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Proposal for future unbanning votes

Now as we see a large quantity of people are posting irrelevant information towards Tzu's unbanning. And some others are trying to create their own unbanning system.

I would like to suggest to Lugh to have a possible set of rules and possibly a template.

1st: the post shouldnt be made by the person being unbanned - if a player truely should be unbanned they should have someone to be able to approve and warrant a unbanning post.

2nd: votes are +1/-1 only - if someone wants to raise a point create a new thread that way the vote doesnt get locked.

3rd: tallys should be included by the original poster in the original message to allow others an easy reference to what they will be seeing soon.

4th: the votes should not be shorter than a week or longer than a month. The longer the vote the more severe the reason for banning.

5th: once the vote has been tallied and unban/ban verdict made - the original poster should delete the post or pm a moderator to lock it as it has exceeded its time period.

This would make things a little more fluid and easier when we unban players, imo.
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Re: Proposal for future unbanning votes

+1. I strongly agree that the minimum amount of time, regardless of their reason for being banned, should be 1, or even 2 weeks. This will allow for those who work during the week or those that have full time school and have little to no time to play, let alone time to browse the forums to also have their input. This amount of time will also give those that are indecisive a chance to think it over carefully, or those too nervous to be judged by their opinion to work up the courage to participate in the vote.

Re: Proposal for future unbanning votes

From the OP, I have created a suggested set of rules. Any users in breach of these rules will have their vote disqualified:
  • A vote is initiated by an independent user; that is, a user not affiliated with the user in question. Affiliation includes, but is not limited to: being within the same clan; being related to the user; being coerced or bribed by the user.
  • In order to initiate a vote, the initiator must have obtained written consent from the user in question.
  • The initiating post must detail why the user in question was banned; what they are banned from doing; for how long they have been banned; the user's in game name(s).
  • The user in question may terminate the voting process at any time. This will result in a default majority vote against the unbanning.
  • Each user may only vote once in any one topic. If a user is suspected of making multiple accounts and this is confirmed, their vote(s) will be discounted.
  • The user in question may not vote.
  • The voting must last no less than one week from the time of posting,
  • Once a user has voted, they are unable to make amendments.
  • Voting shall be open for a fixed term of 28 days from the initiating post. Votes cast after the fixed term will be discounted.
  • Voting may only occur on the designated topic, and not via any other medium. Users may advertise this topic in-game and via other media.
  • The original post must be updated periodically with the number of for and against votes.
  • Votes must be in the format of +1 (denoting a 'for' vote), or -1 (denoting an 'against' vote). Users may post a supplementary explanation for their vote, with no further discussion. Therefore, any one user may only have one post on the voting thread. Users participating in a discussion within the voting thread will forfeit their vote.
  • Only one other topic shall be permitted regarding the process. This topic may include a full discussion. In the case that the topic is locked or removed, a new topic cannot be made, in line with the forum rules. Users who break any forum rules in this post will be disqualified from the vote, at the discretion of a moderator.
  • Should a majority 'against' vote occur, the user will remain banned. No user may initiate another vote for at least 2 calendar months after the closing date and time of the vote.
  • Should a majority 'for' vote occur, the user will be unbanned, with immediate effect.
  • Should the population be undecided; that is, come to no overall majority vote, the vote will default to an 'against' majority. No user may initiate another vote for at least 2 calendar months after the closing date and time of the vote.
That's all I can think of for the moment! I'm happy to change it if anyone has any other suggestions. :)

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Re: Proposal for future unbanning votes

I have some questions/concerns
A vote is initiated by an independent user; that is, a user not affiliated with the user in question. Affiliation includes, but is not limited to: being within the same clan; being related to the user; being coerced or bribed by the user.
There are some pretty big clans in lugh, and some clans tend not to like certain other clans. If the no same clan rule went into effect i could see instances where there would be few votes(if they were in a big clan), or a big against vote(if clans dont like each other). Consider removing the no same clan rule
[*]The voting must last no less than one week from the time of posting,
I personally think this is too long a time. I think it should be a week at most, because imagion how it would feel to have to wait that long as the banned person. Id say a time of 3-7 days is fair, anyone who is concerned with voting may shout in lugh, and tell their clans.
Votes must be in the format of +1 (denoting a 'for' vote), or -1 (denoting an 'against' vote). No discussion is permitted. Users participating in a discussion within the voting thread will forfeit their vote.
I think discussions could help the vote, it is always good to have view points from both sides when making a decision. Being within the vote will explain why they voted that way
Should a majority 'against' vote occur, the user will remain banned from accessing Lugh. No user may initiate another vote for at least 2 calendar months after the closing date and time of the vote.
By accessing lugh, do you mean entering the world? Or just bossing?

If you could respond to these thatd be nice, thanks :)
World - Lugh
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