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Re: Black and White Sunlit- the Extinction

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 12:37 am
by Zkills
Black and white sunlit sets are still pretty common in Belenus and I see sets and pieces being sold or traded all the time. I like the idea of black/white pirate in the pirate shop and I think it would be a good edition in the sunlit shop

Re: Black and White Sunlit- the Extinction

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 1:03 am
by RoyalBratt
Aeon chests are only a few months old.

Re: Black and White Sunlit- the Extinction

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 3:52 am
by Furyion
I have no sympathy towards collectors. I have always disliked them mainly because no offer is ever good enough for them and they try to rip off desperate people trying to buy an item that they only hold... when they do say they are selling all they ask for is offers and when you offer you see the same words time and time again... “nty” and then leave you in the dust even if the offer is more than enough. If you are just going to reject people over and over again then simply don’t sell and save people the frustration of trying to barter with a collector

When this legacy and aeon stuff was released it was truly a win for me and everyone else fed up with the bs collectors pull off with their items that collect dust in their banks. Not saying all collectors are bad as I’ve met a few good ones that are very reasonable... it’s just the large majority of them are the complete opposite. Greed is a big issue in the game

I believe black and white sunlit should come back in the sunlit shop to give more meaning to that shop as the normal sunlit colors have become heavily outdated. Also would be cool to see shop mounts (from Beltane 2013 onward) make a return.

People have a right to keep their own items. How is that wrong? You missed your chance to get the item, a reasonable person would accept that. But you have to be pretty low to beg OTM for items to return, undermining other peoples work for your own gain. Don't paint collectors out to be the bad people here...

Additionally, you should be thankful the sunlit shop still exists. It was supposed to be removed after the event.
Also, in response to an earlier comment, the term collector means they collect- like Fury. If a "collector" constantly sells his stock then he's a merchant and it shouldn't matter to him of these are brought back or not, cos he'll still make gold, just maybe not as much as before.
It is possible to be both, I am. For example, I buy and sell common items, and use my gold to buy rarer items that I want.

Re: Black and White Sunlit- the Extinction

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 4:45 am
by Zkills
I’m not begging for anything, I just said “I believe they should add...”. Yea ofc people have a right to keep their items, and I never challenged that once. I just explained how frustrating, greedy and stubborn collectors can be when trying to sell their items and how it was justice bringing legacy and aeon to this game. If you don’t understand then you’re probably in on it yourself or don’t play enough to see it. The worst are the ones that like to mock people for over paying on their items after the trade has been made... I’ve seen it all

Re: Black and White Sunlit- the Extinction

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 5:25 am
by Everything
Like I said before a person pays the amount they feel the item is worth.

If you are pushed into paying more than you think you should for an item and regret it afterward, you can either:
A) Live with it and make the best of your situation
B) Mope and wish you'd never done it

You can't really get upset with someone selling anything cos that's the price they wish to sell it for, so you either decide that you'll buy the item or not. Don't get mad at the seller for "outrageous" prices because they're selling it for what they deem worthy. If the price is too high then it won't sell, and the seller will either adjust or hold the item.

Now, let's end the topic here please. I stated my opinion of wanting Sunlit back and that's really all the thread is about.


Re: Black and White Sunlit- the Extinction

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 6:30 am
by Zkills
I can get upset when I see collectors clearly overpricing their items (as most have a narrow estimated value) to take advantage over desperate players. It is always, and always will be frowned upon no matter where you are. It’s a dirty way to get more money from people

These are also the same people that refuse to let others have a chance to obtain their dusty rares because people won’t be paying for their overpriced items.

Re: Black and White Sunlit- the Extinction

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 8:59 pm
by Furyion
The fact that people are offering to sell it in the first place is better then them simply saying no, Ill never sell it.

They simply would prefer not to sell it, but if an offer is too good to refuse then they will take it. That's actually one of the smarter ways to go about it.

Re: Black and White Sunlit- the Extinction

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 10:03 pm
by Shivahh
I can get upset when I see collectors clearly overpricing their items (as most have a narrow estimated value) to take advantage over desperate players. It is always, and always will be frowned upon no matter where you are. It’s a dirty way to get more money from people

These are also the same people that refuse to let others have a chance to obtain their dusty rares because people won’t be paying for their overpriced items.
its fashion, i dont see why you would need to be so desperate.

Re: Black and White Sunlit- the Extinction

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 11:11 pm
by Zkills
I can get upset when I see collectors clearly overpricing their items (as most have a narrow estimated value) to take advantage over desperate players. It is always, and always will be frowned upon no matter where you are. It’s a dirty way to get more money from people

These are also the same people that refuse to let others have a chance to obtain their dusty rares because people won’t be paying for their overpriced items.
its fashion, i dont see why you would need to be so desperate.
Fashion plays a huge role in this game lol... you will rarely see anyone without it excluding fresh noobs and the few amount of people that like the looks of their armor. Then people are always trying to complete sets or out lookin for new fashion to try out. So yea, people do get desperate lol

Re: Black and White Sunlit- the Extinction

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 11:16 pm
by Shivahh
I can get upset when I see collectors clearly overpricing their items (as most have a narrow estimated value) to take advantage over desperate players. It is always, and always will be frowned upon no matter where you are. It’s a dirty way to get more money from people

These are also the same people that refuse to let others have a chance to obtain their dusty rares because people won’t be paying for their overpriced items.
its fashion, i dont see why you would need to be so desperate.
Fashion plays a huge role in this game lol... you will rarely see anyone without it excluding fresh noobs and the few amount of people that like the looks of their armor. Then people are always trying to complete sets or out lookin for new fashion to try out. So yea, people do get desperate lol
Theres so many other issues with this game and the best you can do is complain about old "rare" fashion?