Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

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Re: addiction

Well a cure for ur adiction light is to face ur wall( or any blank/drab spot u can think of) an repeat to urself out loud " i lightchamp am a n00b and will never be as n00by as the n00biest n00b in all the land"(repeat 50-100 times). Ur will to strive to be a better n00b will be broken and...

Re: And so it continues.......

What i mean is that i was always like that, so if the virus strain i have doesnt come from the clan then where did it originate? Nuclear wastes? Cosmic background radiation? Government testing? Aliens? Does the cure work if u were born like this, or is the desease coded into my DNA permanently.

Re: Greedyness

Greed is a big problem. People are so greedy right now, the other day i asked in shout if i could have 1 mill. I never got my 1 mill cause peeps are greedy

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