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7 Types of shovels for gardening

Whether you are a professional gardener or just a normal home garden owner, you must have at least one shovel in your arsenal. You should know that there are about seven different types of shovels that are used commonly, and each of them is designed for a different purpose. There should be a time when you have used just one type of shovel to solve every problem you’ve come across in the garden. Although it will somehow work out, you have to spend more effort than necessary to do the tasks when using the wrong shovel for the job.

Here, we have seven types of shovels that are explained in detail, including their look, design, and purpose. Choosing the correct tool for your tasks will not only help you to save time, but also keep your shovels in good shape so that you don’t have to replace them frequently.

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1.Digging shovels

Digging is the most common task that you have to do in your garden – whether for preparing a new bed, making holes, etc., you have to use a shovel to do it. While you can use other shovel types to dig, you can finish the job faster with a digging shovel.

This kind will always have a slightly curved scoop with the edges upturned. The tip of the blade can be either pointed or flat depending on the ground you will be working on.

Here are some of the best of products that can serve as an example: Radius Garden Root Slayer Shovel and Bully Tool 82515 Shovel.

2.Scoop Shovels

A scoop shovel will help you to move large quantities of soil that has been dug out. Although digging shovels can also do the same task, their blades are smaller, so they cannot carry and move dirt in large quantities.

A broad blade and a round or square tip are the characteristic of the scoop shovel; this will help you carry a large number of materials, including snow, mulch, or sometimes stone and coal, with ease.

3.Trenching Shovels

Just as mentioned in the name, these shovels are used to dig and clear trenches for adding in compost, installing pipes for irrigation, etc. Their application is usually for farming or those with a bigger garden. You might not need them, however, if you are a home garden owner.

They feature a blade with square sides and a sharp tip. Although they can be similar to the digging shovel, you can differentiate between them easily, as a trenching shovel’s blade is on the thinner side.


When you hear the word shovel, you probably associate it with digging and moving dirt, although edgers are special because they specialize in cleaning up driveways, and borders, as well as separating shrubbery and ground cover.

Its blade is sharpened and shaped like a half-moon, which is quite unique. This will allow them to cut into the ground with almost no effort at all.

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When winter comes, you may have to use a shovel to clear all the snow accumulated on your rooftop. Scrapers can do the same task but with more efficiency.

They have a flat blade, allowing them to be distinct from other shovels even though their handle and grip are quite similar to those of their counterparts.

Aside from snow, they can also effectively remove stains on your roof, wall, etc.

6.Mini/Handheld Shovels

Sometimes, you will have to work on small plants inside your house or just make a tiny adjustment in the garden. Using a normal shovel might damage or even ruin the plants in such a case. Therefore, we have the mini version – handheld shovels. These are great for digging a small hole, making minuscule changes, and many other small-scale tasks.

Their handle is usually between about 4 and 6 inches long, and the blade is only approximately 4 inches wide.

7.Tree-planting Shovels

As the name suggests, this type of shovel is specialized for planting trees, so you cannot really use it for any other tasks.

These shovels all have a similar trait: a narrow blade with either a pointed or curved tip. The only difference is their shaft – it can be long for working on flat ground or short for sloped hillsides.


The shovel has become an irreplaceable tool in the world of gardening. It can help to reduce your effort and time in maintaining your garden or making a new one. Buying more than one type of shovel is recommended, however, as you can finish your work with more efficiency if you have the right tool. You can find the best products on the Amazon homepage if you wish to purchase one. Also, you can look for more details and information about each type on other best product reviews TheKingLive.com so that you can find the perfect tools for your garden.
Last edited by khaldrogo on Mon Oct 31, 2022 4:05 am, edited 4 times in total.

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