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Re: Nuada downs dino

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 9:57 pm
by Criminal
With the gear we had it's fine, to beat rage you need dg sets. Beating the raid is more about coordination than gear. Beating rage needs coordination + gear.
The fastest it’s been killed is around 35 mins even with multiple dg sets available. Our clan gets it to 60% usually within 10 mins into the fight, once 3 orbs spawn it essentially destroys the ability to dps at a decent pace. Even with perfect communication this boss isn’t going to be killed without rage in the near future
We got it down to 35 percent before rage. With just 1 dg set, i honestly think if all of our dps get dg and good gear we can kill without rage.
Was more like 40-45. I dont know if dg sets are as much of a difference to do that dmg, I have to admit. I was part of the nuada kill but I still think its a broken raid. Without divine dmg I think most of dg sets are slightly overrated.

Re: Nuada downs dino

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 10:54 pm
by Chaotic
The fastest it’s been killed is around 35 mins even with multiple dg sets available. Our clan gets it to 60% usually within 10 mins into the fight, once 3 orbs spawn it essentially destroys the ability to dps at a decent pace. Even with perfect communication this boss isn’t going to be killed without rage in the near future
We got it down to 35 percent before rage. With just 1 dg set, i honestly think if all of our dps get dg and good gear we can kill without rage.
Was more like 40-45. I dont know if dg sets are as much of a difference to do that dmg, I have to admit. I was part of the nuada kill but I still think its a broken raid. Without divine dmg I think most of dg sets are slightly overrated.
The second h is about 50% and this is when it raged.


Re: Nuada downs dino

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 11:48 pm
by Seasalty123

Get ready to puke


The worst thing about these drops is there's only 3 of them..
The worst thing about the drops is the drops, the second worst thing is there are 3.

Even the tier above godly I would never ever use that ranger ammy.

The sword ammy will be good at higher tier but majestic isn't good. The brace is bad since it doesn't add to rends tick, just initial damage.

The screen shts were delivered, thanks! Bravo! Those drops are only the beginning.