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Re: Fearsome Foe Competition - Win rare unique prizes!

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 10:21 am
by Lukov
Rather than attatching a drawing i will describe my foe throughout its fight phase.

The ruins of the Defeated

Formed from the rubble of the magic obelisks of the yule event. Brought back from the dead by their strong magical energy, they have a bone to pick with the people that had defeated it.

Phase 1
Rock Blast:
Dmg type: Crush
Effect: Nil
Target: AoE 6m
The structure sprays a barrage of rocks/ruin pieces over the crowd of players. Maximum 1500 dmg per person.

Stone Barrage:
Dmg type: Crush
Effect: Lowers targets armour
Target: Tank
Fires a quick succession of 3 hits, lowering targets armour. 1500 dmg per hit. Lowers armour after the last hit.

Effect: increased armour and physical resists.
Time: 1min
Recast: 1min 30secs
Descripion: The boss creates a wall of rock and ruins around itself causing its armour and physical resists to raise significantly.

Summon guardians:
Effect: Summon 3 Stone guardians
Time: summons every 5mins
Description: stone guardians can spawn as 3 different models; a dog, a human or a wyrm. All made from rock/stone, the human has crush dmg, wyrm slash and dog pierce.
Stone Guardian stats:
30,000 health
Special effect: When a stone Guardian dies the boss heals 5,000 health.

Sacrifice guardian (in orange text:
Type of dmg: Crush/Magic
Time: casts once an add has been alive for 3mins
Recast: every 30secs
Target: everyone within 2m of the targetted guardian
Effect: heals 10,000 health and damages anyone surrounding the guardian.
Description: the boss destroys its guardian with explosive force and heals itself.

In the beginning it looks although its a ruined structure, with symbols archways, as if it was a ruin of the catacombs, strewn throughout a wide area.

As you approach, the structure collects together, anyone hit by the stray pieces is dealt crush damage, only mild but their armour is temporarily weakened. This forms a humanoid structure of ruins and rocks about the size of falgren. As this happens the boss casts blockade, and attacks the tank directly. The boss cycles through spawning guardians, rock blast and stone barrage while attacking tank. Once the boss is at 75% it then changes form.

The ruins of the Defeated (phase 2)
The boss suddenly creates a copy of itself out of destroyed guardians.

As above but there are 2 main bosses but only 3 guardians spawn every 5mins. Until you reach 50%

The ruins of the Defeated (phase 3)
As above but with 3 main bosses, should require 3 tanks, 6-8 druids to tank all 3. Until he hits 25%

The ruins of the Defeated (phase 4)
All the skills from before

Fist Flurry:
Target: the boss targets random players within range who have attacked it.
Type of dmg: Crush
Description: deals 8 bouts of damages to random players. 2000-3000 dmg per hit.

Effect: the bosses damage type changes
Time: 3mins
Description: in orange text a comment is made saying how the bosses arms begin to look sharp/pointy/heavy. This changes the damage type to slash, pierce and crush.

The boss suddenly morphs into a large humanoid creature which has 4 arms, 2 legs. The boss gains auto dmg and speed.
While in this state blockade slows its auto speed and all skill damage is doubled. The boss periodically changes the shape of its arms to change its damage type. As soon as the boss reaches 25% it creates a shockwave dealing maximum 4000 dmg per player.

The Ruins of the Defeated (phase 5)

Once the shockwave hits the boss assumes a more defensive position, it forms basically a wall of rock and stone. As this happens 2 rock structures are formed.

Rock Wardstones:
Health: 40000
Weak to magic damage.
Special effect:
While these stones are active they create an impenetrable shield over the boss. They spawn every 4-5mins.

Boss skills:
The bosses skills remain the same except fist flurry and morph is removed.

The boss itself while in defense mode loses a large portion of its damage. It makes up for that by being heavily resistant to melee damage. The boss continues to spawn adds and heal from them while the shield is up. When the shield breaks it has a shockwave to damage everyone within a 10m radius giving around 3000 dmg.

When the boss is defeated. It drops 4 drops

[url] ... /Golem.jpg[url/]

Re: Fearsome Foe Competition - Win rare unique prizes!

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 11:47 am
by elletopo
This is the famous water sea mythological monster Kraken, that is rumored to live in North of Norway and Greenland. It can also be the moster of Loch Ness that is located in Scotland of course. I cannot draw it but got pictures of it. it can be a mixture of Kraken and the character Cthulhu, which both have octopus heads and live along the water element. in the myth of the second one, he can be defeated by air element. But I'm also thinking that it can be defeated by slashing since we slash the little octopus to eat it :)
this monster legs are so powerful and have always haunted me with its images, very long hands and they act like vines skill for druids, they can do damage over time on the player, their legs can twist around the player and make it stuck, while unleashing powerful poisonous water, that go inside the veins of the person and make the player unable to move, his movement becomes so slow, as if he got casted howling wind on him. because this is how the monster tries to dominate us.
Slashing damage could be the super defeater for this monster, but it also can be killed with fire damage and magic damage. a little bit of crushing too. something like air element skill on it, like howling wind, acts miraculously. same for smoke bomb. this creature hates Air basically, that's why it tries to kill anything that floats on water, like ships.
The legs of this creature make the player so small as if it's shrinking him before swallowing him. Swords and axes play a major role in defeating this horrific thing. strangling Vines, howling wind and smoke bomb as well. Pox pots from the sewers may be a solution for its damage over time. but we aren't so sure about that.
it could cause sea sickness though.
this monster usually haunts our dreams. we are terrified of how it looks that we start having nightmares about it. therefore we can't not think of his assistant, the god Morpheus.
Morpheus is in ancient mythology the god of dreams, who is said to have the semblance of a winged demon.
Morpheus wants to join hands with kraken to control the dreams of the players. dreams are magical this is why it casts magic damage and is also vulnerable to it.
all the little minions and assistants of those 2 ferocious monsters, are winged demons, but it's possible that their legs are sunk in water and don't really move much away from it.

the type of drops that Kraken drops:

- warrior rings: rupture skill and axe ability both together. or defensive formation and melee ability rings.
- druid rings: natures embrace and totem ability together. or stinging bees and focus rings.
- mage rings: fire attunement and wand ability together. or firestorm and focus rings.
- rogue rings: rend and dagger ability together. or smoke bomb and cunning rings.
- ranger rings: barbed shot and bow ability together. or defensive spikes and ranged combat rings.

-warrior braces: defensive formation and armour and vitality. or shatter and strength and melee braces.
-mage braces: energy shield and focus and defense braces. or firestorm and fire magic and focus.
-druid braces: sanctuary and focus and health braces. or strangling vines and nature magic and focus.
- rogue braces: smoke bomb and dexterity and defense. or rend and cunning and strength.
- ranger braces: bolas and strength and defense. or barbed shot and dexterity and armour.

whoever wins this competition, i would like to mention that mages on our server complain on daily basis that you have not invented yet rings for them to use firestorm skill with. it's sad to listen to them complain about firestorm rings not being available every day. I'm not mage myself but please do me a favor and make the mages stop being so frustrated about firestorm, well and fire attunement too! since most damage skills can be maxed except those 2! and it's really sad! and listening to them can get annoying haha!
btw i also mentioned barbed shot, rend, rupture and stinging swarm skills for about the same reasons. you haven't made enough rings available to max those damage rings! as for druid heal rings, i have never won myself not even a +2 embrace ring!!! this is why i mentioned embrace skill.
so basically these are the skills we need to revive and encourage people to use by tell them "hey! you can now max this skill, so you might as well start putting points in it!"
- fire attunement
- rupture
- rend
- barbed shot (nobody inknow likes barbed shot unfortunately you probably should nerf it to do more damage)
- stinging swarm
- natures embrace

thank you for reading!

Re: Fearsome Foe Competition - Win rare unique prizes!

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 1:35 pm
by Inaliel

A new scourge is threatening Dal Riata, corrupting the very leylines of the earth! Melehan the Revenant -- elder son of Mordred, King Arthur's killer, is back from the dead to re-establish a reign of terror.

He has sent his Liches to corrupt the minor leystones, rendering them unusable to our heroes, and channeling their energy to power a spell that can teleport his army of monsters directly into the heart of Farcrag Castle itself. Dastardly! Devilish! Devious! Something else that starts with a D!

And in the heart of his lair, he and his army awaits the time to strike.


Periodically, a Lich spawns and casts a nefarious dweomer on a minor leystone, corrupting it and channeling its energy into Melehan. The leystone will only be usable if the Lich is defeated. Dastardly! Devilish! Devious! D- Erm... Yeah!
However, that can prove difficult to do. As the Lich is attacked, it channels the leystone's energy into both defense and offense, fuelling its spells and creating magic barriers around itself or even transporting unwitting adventurers to other locations. Imagine if your tank was transported somewhere else. Dastardly! Devilish! Devious! Etc.!


Finally, somewhere in the darkest depths of the CH world, Melehan awaits. He is surrounded by four minions and two obelisks of the blackest obsidian, from which he draws his power.
The minions, while powerful, are relatively easy to dispatch, but therein lies the adventurer's error. Melehan uses the power of their deaths to unleash a spell that flattens near everything around him. Additionally, whenever Melehan is attacked, the obelisks take turns casting magic barriers on him, rendering him near-impervious to attack.

If the obelisks are destroyed however, the magics that bind Melehan's form to the world unravel and he transforms to his true self, a hideous undead thing that commands all the offensive skills and spells of his followers. This is his most powerful and, strangely, the most vulnerable, form.

Melehan, while a big man, is definitely not a giant. He can actually pass off as any other player. He weilds a shield and a mace, and wears blood-red cloth over black armor studded with bone. His skills include pummel, protective stance, and rupture, as well as AOEs that do damage and inflict disease. He has high autos.

However, in his final form, he is huge. And when he transforms, he casts another AOE. His skills in this form are purely for damage, and he has insane autos using nothing but his claws and fists.

The Questing Beast

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 2:12 pm
by Alpharius

As an alternative to creating my own monster, I thought an interesting idea would be an event boss based around the questing beast from Arturian legend.
This beast although chimera like, has the head of a serpent, body of a leapard, legs of a deer, and is often interpreted with wings.
Although not an original idea I thought this beast would go good with the celtic theme of the game and has a lot of promise for in game flavor.
The questing beast, like recent event bosses would have 4 versions; lvl 50,100,150,200 and would spawn in lirs, fingals cave, otherworld, and carrowmoor tunnels respectively.
What makes the questing beast different/ fun is as it's name implies it will not have a fixed spawn location. Similar to all seeing/knowing one it will have a fixed track to roam in its assigned area. Also I think something new that would be cool to add if possible would be that at the time of its spawn a huge roar should be audible from in game announcing the questing beasts presence, sparking a rush for players to find the questing beast.
I think these two in game mechanics would offer a nice change to camping event bosses the way things currently are and add a nice challenge to inter clan competition.
As far as damage etc I would leave that up to the designers but think it should have a poison attack, magical attacks and setting similar to

As I have no way to post a picture I would request everyone to just google image questing beast as google
Images offers several

Runner up idea
Also keeping with celtic legends and with the coming of St Patricks day a possible boss idea would be the fire spitting demoness Caorthannach who was slain by St Patrick


Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 4:08 pm
by PigWontLaugh
.just ignore this plz, i do not know how to delete my own post.

Re: Fearsome Foe Competition - Win rare unique prizes!

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 4:41 pm
by Bitey
Yule Story Part 1: Into the Maelstrom

Yule Story Part 2: Season of Corruption

The frigid, malevolent wind whipped through Highshore Village battering window shutters, snuffing out candles, and tearing at cloaks as the villagers attempted to make merry on this Yuletide Eve night. The wind rushed across the plains, coating the world with ice, and soared up the hills and craggy mountains which shield Shalemont Ravine from the cold. Up and up the howling wind soared, blowing through the gates of the fortress Rath Torrannach in the snowbound Karpati Mountains which rose to permanently pierce the clouds as if they meant to wound the sky itself.

The wind raced down the ice laden halls, past crumbling tapestries cracked and leached of color by the interminable cold, flowed into the massive throne room, swirled and eddied before the frozen throne, and came to rest before the god Taranis’s feet. Out of the swirling tempest, emerged the grim sprite Volisus.

“My liege, your plans continue apace. The monoliths are in place and guarded as you commanded.” Volisus was the commander of the grim sprite horde that owed their allegiance to Taranis. Volisus gazed at his master intently, waiting for his next orders, although no man could see his eyes. Protected by a shield of sorcery and snow, Volisus appeared as a swirling ball of light and ice.

“Good… good…” boomed the god on his throne of twisted frostiron and ice. “The time is almost upon us to break this world so that I may feast upon the energy within all humankind. With the monoliths in place, I will summon my most powerful minion to Lir’s Reach to finish these pathetic humans.”

“Mankind has a determination like none I have ever seen,” said Volisus barely above a whisper, afraid of challenging his master. “What could possibly break their spirits?”

“First… I will take their hope.”

Taranis’s eyes narrowed and his lips twitched into what could almost be called a smile as the great door facing him opened once again. The great slabs of oak scraped across the frost covered floor revealing a hulking figure flanked by Skur guards, but no longer a prisoner. Broken chains hung from his wrists, ripped apart by the fell energies contained within this creature armored in frostiron, corrupted by the power of Taranis. Not long ago the Yulefather stood in this spot, bloodied and in chains. But no more.

This was a face unfamiliar to any man. This was the Yulegolem.

Yule Story Part 3: Yule's Eve Delivery
Yule Story Part 4: Star of Wonder
Yule Story Part 5: The Sleigh Guides
Yule Story Part 6: Heroes’ Landing
Yule Story Part 7: The Curse
Yule Story Part 8: Winning Hand
Yule Story Part 9: The Best Laid Plans
Yule Story Part 10: Battle of the Four Armies

Yule Golem.jpg
Yule Golem.jpg (112.29 KiB) Viewed 3569 times
Yulegolem - Level 200/6*
Description: Giant frost golem modeled after the Yulefather, carrying a greatsword. Armored in blue frostiron, with a iron cowl around his neck that simulates a beard.On his shoulders are two crystals like the Monoliths have, that have swirling energy around them. Wears a santa hat. He spawns in the field behind Highshore Village to menace the villagers. Read the story to find out why he is behind Highshore (specifically part 10)
Maelstrom – Ice directional AoE attack
Icy Grip – Teleports random person to boss, and adds an ice DoT. Like 2013 summer dragon skill but with ice DoT
Frosty Touch – Skill freezes anyone who melee attacks. Like freeze, but is triggered like a cloak skill
Polar Vortex – Used after 25% life. Periodically teleports 5 random people in range to the nearest leystone
Call for Help – Aggros every monster around it

Volisus the Vile - Level 200/5*
Description: a big spiteful sprite. Very large in size. This is a placeholder boss for the Yulegolem. Spawns in the field behind Highshore Village.
Active Skills:
Ice Shield – energy shield type skill
Sap – AoE energy drain. Large range to get casters
Icy Grip – Teleports random person to boss, and adds an ice DoT. Like 2013 summer dragon skill but with ice DoT
Ice Regeneration – Regenerates HP over time
Call for Help – Aggros every monster around it

Yuleguards - Level 190/4*
Description: 3 Skur guards (blue firbolgs). Adds for the boss
Frenzy of Taranis – Group Frenzy buff.
Retribution – Defensive spikes type buff for group
Call for help – aggros every monster around it

Yule Cleric - Level 190/4*
Description: 1 blue boggan priest add for the boss
Breath of Winter – AoE Heal (as strong as Priestess of the Morrigan by Mordris)
Meltdown – AoE Fire attack
Call for Help – Aggros every monster around it

Drops: Helmets, rings, and charms

Re: Fearsome Foe Competition - Win rare unique prizes!

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 9:22 pm
by Barely
King Aonghus mac Úmhór the Gargoyle (Level 200 or 205).
Resistant to fire but more vulnerable to magic.

Sits atop of a monastery or rock and gets awaken as he senses the power of his enemies, he then comes down for an epic battle.

He is surrounded by four of his minions known as “Oberon’s Children.” They have the same characteristics as the boss and draws evil power from him which strengthens their attacks.

Has the Dark Form ability, where he can transform into a powerful and more sinister evil.
Shadow Mimicry – turns him into shadow thus making him invulnerable to any attacks.
Darkness Manipulation – surronds himself in darkness, thus injuring everyone that attacks him.
Dark Flame – Burns the person its attacking leaving great damage if not properly equipped.

Re: Fearsome Foe Competition - Win rare unique prizes!

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 10:17 pm
by Dawn Knight
Part one of the story is here

The frigid, malevolent wind whipped through Highshore Village battering window shutters, snuffing out candles, and tearing at cloaks as the villagers attempted to make merry on this Yuletide Eve night. The wind rushed across the plains, coating the world with ice, and soared up the hills and craggy mountains which shield Shalemont Ravine from the cold. Up and up the howling wind soared, blowing through the gates of the fortress Rath Torrannach in the snowbound Karpati Mountains which rose to permanently pierce the clouds as if they meant to wound the sky itself.

The wind raced down the ice laden halls, past crumbling tapestries cracked and leached of color by the interminable cold, flowed into the massive throne room, swirled and eddied before the frozen throne, and came to rest before the god Taranis’s feet. Out of the swirling tempest, emerged the grim sprite Volisus.

“My liege, your plans continue apace. The monoliths are in place and guarded as you commanded.” Volisus was the commander of the grim sprite horde that owed their allegiance to Taranis. Volisus gazed at his master intently, waiting for his next orders, although no man could see his eyes. Protected by a shield of sorcery and snow, Volisus appeared as a swirling ball of light and ice.

“Good… good…” boomed the god on his throne of twisted frostiron and ice. “The time is almost upon us to break this world so that I may feast upon the energy within all humankind. With the monoliths in place, I will summon my most powerful minion to Lir’s Reach to finish these pathetic humans.”

“Mankind has a determination like none I have ever seen,” said Volisus barely above a whisper, afraid of challenging his master. “What could possibly break their spirits?”

“First… I will take their hope.”

Taranis’s eyes narrowed and his lips twitched into what could almost be called a smile as the great door facing him opened once again. The great slabs of oak scraped across the frost covered floor revealing a hulking figure flanked by Skur guards, but no longer a prisoner. Broken chains hung from his wrists, ripped apart by the fell energies contained within this creature armored in frostiron, corrupted by the power of Taranis. Not long ago the Yulefather stood in this spot, bloodied and in chains. But no more.

This was a face unfamiliar to any man. This was the Yulegolem.

****Original pictures to come later********


Yulegolem - Level 200/6*
Description: Giant armored man modeled after the Yulefather, carrying a greatsword. Armored in blue frostiron. Spawns in the field behind Highshore Village to menace the villagers.
Maelstrom – Ice directional AoE attack
Icy Grip – Teleports random person to boss, and adds an ice DoT. Like 2013 summer dragon skill but with ice DoT
Frosty Touch – Skill freezes anyone who melee attacks. Like freeze, but is triggered like a cloak skill
Polar Vortex – Used after 25% life. Periodically teleports 5 random people in range to the nearest leystone
Call for Help – Aggros every monster around it

Volisus the Vile - Level 200/5*
Description: a big spiteful sprite. Very large in size. This is a placeholder boss for the Yulegolem. Spawns in the field behind Highshore Village.
Active Skills:
Ice Shield – energy shield type skill
Sap – AoE energy drain. Large range to get casters
Icy Grip – Teleports random person to boss, and adds an ice DoT. Like 2013 summer dragon skill but with ice DoT
Ice Regeneration – Regenerates HP over time
Call for Help – Aggros every monster around it

Yuleguards - Level 190/4*
Description: 3 Skur guards (blue firbolgs). Adds for the boss
Frenzy of Taranis – Group Frenzy buff.
Retribution – Defensive spikes type buff for group
Call for help – aggros every monster around it

Yule Cleric - Level 190/4*
Description: 1 blue boggan priest add for the boss
Breath of Winter – AoE Heal (as strong as Priestess of the Morrigan by Mordris)
Meltdown – AoE Fire attack
Call for Help – Aggros every monster around it

Drops: Helmets, rings, and charms
Er mer gerd the second pic is aqworlds

Re: Fearsome Foe Competition - Win rare unique prizes!

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 11:07 pm
by Malicious
A great hero slain, unknown to modern Dal Riata buried deep within gelebrons tower with all but his sword.
A great evil necromancer lay a dark spell upon the sword reaping the hate and lifeless soul from all the enemies who had fallen before its mighty blade, every man, beast and creature boiled in fear to create a new fear to befall upon these lands.


It's skin thick and bone like, light but yet strong
It draws life from those it slays


Traitors curse
With each outer arm it selects 1 toon to turn onto own friends for 10 seconds

Feral snap
Strikes inner arms together to stun all toons within front facing 180 degrees, whilst stunned you are damaged over time with the fear of what you face.

Striking slash
Haymaker swing dealing massive physical damage to all caught within its way, very few escape the gaping poisoned wound this leaves you dealing damage over time

Dark aura
A mystical aura surrounds the soul fiend as it summons a 1-3 random fallen men, beast or creatures to slay those before it.

Divine damage is this dark beasts weakness but he can and will turn your strongest and most trusted against you.

Re: Fearsome Foe Competition - Win rare unique prizes!

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 12:38 am
by LordSmaug
Carman the Celtic witch (level 200)
Uses black magic the deal damage to any foe willing to challenge her. Skills-Carmans light(splash heat damage that burns the people effected for 15 seconds) Carmans hex (damage done just to one person. Around what a level 200 does)
Weapons-cursed sword (chance to absorb health) and enchanted sheild (chance to block all damage for 10 seconds)
Carman isn't the only boss. Watch out for her three sons
-Dub(darkness in Irish)(level 150)
-Dother(evil)(level 100)
-Dain (violence)(level 50)
skills for sons
-dark damage (splash damage each dealing around what the level boss would)
Dark cloak (deals damage per tic)
-poison sword(Dub)/bow(Dother)/duel wielding daggers(Dain) each with the chance to absorb health
Drops from all
-jewerly doing poison damage for rogue, warrior, ranger. Also adds skill points. For druid adds natures magic and skill points. For mages adds fire/ice and skill points.
-Carman's helm (+health, vit, carmen's sheild (chance to block damage for 10 seconds)) rare drop
-Dub's helm (+health, vit)
-Dother' helm (+health, dex)
-Dain's helm (+health, strength)
These bosses are actual celtic myths (skills/weapons/gear are not) :D
These bosses are guarded by mage/druid followers. One on each side total of 2 each for each boss. These followers only use skills and no auto attack but watch out because the mage does high fire damage and the druid will make sure Carman/sons stay alive, so make sure you kill the followers.