Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Problem with sreng

Don't need hrung and mord? The caster weps are still best in game kid
don't mind Havoc, to them, we don't even need Gelebron.
Yeah we shouldn't generalize all of Havoc, I'm sure most of them like earning their kills and gear.

The ones that do complain when things aren't just GIVEN to them?

Those are just the minority, the Tea Partyers.

The one and oNi. Your favorite mage's favorite mage.

Re: Problem with sreng

Lol man why would we? We gonna gear up with dl weps and start taking bosses from you guys.


Your first comment is saying that we're going to 'take' bosses from low end clans, then you say you will 'start to take bosses' from us? That's quite hypocritical. We need dl weapons, you need dl weapons... Your time is better spent levelling for your clan to achieve this rather than making comments without meaning just to bash on our clan. Wake up to yourself mate
AlexTheL3gend - 220+ Warrior - Morrigan
Incineration - 205+ Ranger - Morrigan
Devastate - 180+ Rogue - Morrigan
Proud Clansman of Clan Avalon

Re: Problem with sreng

Don't need hrung and mord? The caster weps are still best in game kid
Okay so their clannies telling me they kill that boss ONLY so we don't get it? You know what you're talking about but probably never stepped foot in morrigan, you're right best caster weapons in the game, and so much better when they brag about how much of it they got sitting in the bank. Yeah, take a seat :) kid

Re: Problem with sreng

This is clan drama guys, take the names out of it and make legitimate points instead of making personal bashes. I agree with Ail, everyone needs DL weps for now (which is why this update happened) and until we catch up and dig out of the crown deficits, 170-180 will be camped/killed by ALL.
Killsteal LOCK Rogue Level 175
Killheal Druid level 195
Proud clansman of WolfGang


:D :D :mrgreen: Thank You for the Snorri Patch! :mrgreen: :D :D

Re: Problem with sreng

Given to us? And when you were first trying to kill hrung/mord/necro who did you have to fight against to complete the raid?.... I'll wait.

Re: Problem with sreng

Oh I'm awake. I was only commenting on the crocodile tears your leader was shedding. I've never seen anyone in your clan give a rats behind about anyone other than yourselves.

Just be honest that this solution will erode your dl wep advantage and you don't like that. If you got what you wanted snorri would be a automatic 6 on a 24 hour clock... Yeah that would have totally helped smaller clans.

Re: Problem with sreng

Oh I'm awake. I was only commenting on the crocodile tears your leader was shedding. I've never seen anyone in your clan give a rats behind about anyone other than yourselves.

Just be honest that this solution will erode your dl wep advantage and you don't like that. If you got what you wanted snorri would be a automatic 6 on a 24 hour clock... Yeah that would have totally helped smaller clans.
Not only are you throwing false slander at this topic about Avalon, you're also trying to say we get a disadvantage from this? Pfft our dl weap advantage was broken as soon as you guys started completing off hands, doesn't stop us from winning though (gear from endgame bosses is what gives us an advantage). This post could not be and isn't a post about losing our advantage, this is a post about the point of lower end clans, even lower end players, not being able to complete their sets as easily (emphasis on easily, now it's going to be ALOT harder for them to complete sets, collectively). The lack of being able to complete dl sets for new players is a good reason for them to quit, therefore if most of our new players quit, that is less traffic for our server, all servers etc thus leading to less players and less players eligible to kill endgame bosses. Your point is moot and empty so please stop trying to press it.
AlexTheL3gend - 220+ Warrior - Morrigan
Incineration - 205+ Ranger - Morrigan
Devastate - 180+ Rogue - Morrigan
Proud Clansman of Clan Avalon

Re: Problem with sreng

May i ask why did you guys hijacked this topic? so u can bash on eachothers clans?
1 it does not help anyone interested in the original topic
2 it only shows you guys in a bad light....
stop bashing your clans on other ppls topics. Just do it in pm or ingame
Or maybe if its not done publicly u cant prove your loyalty to your clan?
Or hijacking topics makes yall bigger men?
Just stop it. Its not cool.
Ranger lvl 215

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