Celtic Heroes

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Re: Is Lugh Active?

Hello, i was looking to xfer to Lugh to have a new start and adventure. But as i was exploring places it came to me as a shock with so few people in castle (than im used to). Is Lugh fairly active right now and fun to play in?, did i log in at a less active time?. Or are there just less castle dwellers in Lugh and more players chilling in other areas?. If any Lugh players could pls give me an impression of how Lugh would be to play in, that would be super greatful.
Thank you
My apologies bud, just giving you a quick run down. There was a dom clan that held the server i think for 3 or 4 years. Long story short they’re pretty much destroyed now and you’ll have a couple of bad eggs running around who don’t play in this server anymore that’s campaigning on the forums

Point blank, server is chill you’ll meet cool people, once you get to 180 id suggest you join us and we’ll help you grow. You put in the work and we will make sure to reward you.
Proud Piggie

Re: Is Lugh Active?

Mizza, you don’t even play anymore and haven’t done for some months. It’s weird hanging around the forum throwing shade on Lugh.
Factual not true. I have been logging in lugh lately to sell stuff and help out with a boss here and there. Besides that I actively play on another server. Why is it weird I check the forums exactly?
You also don’t play Lugh and haven’t done in forever so have zero right to comment with any authority on whether it is active or not.
As you can see, the player of the dom clan in this thread starts to decide who is and is not eligible to give you feedback.
Never said you couldn’t give feedback, just pointing out that your feedback has no basis since you don’t play Lugh and therefore cant possibly be best placed to comment on it.
How inceptional. Your claim of my statements not having a basis has no basis. How do you know I don't play in Lugh and how can you possibly know this?

The above quotes summarise your contradicting statements pretty well. You are acting as an umpire here that decides which feedback is valid. Then you deny it in the last quote and immediately state again that the other feedback is not valid. There is no arguing with a person that denies for the sake of denying, totally disregarding what has been said before. Besides that.

I think your personal attack on me is cute. And for Bagad it perfectly shows the toxicity that's going on in Lugh. A form of cyber bullying because someone gives a different insight.

Lugh is not unique anymore, nor is the environment attractive to start in. Sure, if you already know players in the server that can help you get started it may be worth it. But as a brand new player, there are several better servers with better clans, better gear distribution systems, a nicer community( yes this is my opinion), a better economy and more active players.

Re: Is Lugh Active?


I know you don’t play because I DO play and unlesss you spend all your time in Crookback, you ain’t playing the game.

Anyway, you have the right to your opinion, I have the right to call you out on what is at best misguided information based on not having recent knowledge of the server, and at worst, an attempt to sabotage Lugh with lies cos you’re salty the server isn’t how you want it to be. I’m stating facts that the server is active. Every raid is down except Dino. I shall say no further on the matter as we are going round in circles.
MrsDredd - 223 Rogue
Penny Dreadful - 220 Tank Warrior
NurseDredd - 220 Druid
DreadOnFire - 220 Fire Mage
Dreadshot - 220 Ranger
Dreadlocks - 190 Locker

Pegasus, Lugh
Celtic Heroes noob since September 2017

Re: Is Lugh Active?


I know you don’t play because I DO play and unlesss you spend all your time in Crookback, you ain’t playing the game.

Anyway, you have the right to your opinion, I have the right to call you out on what is at best misguided information based on not having recent knowledge of the server, and at worst, an attempt to sabotage Lugh with lies cos you’re salty the server isn’t how you want it to be. I’m stating facts that the server is active. Every raid is down except Dino. I shall say no further on the matter as we are going round in circles.
I guess that’s some progress, can’t read and argue properly so you just stop reading at all. In der Beschränkung zeigt sich erst der Meister.

Regardless of what you might state as ‘facts’, it’s up to the op to decide :)

Re: Is Lugh Active?

Lugh is dead peggasquid is correct Ms dred is apart of the only Dom clan on the server keep in mind it is dying .... Not there clan the whole server... They're trying there best to get players but no one wants to xfer because lugh gold is worth nothing .

Re: Is Lugh Active?

Nah lol you’re just boring, salty, obsessed and toxic, I don’t even know why I’m arguing with you. I don’t give a hoot if new players come to Lugh. Just giving the opinion of someone who actually plays Lugh as opposed to those who failed on Lugh so have some weird hatred of it. There’s no point in discussing it further as you will continue to make stuff up, no other reason.
MrsDredd - 223 Rogue
Penny Dreadful - 220 Tank Warrior
NurseDredd - 220 Druid
DreadOnFire - 220 Fire Mage
Dreadshot - 220 Ranger
Dreadlocks - 190 Locker

Pegasus, Lugh
Celtic Heroes noob since September 2017

Re: Is Lugh Active?

There’s no point in discussing it further as you will continue to make stuff up, no other reason.
There is only one side making things up here.
If your aim is reaching endgame, playing in a fun clan which kills all bosses except Dino, without being a slave to dkp, and not having to pay gold for your gear, Lugh is a good choice.
Note the bolded/underlined text. This is their way of telling you that they choose who they want to give gear to instead of using a system. Note #2, notice how 2 certain people have full DG sets before everyone else, while the rest of the clan is fighting for gloves. Unless you kiss up to people, or were in the clan for a long time, you will be in the back of the line forever in a system like this. I don't think anyone would want to deal with that, besides the people abusing the system.
Anyway, you have the right to your opinion, I have the right to call you out on what is at best misguided information based on not having recent knowledge of the server, and at worst, an attempt to sabotage Lugh with lies cos you’re salty the server isn’t how you want it to be. I’m stating facts that the server is active. Every raid is down except Dino. I shall say no further on the matter as we are going round in circles.
Calling people out on misguided information is my specialty, both sides should be properly informed. It is a fact that lugh peaked at 2013, why? Because people followed the rules and didn't try to mess with a system that already worked(dicing). 2014 came around, and some greedy and self entitled high levels made a clan and flipped the system(dom clan) for their own benefit(with even that clan's leader stealing lughs first void mordy spear from a guy who legitimately won it). Then when a certain other clan beat that clan, the idea was to later disband and return back to dicing when it was safe to, but oh wait, it hasnt, just a lie to get more support for the fight. Still the same system, just a different name. The only people sabotaging lugh are the ones syphoning drops, when they full well know that the dicing system is the only way the world will survive and thrive.

I guess I owe the OP a better explanation. Lugh is dieing atm, and as it stands, coming here is a bad idea. I don't think lugh will ever see a dino kill because some people are too stubborn to cooperate, and other people are too greedy to allow people to touch their precious drops. Even if all of lugh worked together, we'd probably still lose because too many people left the world. This is historically why lugh was often among the last of the worlds to kill any new given raid boss post 2013. When raids don't get killed, endgame people quit, when endgame people quit, the other people will as well. Trying to save the world is practically a lost cause, and it is recommended to avoid it, or if you happen to be on lugh, xfer out while the gold is still worth something.
World - Lugh
Furyion - 192 Ice Mage
Stonelord - 100 PvP Warrior
Lavalord - 60 PvP Warrior
Keepin' it old school.
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Re: Is Lugh Active?

There are two people in Lugh with DG aura given by Pegasus. Both by virtue of BT helms, nobody, not even people in clan from day one who have attended over 90% of Prots in their timezone since December 2017, has actual full DG. Every single person who has been here for a while and contributes has at least 1 and mostly 2 or more pieces.

One with DG aura has been here from the day the clan was made, one is much newer but their immense contribution justifies it. I’ll put your statement down to a lack of experience and understanding of how a proper clan works since your only interest is overpricing things for the people whose corner you profess to be fighting.

Ding dong wrong again.

Here is a pic from a few months ago of a clan which apparently doesn’t gear DG liberally enough.

MrsDredd - 223 Rogue
Penny Dreadful - 220 Tank Warrior
NurseDredd - 220 Druid
DreadOnFire - 220 Fire Mage
Dreadshot - 220 Ranger
Dreadlocks - 190 Locker

Pegasus, Lugh
Celtic Heroes noob since September 2017

Re: Is Lugh Active?

:D :POP:
Oh how the turns have tabled...

Not exactly the most active clannie, but $.02 while we're here:
I've never not been ok with Peg gear distribution. I'm not saying that cause I've gotten everything I've ever wanted (I'm a noob who wouldn't know what to do with most of it :lol: and I know better than to ask). I AM saying that as a biased bystander (I'm in the clan) I've never really thought that any decent gear was handed out where it wasn't deserved, particularly DG. In most cases the decent gear (I'm talking good enough to req, not good enough that everyone kills each other) gets gotten without too much deliberation (only a couple viable candidates). And so far, in all the cases where there has been an uber good item, I've never come away thinking that it was not given to someone that deserved it. Being a clan leader necessitates a lot of work to ensure that players are rewarded proportionally for effort, activity, loyalty, longevity, and potential gain without shorting anyone else in those categories.
In short, don't throw pearls before swine until you've flown a mile in their wings. (too many mixed metaphors?)
Pretty proud of that piggie pun tbh, really hope some cretin doesn't take THAT out of context TOO...
The only problems I've had with the clan seem to resolve themselves pretty regularly... :?

Edit: yeah the whole "u must slave away for years to be considered for DG pieces" doesn't really hold up to close scrutiny. Pretty sure they are awarded frequently enough that individual pieces are just as much of a consideration as set completion (and we're all pulling from the massive stockpile of BT helms so that makes life easier). Ex: Jazz full DG in just a few months, but well deserved due to immense effort and dedication

Pegasus Lugh Signature & Profile artwork by Angmar Reid
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Re: Is Lugh Active?

There are two people in Lugh with DG aura given by Pegasus. Both by virtue of BT helms, nobody, not even people in clan from day one who have attended over 90% of Prots in their timezone since December 2017, has actual full DG. Every single person who has been here for a while and contributes has at least 1 and mostly 2 or more pieces.

One with DG aura has been here from the day the clan was made, one is much newer but their immense contribution justifies it. I’ll put your statement down to a lack of experience and understanding of how a proper clan works since your only interest is overpricing things for the people whose corner you profess to be fighting.

Ding dong wrong again.

Here is a pic from a few months ago of a clan which apparently doesn’t gear DG liberally enough.
Note #2, notice how 2 certain people have full DG sets before everyone else, while the rest of the clan is fighting for gloves. Unless you kiss up to people, or were in the clan for a long time, you will be in the back of the line forever in a system like this. I don't think anyone would want to deal with that, besides the people abusing the system.
Absolutely nothing I said was wrong. 2 people(and you know who) jumped the line because of their status(seriously why does the name and shame rule exist, it protects more bad people then good). Certain people are dipping their hands in the drops, and handing out the worse tier stuff to the other unfavored members in an effort to keep them happy. I'm not dumb, the past clan did that too, and it was painfully obvious. There are people in the clan who have bossed months for you, and even bought spirit mounts for the cause without a single piece on(yes, even gloves). And it's not like ohh im using EDL because DG is worse, no, anyone with a brain would wear DG so it's obvious they don't have it.

A proper clan would want to minimize corruption risk, but this literally maximizes it. Not only is it opinion based, but the rest of the clan doesn't get any input on it. There is a reason most dom clan worlds use KDP. Yes, that can be corrupt too, but it is much harder, as there are usually many witnesses to boss fights. There is no excuse for it either, the idea of "proper gearing" falls completely flat in lugh because the world has no hope of killing dino or even coming close.
World - Lugh
Furyion - 192 Ice Mage
Stonelord - 100 PvP Warrior
Lavalord - 60 PvP Warrior
Keepin' it old school.
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