Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Fix ASAP

How can you even think that making a world boss in a laggy pvp area(without testing before) was a good idea?
I mean, you seem to know a lot about this game and yet you still say non-sense. I saw you in arena looking for easy points.
And of course you would say that, because you aren't high enough to deal noticeable damage on the Witch.
Let's forget about the drops here for a sec. If CH had a real pvp system, with balanced classes, and a good pvp area, this would have been fun. Instead they give us this half baked samhain event.
Earth, water, fire, Air

Morrigan: Mage 215, Druids 224, Ranger 200
Mabon: Druid 220
Donn: Mage 215, Druid 223, Ranger 218
Clan: Pegasus
Server Lugh: Druid 220

Re: Fix ASAP

Atleast they even put another f n boss around. Be grateful bunch of babys . Just because it's not suitable for u dosnt mean it's for everyone. Look at other mmorpgs. Like winter. For ps4. It's not bad at all. And it's fun. Working with hundreds of players on a boss. If u dont feel like that idk why ur playing and I'm 225. So. And a rogue .

Re: Fix ASAP

The boss is retarded multiple poeple have crashed and i still cant evne log into the game becuase it thinks my account is online its been over a day .... they shouldve left this boss for servers someone in shalamont or something not in arena. its too laggy and its annoying. I play on epona idc about drops if i cant even log in my damn account

Re: Fix ASAP

Same here. But leave this boss out of it. M it's fun asf. Lol its obvious their not gonna remove it so why complain. And I hope they fix this *** login issue asap 10people came forward or more and they dont give a *** gos to show what u spend ur money on.

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