Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Search found 70 matches

Re: Global Auction House

I would like to bring up an added function for the lost time lux shop (LTLS). Currently, my server (Sulis) has problems with LTLS nobody is buying anything from the LTLS. Currently, if you don't want the LTLS item you shouldn't buy it because nobody wants that LTLS at that lux shop's price or they w...

Re: Global Auction House

Changing to a global AH would make it more fair for all players to enjoy the game even if they unwittingly get landed on a server where they suffer from massive inflation. Yea, currently the game encourages people to be on a server with many players or a server with no inflation. I feel like a glob...

Re: Global Auction House

Cant fully agree with you on this point due to anyone who does sell drops from their clan makes a new account to sell these drops, as a level 1 account wouldnt be in the clan it would have no clan tag on the ah, along with that the name wont be one that the clan will notice or know. That's somethin...

Re: Global Auction House

I see decent equipment in the auction all the time. Gele weps, Hrung helms, etc... of course the trash will far outweigh the goods, which is to be expected, but there are definitely some good items in there more often than you think. Items that other servers would consider to be good. As for the ed...

Re: Global Auction House

I literally created an account to look at Espona. To be honest, your overall items to weapons ratio is about the same as my server (Sulis). Also, your server doesn't sell things at "dirt cheap." It is actually around the same price. Yes your pet tokens are cheaper, but that's honestly it. ...

Re: Global Auction House

Huge -1 to this for reasons I’ve described in different posts. In short: Based on how the game is ran and the intentional low drop rates of certain items, an implementation of this would devastate certain servers while others would greatly benefit. Yeah the low drop rates I feel like are to encoura...

Re: Global Auction House

Huge -1 to this for reasons I’ve described in different posts. In short: Based on how the game is ran and the intentional low drop rates of certain items, an implementation of this would devastate certain servers while others would greatly benefit. Yeah the low drop rates I feel like are to encoura...

Re: Global Auction House

the situation as i see it is ah has not helped but hindered the economy and this is something ive seen across all servers since its release How so? I personally disagree, but I would like to hear more. I know some people have said that the ah hurt the economy. Including the youtuber Dr. Exe. I thin...

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