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Re: Level math *simple post

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 8:23 am
by InHisName
Wow thts a lot of time to lvl thy need to change tht
Your not the only who thinks so facface. I am hoping OTM understands that the people they originally intended to play this game don't have that amount of time on their hands. This game was intended to be a fun mobile mmorpg and it was doing a great job. But now it's trying to be something it's not, I love PC mmorpgs but this is not one. Let's hope otm hears the voice of its players/customers and make changes accordingly.

Donkos idea/suggestion would be ideal to the current game and make it fair for most if not all players. (you any please everyone)
Well given the lengthyness of the updates... We should still have plenty of time... Right...

Sorry, too mean...
No not too mean, maybe to honest.. Yes OTM takes months if not years to release patches an updates, but that's no excuse for making it near impossible for an average player or even dedicated player to reach the endgame! The length of time it takes for updates and patches is a whole other topic however.

Re: Level math *simple post

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 1:01 am
by InHisName
Is it really fair that it takes at least 10 hours off lix and 2 and half hours on lix per level after 150?

Re: Level math *simple post

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 5:30 am
by Elion
I doubt it will require 10 elixers per level after 165-170.
It does...

Re: Level math *simple post

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 1:04 am
by Smeagle
Another point you forgot to mention at 10 elixers per level and say you dont buy plat u just but the elixers from others selling at an average of 3500 gold thats 35k per level or 1.75million gold to level from not a big plat buyer and im not one that has much gold because i dont buy plat and i have to buy idols and elixers from others. Therefore those that have all new lux items have better advantage. Also if i spend all my time leveling i will never get upgrades without buying shards or drops. Not sure how fun this will make game. But without having tons of 180 clannies the new bosses will not be killed without using tons of idols since rage can wipeout druids quickly and we dont have energy to heal anymore.

Re: Level math *simple post

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 6:33 pm
by InHisName
Another point you forgot to mention at 10 elixers per level and say you dont buy plat u just but the elixers from others selling at an average of 3500 gold thats 35k per level or 1.75million gold to level from not a big plat buyer and im not one that has much gold because i dont buy plat and i have to buy idols and elixers from others. Therefore those that have all new lux items have better advantage. Also if i spend all my time leveling i will never get upgrades without buying shards or drops. Not sure how fun this will make game. But without having tons of 180 clannies the new bosses will not be killed without using tons of idols since rage can wipeout druids quickly and we dont have energy to heal anymore.
I had thought about mentioning that but I thought too many people would argue about how easy it is to make money and buy all the pots and elixers you need. We have a couple forum users who always take the Oppurtunity to say they haven't spent a dime on the game and just buy everything with in game earned gold. I knew they would just come in and put their two cents in cause they are so proud of themselves lol also fact is I personally have 80+ super combos and 110+ super knows. So I may be correctly be accused as a hypocrite if I mentioned the cost of elixirs pots and idols cause I myself worked my butt off as well as bought a little plat to acquire all I need. This is why I made this post more about time than having to buy all the necessary leveling goods.

The majority of the players of Celtic heroes just don't have the time (or money lol) to reach end game. It seems the only way to reach endgame is to put this game first in front of everything (family, friends, job, school, church, etc). I agree that reaching endgame should take time and effort and plenty of it. But I don't agree that it should require every second of free time to keep up with your friends and clan mates and enjoy the game. We as players have invested tens to hundreds to thousands of dollars into this game so we could have a portable mmo to play wherever whenever we want without the pressure of putting the game before our lives. Something's gotta change.