Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

State of The Game

so since the launch of celtic heroes back in 2011, the game had updates here and there so players for the most kept around,one thumb sold a half dead game to deca so kinda a joke,

for the game to survive it need's server merges where items you have on you are bind to your server at the time of transfer,
the game on allot of the servers the population has decrease not by a little amount by a stupid amount, server transfers or server merges will fix this for a part time band aid.

danu's population has splt right in half i would say just maybe its at 100 player's max, i would say total amount of players on this game is around 1000 player's give or take,
the game has only had ui updates and events and more money spending options aka lets just add chests for event they will but, the game reach its all time high on the day of the tower update,
and thats where we are year's later with the game now on its last breath,

i mean celtic heroes did well to survived from 2011 to 2023 but the time is now limited with no updates within the horizen,
can celtic survive a driven mmo world? look at new world and aoc,aoc not out yet, for celtic to survive it needs to add server merges once done your items are now bind,
world merges, content update, new engine,and cross platform or even bring it to pc,

State of The Game score: 38.6

Alive: 100 points
Dying: 40 points

points are factor on server activity,cooking,fishing,leveling,bossing and the amount of player's compared to start of tower update till now.

you dont have to agree or anything this is just my opninin as a long term player who has played numbers of mmo's
CLAN (Kudos) Ex ascension

Mage(BeAtTz) lv 228 badass mage DPS
first 220 mage
First 200 mage
first 190 mage

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