Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

New Rules - Records

No chatter within this thread please, any and all discussion within here will be ignored, as well as any attempt to vote within this thread will not be included in an actual tally. If you wish for your input to be read and heard, please make an alternative thread to get across your opinion, and if you wish to vote on a certain proposal via forums, then there will be a thread that will be created for that sole purpose for each vote. If you have a problem with anything related to this, please create another new thread stating the problem and a proposed solution, however, unless you are an active IN-GAME player, then your vote will not be included.
The Lugh Voting Thread

This thread has been created to record any and all votes that Lugh has undergone using the new voting method. If you do not have wechat (The new method), nor want to download it, then write your vote within the separate thread that will be created for each new vote (ONLY IF YOU ARE AN ACTIVE AND ENGAGING MEMBER OF LUGH) and it will be counted.

How to Vote:
If you wish to vote, and to have your +1 or -1 directly and instantly heard, please download wechat and ask to be added to the voting chat. There is also another wechat chat for the purpose of the discussion of the vote at hand. If you do not have wechat, or do not wish to download, then as I have already stated, a separate thread will be created for you in which you can add your +1 or -1.
READ ME ----- To have your vote included, you must be an active player, as counting the votes of those who are no longer active ingame, but are active on forums alone, do not know the current standings of our server, Lugh.
For certain votes, there will be certain requirements. I.e. you must be level 175 (Which is the requirement for Hrung) to vote on a proposal for hrung, or 185 for Mordris, etc, etc.

For a vote to successfully be passed, it must have a majority of people voting +1, a vote will not be passed if there are only a few more +1's than -1's as that reflects that a large portion of the player base does indeed disagree with the proposal.

Past Votes
Wechat as the new voting method: http://celtic-heroes.com/forum/viewtopi ... 18#p576621 Vote was passed.
Mordris Helm Dicing: http://celtic-heroes.com/forum/viewtopi ... 37#p579437 Vote was failed.
Vote Name: Add link here
Voting information and tally layout:
Voting Open
In-Game Name: Username of the user in question (if applicable for a ban vote)
Dates: Opening and closing dates and/or times of the vote
Ban/Rule Details: Information on why the user was banned (if the vote is to do with a ban), and for how long they have been banned for, or information on the specific rule that is being looked to be implemented or amended.
Reason: Reason for the vote
Votes: +?/-?
etc. etc.
Last edited by yoshi6396 on Fri May 08, 2015 6:55 am, edited 10 times in total.

Re: New Rules - Records

Vote finished.

Dates: 28/4/15 (AEST) - ??

Rule Details:
Legitimising the new voting method via wechat, in which a chat has been made that will include active, and ONLY active players within a specified wechat group. Please ask your clanmates or leaders to be added to this group, if, and only if, you are an active and contributing member to Lugh. Those of you who do not have wechat, and do not wish to get it, would be required to tell a trusted clannie their vote for it to be passed along if this system is to be passed.

Reason: The reasoning behind this new proposed method of voting is to restrict voting on new rules, or bans to active players within lugh community. More specifically, active players IN-GAME, not those active on forums alone. This will give those who still play more of a chance to add their opinion on certain matters, as how it currently stands there are more active people willing to share their opinion and vote on wechat, then there are on forums.

Votes: 31 for, 3 against. Vote has been passed.

Please vote by following the instructions on my first post. Votes here will not be counted.
Last edited by yoshi6396 on Sat May 02, 2015 5:21 am, edited 4 times in total.

Re: New Rules - Records

This would exclude people like myself, who do not have wechat and do not want to install it!
The current state of the vote is 21 in favour of the vote and 1 against. Maybe if you don't want to install wechat get a good thrustworthy friend in-game that can vote for you and keep you up to date?

Re: New Rules - Records

-1. not everyone has wechat. keep it on the forums for all to come and see. this is unfair for those that don't know about wechat or dont have it. i don't like the fact that people have to be added to this group. seems rather controlled. at least on the forums everyone is welcome and allowed to speak freely.

Re: New Rules - Records

-1. not everyone has wechat. keep it on the forums for all to come and see. this is unfair for those that don't know about wechat or dont have it. i don't like the fact that people have to be added to this group. seems rather controlled. at least on the forums everyone is welcome and allowed to speak freely.
If you play CH, your device can handle Wechat. Go download it and you will be added to the vote group. The forums are not a productive way to conduct voting any longer as there are too many inactive players who troll the forums when in reality their opinion does not matter because they are no longer playing. The current population of Lugh would rather have a system where the input of active members matters has a higher weighted value compared to the inactive player base.

Also, to clarify, your vote here on the forums will not count as all voting is being done in Wechat. This thread is a means of tracking all of the votes and summarizing the outcome.
Critz - 222 Rogue
Server - Lugh

Re: New Rules - Records

This would exclude people like myself, who do not have wechat and do not want to install it!
The current state of the vote is 21 in favour of the vote and 1 against. Maybe if you don't want to install wechat get a good thrustworthy friend in-game that can vote for you and keep you up to date?
For this, votes only count if they are here on the forums. "In game votes", or wechat votes cannot be proven to all players and therefore dont count.

But to OP a huge -1 for wechat votes. Many reasons to be -1.

1. Voting has and always will be on the forums.

2. Including only "active players" can be exploited, and even if its not your not including all of lugh in the vote. ALL LUGH PEOPLE CAN VOTE, nothing will change this, period.

3. Not everyone has or wants wechat, the forums is something anyone can access.

4. wechat group invites by clan leaders only will outcast the clanless, and if leaders hate someone they could ignore them, outcasing them from the vote group.

5. This sounds alot like the "lugh goverment proposal", though less severe, its still a step in the wrong direction excluding people from votes.

6. Votes made in wechat cannot be seen by everyone, and lies could be made to exploit people who dont have wechat(same thing with "In game votes")

7. It says "contributing", that is up for debate on interpretation and open to exploting too.

This vote shouldnt even be proposed, it goes against lughs stance on freedom. If it hurts lugh why would you try to do it?
Also you cant spring a new rule in(like the time i was told i cant dice for garanak when i came at 80% because of a "In game vote"), all votes must be done on forums, THIS INCLUDES THE VOTE TO VOTE ON WECHAT.
World - Lugh
Furyion - 192 Ice Mage
Stonelord - 100 PvP Warrior
Lavalord - 60 PvP Warrior
Keepin' it old school.
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Re: New Rules - Records

I honestly don't understand how you people cannot read enough to follow a simple request to NOT post in this chat. If you have any disagreements, make another thread stating so.

You cant make a post and demand it not be replied to

As an outsider, i think it makes little sence to limit the number of people voting on a server where everyone is included in all decisions
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out

Re: New Rules - Records

This would exclude people like myself, who do not have wechat and do not want to install it!
The current state of the vote is 21 in favour of the vote and 1 against. Maybe if you don't want to install wechat get a good thrustworthy friend in-game that can vote for you and keep you up to date?
For this, votes only count if they are here on the forums. "In game votes", or wechat votes cannot be proven to all players and therefore dont count.

But to OP a huge -1 for wechat votes. Many reasons to be -1.

1. Voting has and always will be on the forums.

2. Including only "active players" can be exploited, and even if its not your not including all of lugh in the vote. ALL LUGH PEOPLE CAN VOTE, nothing will change this, period.

3. Not everyone has or wants wechat, the forums is something anyone can access.

4. wechat group invites by clan leaders only will outcast the clanless, and if leaders hate someone they could ignore them, outcasing them from the vote group.

5. This sounds alot like the "lugh goverment proposal", though less severe, its still a step in the wrong direction excluding people from votes.

6. Votes made in wechat cannot be seen by everyone, and lies could be made to exploit people who dont have wechat(same thing with "In game votes")

7. It says "contributing", that is up for debate on interpretation and open to exploting too.

This vote shouldnt even be proposed, it goes against lughs stance on freedom. If it hurts lugh why would you try to do it?
Also you cant spring a new rule in(like the time i was told i cant dice for garanak when i came at 80% because of a "In game vote"), all votes must be done on forums, THIS INCLUDES THE VOTE TO VOTE ON WECHAT.
I don't think you understand that change is occuring. There is another thread for you to troll in, please keep this one empty as it is reserved for vote recording.
Critz - 222 Rogue
Server - Lugh

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