Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices


a person named xwarriorx sold me a fake account he gave me the password first then he asked for 9k so i gave it to him he told me the username but when i tried logging in it didnt work now he just ignores me everytime i ask for my money back what should i do? :x
Name: Rawr
World: Arawn
Level: 133
Location: England
Age: 19

Re: xwarriorx

that sucks.i havnt seen an option to report someone in game but this should also be a lesson to all never try to buy someones account.even if you do find someone that sells you a legit high lvl toon all your really doing is hurting yourself.first off you wont really know how to play the character and that will become obvious when you enter a group for a boss fight.it also cheapens the game.i personally like knowing i am the one putting the time and effort into my toons.it gives the game more meaning for me

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