Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: How come absolutely no one is playing?

Actually when you are on the world select it doesn't say how many players there are in a world. but how many characters you have. I have 5 characters in Rosmerta so It says 5 beneath characters and 0 on all the other worlds.
If I make a character in Belenus it will say I have one character in Belenus.

You wil actually have to log in to a world to see who's online.
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Re: How come absolutely no one is playing?

How about just adding another part of the list? "Currently Playing".
It is important to see what servers you have a character on, but I agree that it can be confusing. The Currently Playing wouldn't even have to be a value, maybe just a bar indicating a rough % of people currently online. Ex: < 100 people = red, < 500 = yellow, > 500 = green and so forth.
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Re: How come absolutely no one is playing?

I think there should be fields that state both things.
One for how many players are online, and one for how many characters you currently have on the server.
That will get rid of any confusion, as well as allow people to make better choices as to which server they choose to play on.
Rogue: Aisha
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