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A question about the rules.

Some guy got in an argument with me, he said he was gonna report me because I gave my old alt to my brother, which will not be named because it probably is against the TOS. But anyways, that account may be banned right? But say I have since made a new account that has not been shared at all, it wouldn't be banned for the other account being shared would it? He claimed he would report me for logging into the alt I gave my brother to do his glad, but funny thing is, the rules say that your account can be compromised if you access an account that you yourself did not register which I did register that alt I gave to my brother. So what im asking is, if I said in game I logged into the alt I made but gave to my brother, can my main (which was never shared) be banned? I know it can't, because only accounts that have been shared can be, and I accessed an account I personally made and registered. I just want him to see proof since he isn't smart enough to understand the rules. There was an alt gave away but that's the only problem with this and that is the only Toon that would be affected, right? Hopefully I made the situation clear enough for people to understand what I mean
kings pride
mabon - my main server
fingal - what happens in vegas, stays in vegas

Re: A question about the rules.

Long story short,could a main that was never shared, be banned for going on an account he personally made, but have since given to his in brother. Im not asking about if the alt could be banned, I want to know about the main who didn't break any rules.
kings pride
mabon - my main server
fingal - what happens in vegas, stays in vegas

Re: A question about the rules.

It's hard to give you an honest answer. Unfortunately the rules aren't enforced in some situations that span over several years, and sometimes they matters that arise are resolved within just days of reporting.

Anyways I don't think you would get banned for giving characters away, to your brother much less. I "share" accounts with my younger sister, we trade fashion back and forth. I guess we should be banned :)

[list][*]Vulture - Level 220 Rogue
[*]Venus - Level 195 Druid[/list][/color]

Re: A question about the rules.

Smalls u are the guy arguing,with me. How can a main account that was never shared be banned for logging into an account that he made? And just saying, anyone can say they logged into anyone's account, does not mean its true so im pretty sure your screenshot is pointless haha
kings pride
mabon - my main server
fingal - what happens in vegas, stays in vegas

Re: A question about the rules.

Account can be compromised for Unauthorized access to an account he/she did not create/register. The account I logged into was one I created so technically it is mine and I did nothing wrong.
Screenshot_2016-08-25-17-28-51.png (106.18 KiB) Viewed 2199 times
kings pride
mabon - my main server
fingal - what happens in vegas, stays in vegas

Re: A question about the rules.

You were logged onto the account that '' you gave to your brother '' yesterday... and there is screen shots of you saying I just log it to level him hmmmm ... pretty sure that Is a one way ticket to getting banned
And to me it seems u have a personal issue with the OP and u r trying to do him dirty.
If he says he gave it to his brother who r u to say he didnt?
Do u live in their house?
And in fact judging by that last comment u made i assume u do not understand the bond and relationship between brothers.
My advice is to back off and leave him alone. If he say he gave it to his blood and flesh (brother) then it is so and u have no grounds to say it is not.
Ranger lvl 215

Re: A question about the rules.

He does have issues with me, I would post the problem he has on why he is mad at me but it would completely sidetrack the post to another argument. He honestly is playing pretty dirty by trying to get me banned for something irrelevant to why he is mad at me. Since his attempted rumors at calling me a spy failed, this was his backup to getting at me I guess.
kings pride
mabon - my main server
fingal - what happens in vegas, stays in vegas

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