Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Gambling on Celtic Heroes

Ever since dicing was implemented it all started. People started ways of making money, an ancient way that is known as gambling. Most people would just rid this topic of how "idiotic" it might be, because most people don't find gambling an issue.

It's not just gambling. People are getting scammed as well. And on top of that people spamming about their dicing or just rolling making it irritating.

Can someone please post some benefits of dicing other than "we don't like that he got the drop, lets roll"
Wattzon of Sulis

Re: Gambling on Celtic Heroes

Ever since dicing was implemented it all started. People started ways of making money, an ancient way that is known as gambling. Most people would just rid this topic of how "idiotic" it might be, because most people don't find gambling an issue.

It's not just gambling. People are getting scammed as well. And on top of that people spamming about their dicing or just rolling making it irritating.

Can someone please post some benefits of dicing other than "we don't like that he got the drop, lets roll"
the only benefit of dice other than "we don't like that he got the drop,let's roll", that I can think of... is... gambling.
Root Druid LvL 99+

Favorite Offhand - (Essence Blade)
Favorite Ring - (Royal Root)
Favorite Fashion - (Black Sparkle)

Re: Gambling on Celtic Heroes


and the thing i hate about bossing the most are
1. noobs in group
2. rolling for drops
3. ksing (ksing is 3rd cuz i dont get ksed often lol)

rolling for drops is the stupidest thing because the drop is already given at random to somebody in group
if others were too late to join group thats just too bad

on some bosses though rolling for drops IS ok
like aggy
bosses that actually require more than one group

for example on a lvl 75 dragon or a lvl 125 dragon the people that couldnt get into group because it was full and arrived when the dragon was like 60% dead and just lay on the ground the whole time always ask for roll

completely stupid

imo its just ways of high levels getting the drop
and low levels but low levels always do a grand total of like 8 damage to a boss so their roll requests are always ignored

high levels will say that if you dont give them the drop then youre a scammer
Deathreaver - level 136 Warrior
Flametongue - level 62 Mage

Re: Gambling on Celtic Heroes

We roll for drops if there are multiple groups present or in the case of a single group, if for example a rogue gets a warrior dl drop then all warriors there would dice for the drop since the rogue obviously doesn't need it and if there are no warriors there then he would keep it.

[list][*]Vulture - Level 220 Rogue
[*]Venus - Level 195 Druid[/list][/color]

Re: Gambling on Celtic Heroes

If there are 2 groups killing the boss, rolling determines who gets the drops, because only one group can get lock
Danu - Dlvllbv - 150+ Warrior. Inactive most of the year.

Playing since Yule of 2011

Re: Gambling on Celtic Heroes

I don't believe in rollinh drops a strong clan should not go to that system imo genrals should discuss who gets whst based on benfit from it and clan particpation
But anyway I don't see why ppl complain about dicing yr fault if u get scammed dicing is fun I dint host but I enjoy goin in dastle n going all in even if I loss its enjoyableee if I get scammed I blame no one but my self sure the scammer is a arse but its fun for me u can just block the dicers u won't see anything from them again :) isnt blocking great
Winners train
Losers complain
We do work
Alskar Rosemerta
Supa....Druid 180 (I killed hrun weooo full dragon offhand and wep)
iBenYourBro....rouge 80+

Re: Gambling on Celtic Heroes

If Admin puts a leash on everything that could possibly be "dangerous" in the game such as gambling and scamming then the game would be boring and restricted. Look what happened to runescape with trade limit.

First Warrior to Lvl 190 on server!

General of Revenge

"It's all fun and games until someone loses the lock"

Re: Gambling on Celtic Heroes

This is not needed to be fixed and will never be.
Reason being? It is YOUR choice to gamble, it is YOUR choice to choose a clan that rolls for drops. Nothing more is to be said

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