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Re: Competition: Win an exclusive Mount!

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 3:33 am
by Bitey
Necromancer's Cauldron of Fire / Necromancer's Cauldron of Frost / Necromancer's Cauldron of Magic

This mount is a Samhain inspired mount that brings in the storyline of the necromancer with the Beltaine storyline of the 4 brothers empowered by Donn.

These varieties of mounts can be bought from a vendor that travelled from the kingdom of Gwent. These cauldrons, although magical, are lesser versions of the the cauldron possessed by Efnisien, which was empowered by Donn. The same celtic god of the underworld that empowered the 4 brothers. Relic varieties of Cauldrons can be obtained from Gravebound Mystery Chests.

There are 3 varieties of cauldrons, much like the divine brooms that came before: Cauldron of fire, Cauldron of frost, Cauldron of magic. Fire has a fire animation coming out of the cauldron, engulfing the character riding inside. Frost has a blue glow, and magic has the white sparkle animation.

Re: Competition: Win an exclusive Mount!

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 3:38 am
by ChopstickNinja

Re: Competition: Win an exclusive Mount!

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 3:49 am
by Justjamie
May I present the beautiful icy blue owl perched on a branch from the tree of life.

Crann bethadh, or the tree of life, was believed to have special powers.

I apologize for the poor quality of the pictures. This is a basic idea. I tried my best to illustrate it but I'm not an artist lol. I'm obviously also terrible at Photoshop.

Re: Competition: Win an exclusive Mount!

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 3:51 am
by Justjamie
The coloring of the owl is inspired by this photo. The colors on the previous photos didnt show up. Sorry!

Re: Competition: Win an exclusive Mount!

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 4:06 am
by Marshill
Has gravity got you down? Try the new Mercurial Shoe inserts to lift your spirits. These shoe add-ons fit on underneath any shoe or boot and cause the user to hover off the ground. They are celtic-themed being inspired by the god, Lugh, but yet also with a taste of the modern since on the heel is the fleur-de-lis, the symbol of my hometown.

Now wait you may ask why I entered a shoe in a mount contest. Well the effect of weightlessness is that you have to unequip any item in your main hand or offhand, but your speed is increased. Auto-attack and skills are disabled.


Re: Competition: Win an exclusive Mount!

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 4:51 am
by KingRaaa
Good luck everyone.

Re: Competition: Win an exclusive Mount!

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 6:01 am
by Fin3
hye . mine is an eagle without skin or fur . it known as flaming garuda and the red arrow indicate a place to sit .

Re: Competition: Win an exclusive Mount!

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 6:27 am
by xvanguardx
Nature stag of Cernunnos

Description: This stag has been said to been ridden by the god Cernunnos himself, granting it the ability of nature. Tangled vines surround it and grass grows at its foot steps. When this stag is ridden, it grants the ability Ram of nature which deals up to 500 slashing damage. and a 100% speed bonus is granted.

Slot: Mount
Slashing Damage: 25
Attack speed: 3000
Grants skill: Ram of nature

The celtic god of the hunt/nature is Cernunnos and is interpreted as half stag half human. I have always wanted to use a stag in game and i think this is just the perfect fit! Hope i win :) took me a couple hours to draw. Also, good luck to all others who have entered.

Also, when i was drew this i dropped a bit of water on it, so it may be a bit wrinkly. But i guess thats some proof i drew it eh? :lol:

Re: Competition: Win an exclusive Mount!

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 7:06 am
by ShannonFromLugh
Dragonfly mount :)

Re: Competition: Win an exclusive Mount!

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 8:15 am
by xRangerZ
This is a dragon glider. It took me a while to make.