Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Necro down by danu!!

Very nice kill grats from resurgence of arawn and the clan that sits in life steal range very classy ._. But haters gonna hate grats again great job
Who invented reseting on danu tho..........a Prime/Ascension did, which they say we reset like hell and they have been doing it to us for a couple of years, and when we do it they cry on the forums, and believe me we(kudos) want a peaceful server, but they dont always comply, and when we did have an agreement, we used to get most of the bosses, until...they realized that and broke the treaty and went back at it and blamed that we did it
Stop lieing this is what u kudos good at is talking crap
Clan: Nameless
MasterSK - Level 223 - Warrior Tank
SaintsRow - Level 224 - Rogue


Re: Necro down by danu!!

Very nice kill grats from resurgence of arawn and the clan that sits in life steal range very classy ._. But haters gonna hate grats again great job
Who invented reseting on danu tho..........a Prime/Ascension did, which they say we reset like hell and they have been doing it to us for a couple of years, and when we do it they cry on the forums, and believe me we(kudos) want a peaceful server, but they dont always comply, and when we did have an agreement, we used to get most of the bosses, until...they realized that and broke the treaty and went back at it and blamed that we did it
Stop lieing this is what u kudos good at is talking crap
So u mean to tell me, reseting didnt start from dogma when he pulled aggy and reset it? Tell me im lieing sk, and u do it all the time so i dont see what u want to say im good at talking crap, u do it every time after winning/lossing a boss

Re: Necro down by danu!!

You all (Kudos) don't realize how bad you're screwing your own clan by screwing with Necro. So the goal is stopping Ascension from advancing, but if we never advance you guys won't either because then we are still stuck fighting for the same s***. Example : we've advanced to Mordris and now Necro...how much effort do we really put into aggy these days? Which gives you guys more chances to get ..same goes with dl (160/165/170)...the further we advance the less we need those and the less effort we put into fighting for them. But If one clan doesn't advance, then ultimately no clan really will and Danu is forever screwed because we're all stuck fighting over same damn bosses. But if you all are good with no Hrung for another four months then keep doing what you all are doing. But don't dare tell me that this is over Hrung / Mordris cause when I was in Honour we COULD NOT do those bosses, yet a certain Tank, Druid and Mage screwed with Prime on a weekly basis by dragging adds. Matter of fact my former clan mates put more effort into griefing than camping which is why I left for Prime in the first place. Screwing with bosses you CAN NOT kill is as lame as it gets. Maybe some of you good ones will open your eyes eventually to who is really holding your clan - and this server - back, I really do.
Level 230+ Rogue
General of Ascension
LadysHeart Level 220+ Druid
Level 220+ Ice Mage Valyria
Heartsbane 220+ Warrior
Level 220+ Ranger Sweet Tansy
Dreamfyre Level 220+ Lure Mage
190 Locker Rogue Catspaw


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