Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Selling / changing items.


The idea behind this is, to help eachother out. You tell what you are looking for and mabye somone can sell it to you or change it for another Item.

I will start with my request:

I could use some help with the chessmen quest,

I still need:
7 white pawns
1 white bishop
2 white rooks

I can buy them from you or I can change. I have:

1x white knight
4x white king
4x white queen

I am in the world Belenus, name Angelas
Angelas / Level 51 / Warrior / Clan WarLord /
Diavolos / Level 10 /n Mage / Clan Catalans /


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