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Galdoran and the Bloodbarons keep ksing me everywhere all the time
First account
-4/22- I was going to kill Kiara, so I invited Galdoran to my group, when we get there, I start being tank, he leaves group, creates a clan only group, and when I'm 25% into kiara, he kses me. Quote from Galdoran "Don't be such a drama queen about it you ***."
Second account
-4/21/-He kept killing the bosses I soloed right before half health at dustwither. Quote from Galdoran "I was lagging"
Third account
-4/21- I'm in shalemont trying to complete a quest called 'The Defector', and I ask Rorik for help. I meet him at the boss and Galdoran comes with friends, leaves the group, creates a clan group, discloses me from it,(I already attacked it) and kses it.
Quote from Galdoran. "Stfu wulv no one cares."

I know there isn't a lot to do about it but I really wish people would make him stop, it's ruining the game for me and my friends.
I'll say it louder for you.

Re: Galdoran

Ya bro i kinda agree just chill out no offense but u kinda deserved it... u always annoy everyone in Stonevale and u have asked ppl for free stuff all the time.. no offense
World: Gwydion

Wiffle- LVL 152+ -Rogue

Started playing on May 3rd, 2012.

Re: Galdoran

I'm annoying :) but I never ask for handouts. Also, a few friends and accomplices from Bloodbarons wanted me to point out that Bloodbarons did nothing wrong, only Galdoran. Numerous polls of a more vestigial quality have come to notice amongst several clans including my own. So I just wanted to clear that up. Gtfo Galdoran.
I'll say it louder for you.

Re: Galdoran

I'll have to talk about Galdoran about this :) . And you have the right to not chill out about this. If this happened to me, I would go on a cussing spree/temper tantrum.
Thank you!!! Other than my clan and some friends no one has supported me about this and it's ridiculous!!!!! He even started spreading rumors about me because I brought the topic to the forum!!! Everytime it's brought up in Stonevale he puts me down and then xx longshotxx is like"Yeah!" and then mob mentality starts up... Fricking doesn't happen to me on any game or in life except for in this game with him!!!!!!
I'll say it louder for you.

Re: Galdoran

Well I think I could help ya with some bosses but if you really were annoying ppl in sv and begging(i haven't seen you doing this because im not very active)... So please stop it if yer doing it and i will be glad to help u
shepdruid-lvl44 druid(abandoned currently using as bank)
Shepberry-lvl73 ranger

Re: Galdoran

No, I have never asked for free stuff except on the exception of me asking Gaby if I could have something (I don't remember what) in shalemont when I first met thief and gaby.. But I am annoying when I'm pissed, though I usually have a good reason to be.
I'll say it louder for you.

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