Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Hi Lugh

Well since i decided im going to stay on Lugh and quit gwyidon here is Abit about myself and why I came here etc :D

First of all I am from Gwyidon which is a world with limited drama but not as free as here, I am a 191 rogue also called friddo :lol: Err what else been playing since 2011 hween ermmm I am not a Noob don't try to rip me off :D

Im quite poor atm since I can't get my full xfer from sulis :(

Virulent cihat and Rahvin have all been really nice so far and i joined virulents clan exultists something like that not good with names...

If you see me Ingame say hi I won't bite :roll: i "promise"

Decided to make a icemage here I'll endgame it and follow with a rogue, can't wait to meet you all!

Came here to escape drama from gwyidon where i was clanless and getting abit of hate :| Wasnt very nice
-friddo peace out
Oderint Dum Metuant.

Re: Hi Lugh

Welcome to Lugh :D glad to have more mages here
Rogue - Bugs 221
Been a Celtic Heroes Shill since 2011 ._.
"There are so many bugs in this game that sometimes it feels like I’m playing Starship Troopers"

Re: Hi Lugh

Welcome :)
World : Lugh
Clan: Pegasus
Istael : druid lvl 221
Zeto : rogue lvl 223
Istalrì : mage lvl 213

World: Sulis
Clan: Retribution
Guppy: warrior lvl 220
Hotu: ranger lvl 220
Ryujin: mage lvl 220
Istael: druid lvl 220
Xisuthros: warrior lvl 220

Re: Hi Lugh

Welcomw to lugh friddo:) we already met but tambo :p
Tambo7 215 rogue
EDL armour

Those who never fail are those who never try -Ilka Chase
Baseball is my Life. The rest are just details
The difference between the possible and impossible lies in a person determination-Tommy Lasorda

Re: Hi Lugh

>came here to escape drama
not gunna escape any drama here lol
Escape drama with clans as this server dosent require the need for a dominant clan id say I'll escape it pretty well
Oderint Dum Metuant.

Re: Hi Lugh

>came here to escape drama
not gunna escape any drama here lol
Escape drama with clans as this server dosent require the need for a dominant clan id say I'll escape it pretty well
it was just a warning lad. we have it just as much as any other world. just not as bad

good luck on your venture

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