system
Heavily diluted "elite" drops(crowns/void/godly)
Poor drop design
Introduction of major plat sinks
Further grinding

Soon came the introduction of the level 190 Mordris. Presented with no beta/balance, and too overlevelled for players who were forced to grind 180-185 trolls. This also brought to us the true beginning of the drop system we have today, as well as pushing the boundary and setting the bar for plat usage. It was however a good encounter and required a real strategy and solid teamwork, and once all kinks were straightened out my only gripe would be the drops. Unfortunately, a recurring issue.

Overall carrowmore was done well and while some things could have been improved upon(such improvements were made in the tower), it was to me the best update this game has seen.

[list][*]Vulture - Level 220 Rogue
[*]Venus - Level 195 Druid[/list][/color]

Re: Favorite Update of CH (Poll)

Carrowmore/U4. That expansion was done well. Space wasn't utilized well in some areas however it brought a lot of nice things:

Harder, challenging bosses that weren't plat siphons(8 man-able)
A new, powerful tiered armour set that really overhauled the major questline
Lux/gear felt like it was all linear, or progressed well without major leaps in power
Simplistic boss drops(hurng being 3 tiered with and a fairly small loot table(ish))
Alternative levelling/farming locations
A fresh look to the game
Able to be handled by low end devices

My issues:

Continued colored drop system
Heavily diluted "elite" drops(crowns/void/godly)
Poor drop design
Introduction of major plat sinks
Further grinding

Soon came the introduction of the level 190 Mordris. Presented with no beta/balance, and too overlevelled for players who were forced to grind 180-185 trolls. This also brought to us the true beginning of the drop system we have today, as well as pushing the boundary and setting the bar for plat usage. It was however a good encounter and required a real strategy and solid teamwork, and once all kinks were straightened out my only gripe would be the drops. Unfortunately, a recurring issue.

Overall carrowmore was done well and while some things could have been improved upon(such improvements were made in the tower), it was to me the best update this game has seen.
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Re: Favorite Update of CH (Poll)

Otherworld was when a raid boss was introduced (Aggy) , new skills and also the skill cap increased to level 50 (from 15) was really the first redesign of the game. The race to kill Aggy was exciting and the boss battles were exhilirating. I think that was the best era of CH and my favorite.

Carrowmore/U4 was just more of the same - nothing new except leveling and armor/quests just became harder, same with Tower update.
It was the same mistakes over and over because OTM failed to listen to player feedback during the OW update - BoE, horrible drop rates, long camping times, useless Frozen Totem/Wand, etc. which still exist to this day.

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

Re: Favorite Update of CH (Poll)

Otherworld was so much fun. Although carrow brought me back to game mostly for warriors getting cool dps skills (I originally quit, I couldnt be on when my clan did aggy and also lvling was a bit boring as a warrior in u3), OW was actually a good update, except for the xp curve change around lvl 120.
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