Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

When Will It End! Establishing a Final Reachable lvl cap

A response from OTM is not expected but it is appreciated :D

Update one: Cool I can Lvl up And kill new stuff!
Update two: Umm ok :| cool mobs my lvl :D i bet i can reach endgame and rek aggy
update three: more stuff to kill :roll: two hundred the highest lvl :? umm..
how much a bar per lix :o


I hear rumors the cap will be 210, 250 ,300 :?
At the current rate most of these numbers seem impossible to me. Lix isnt what it used to be with one getting me about half a bar per lix, a bit more when lvling with a rogue
Whats the point, im not going to spend money on something impossible especially if its a game.

I get it some of you love giving your wallet to OTM so you can reach endgame quicker then your friends. But eventually people will quit and there is no point in playing alone. People already have quit, most people don't make it past lvl 50 because lvling becomes so demanding. I get it, you use the freemium business model but that to will not last. If you, OTM are intent on making a good game like you claim you are, consider what I am saying.

If this is a scheme to make a quick buck you probably already disregarded what i have said

Find other ways to make money dont rely on people buying lix even people who have reached endgame claim using Lixes is worthless
"Like using a spoon to dig a grave"

Whats your opinion, what should the final lvl cap be? If you believe there should be one

Re: When Will It End! Establishing a Final Reachable lvl cap

I think it's an interesting point you bring up. I'm nowhere near high enough level to provide a meaningful comment, but I think that - as a player that enjoys this game and wants to keep enjoying it - I'd also want more fulfilling content and not just massive mobs. I like the really high level caps, just because it extends the life of a character, but the process of getting there has to be meaningful.

I haven't done everything there is to do yet, but even now some of these events are quite repetitive. I understand the freemium model as well, but I think the denial of a pay to win paradigm is selective ignorance. I think it very clearly is such a model.

I do enjoy the game and I play whenever I get a chance, but I hope that I can continue to do so without hitting a wall. Already I've found myself almost needing to buy platinum, and while I don't mind supporting OTM, I'd like for there to be a more sensible balance.

Grinding can provide a sense of accomplishment, but let's not confuse good gameplay with grinding. I agree.
Android | Lir
Kevdo | Rogue
Master Kevin | Druid

Re: When Will It End! Establishing a Final Reachable lvl cap

A response from OTM is not expected but it is appreciated :D

Update one: Cool I can Lvl up And kill new stuff!
Update two: Umm ok :| cool mobs my lvl :D i bet i can reach endgame and rek aggy
update three: more stuff to kill :roll: two hundred the highest lvl :? umm..
how much a bar per lix :o


I hear rumors the cap will be 210, 250 ,300 :?
At the current rate most of these numbers seem impossible to me. Lix isnt what it used to be with one getting me about half a bar per lix, a bit more when lvling with a rogue
Whats the point, im not going to spend money on something impossible especially if its a game.

I get it some of you love giving your wallet to OTM so you can reach endgame quicker then your friends. But eventually people will quit and there is no point in playing alone. People already have quit, most people don't make it past lvl 50 because lvling becomes so demanding. I get it, you use the freemium business model but that to will not last. If you, OTM are intent on making a good game like you claim you are, consider what I am saying.

If this is a scheme to make a quick buck you probably already disregarded what i have said

Find other ways to make money dont rely on people buying lix even people who have reached endgame claim using Lixes is worthless
"Like using a spoon to dig a grave"

Whats your opinion, what should the final lvl cap be? If you believe there should be one
1 1/2 bars a lix isn't too bad especially at 170+, at 188 im getting about 4 yellow bars a lix, 5-6 if lots of 190 trolls spawn. I personally like the challenge of leveling. Maybe when it gets to 250 or 300 it will get redicilous but right now I really like how it is.
Shadowbolt3- 224 Rogue
Shadmistress- 188 Mage
Shadowbolt2- 113 Warrior (Retired)
Helaman- 157 Locker Rogue
ShadShot- 89 Ranger
Shadow Bolt- 82 Druid
Raganos- 100 Warrior
World: Crom
Proud member of Seed

Re: When Will It End! Establishing a Final Reachable lvl cap

My main issues with the high lvl cap are
1. The amount of elixirs it takes to level...I mean seriously, soloing at lvl 176 my mage is getting about 1 orange bar per lix, about the same as my ranger at that lvl. Thats 10-11 xps per lvl, which I agree isn't much compared to higher lvls, but still thats about 2.5 hours on elix non-stop, about 10 hours off lix!!!!! For one measly level!!!!

2. The lack of things to do. Pretty much once you pass 60 or so, all you have left to do in the game is level, and fight bosses. That is fun for a while, but after a few months of that people start to get bored. Yes the events help, but basically all they do is add more gear that you have to level more to be able to use, and a collector quest for a piece of fashion. (On the event topic...I like what OTM did this event, adding that new kind of quest).
But I digress.
Basically what I'm saying is that pretty much everyone over lvl 60 or so needs new content. I recall hearing that crafting is going to be a big deal, and I also heard rumors of skills likes mining and woodcutting...but those have ben unconfirmed. I have always been desiring more horizontal content instead of vertical, and I have the feeling that a lot of Celtic Heroes players would agree. CH is going up and up and up...but honestly isnt really branching out to the side, eventually it will just collapse, new level 10 players will get freaked out when they see level 300s fighting in the arena, doing 5k auto dmg, and will stop playing. Not to mention all the players who will quit simply because they don't have the time or money to keep up with the top players.

Most other MMOs have max levels under 100 for a reason. RuneScape's max skill levels are 99, World of Warcraft max level is 90 I believe, Order and Chaos max level is 60ish. The reason all these games can get away with it is because they fill the time in between starting and hitting the end with a lot of different content. Many different areas/a huge map, dozens to hundreds of small quests, dozens of different types of armor and weapons etc.

Yes, I realize there is a difference between a PC game and a mobile game, and also that OTM is a small company with limited resources, but isn't there anything that can be added to give the game more things to do then stand at a boss for an hour for a 5 minute fight, or level for hours in order to get one level closer to those people who give all they have to the game to reach the top.

*Rant over*

I've been thinking about this for a looong time haha. I just really wish Celtic Heroes would be more interactive, and give more to do then just talk with friends, camp for hours, and level for hours.
Have questions about anything? PM me!
Alternatively, you can rarely find me online in Sulis.
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Harbinger of cold hard logic and reason.
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