Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

New Year, New You Competition Winners!

Hey Heroes,

The New Year, New You Competition has just ended and we have had some amazing entries!

There would be too many to list for Muldars personal favorites ;)

Congratulations to all our winners! Prizes to be sent out soon!



1st Place:
http://celtic-heroes.com/forum/viewtopi ... 10#p644712
"For my New Years resolution, I hope to help those in both worlds. In game, to help new comers reach their desired goals, and in real life, to help those who don't have a lot to give to themselves or their families."
Runners Up!

http://celtic-heroes.com/forum/viewtopi ... 10#p644685
"My New Years resolution for 2016 is to work out more often. In game resolution become lvl 200!! :D"

http://celtic-heroes.com/forum/viewtopi ... 10#p644693
"My nears years resolution will be to simply keep in tact with my oldddddd friends from my past years and not lose them!."

"Helping more people from my server and reach level 200."

Congratulations Heroes! Prizes being sent out soon!


Re: New Year, New You Competition Winners!

Awe no one on my server won, rats!

Good job winners!

All the winners are on page two, conspiracy!
Apparently they never read past page 2 XD
Got to read past page two, need more pictures for the Instagram ;)

I had to cut down all my choices, had a text document with just about every entry :lol:

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